Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 297 Monitor f criminal suspects! 【For full order, please customize】

The police station on the other side was successfully connected to Zhou Ziyan's monitoring system. The police station system backed up the content of Zhou Ziyan's conversation with the beautician in the beauty room before, and now monitors the content of the beauty agency.

The two waited in the rest room for a long time, and finally the beautician brought the host over. The beautician told the host to take them to see Manager Huang.

Then the host took the two of them through the elevator to the fourth floor, which was the floor where Ning Cheng had just watched to take away the troublesome woman.

The receptionist brought them to the door of the office, which was the same office that Ning Cheng had just visited. The sign said Zhongmeng Co., Ltd.

The waiter knocked on the door of the office, and an awkward mandarin came from the office: "Please come in!"

The owner of the voice was Manager Huang, whom Ning Cheng had just met. The receptionist pushed open the door, sent the two people in, told them to deal with the beauty loan here, and left.

Seeing the two people coming in, Manager Huang said in awkward Mandarin, "Are you two going to apply for a Meiyong loan?"

Manager Huang waited for Ning Cheng to come in, only to see that it was a young man who had just been there. Ning Cheng had signaled to the police station as early as the stairwell and told them 427 that as long as he signaled in the office Just rush up.

Manager Huang looked at Ning Cheng who came in and said, "Hey, this is not the little brother just now. Did you just come over to inquire about the Jiege Meiyong loan?"

Ning Cheng nodded and replied, "That's right, I came here by myself just now, and then you searched for the documents for me and couldn't find it, so I went to pick up my wife first."

Manager Huang said: "Yes, yes, I just said that I remembered correctly. I just found the document, and it happens that you are going to sign this contract. Both of you and your wife should take a look."

Saying that, Manager Huang handed two people a document and let them look at it first.

Zhou Ziyan flipped through the folder in her hand, and then cooperated with Ning Cheng with her eyes.

Ning Cheng said to Manager Huang, "Your loan is legal, right?"

Manager Huang said: "You can rest assured that we are a proper legal order, so you don't have to worry about legal issues."

Zhou Ziyan said after she had read it almost, "Okay, I have almost read it. I feel there is no problem with the contract. When can we sign the contract?"

Manager Huang looked at the two and thought that another fish was hooked. It was great, and he quickly said, "If there is no problem, you can sign the contract today. Do you have your ID card? You need Ms. Zhou to show her ID card."

Zhou Ziyan thought about the pseudonym she used and said, "I didn't bring my ID card today, why don't you give me a copy of the contract, and then I'll ask my husband to get the ID card first."

Manager Huang became suspicious when he heard this. Before the couple came, the beauty agency had already told them to bring their ID cards. The more the couple looked at it, the more strange they became.

Moreover, Manager Huang felt that all the signs of Ning Cheng just now were very suspicious, and it was impossible for the beautician in the beauty agency to ask customers who had not yet been determined to come to the loan company.

Another most suspicious point is that this woman's watch seems to be neatly moved on purpose, like a monitoring device.

Manager Huang showed a suspicious expression and suddenly snatched the watch. Ning Cheng and Zhou Ziyan were snatched away before they could react.

Manager Huang looked at his watch and shouted: "It turned out to be a monitoring device. What the hell are you doing? After talking, he called the surrounding Shinobi to go forward and tie the two up."

Ning Cheng looked at the uniforms of several people who wanted to go forward and used the grappling technique one by one. Zhou Ziyan was also helping. This manager Huang saw that the situation was not right, and felt that the two might be the police and was ready to escape.

Ning Cheng saw that he wanted to run away, so he signaled the outside, put down the person he had just caught, and chased after him.

Outside, Zhao Xiaoan brought people from the police station in, and subdued all the people from Zhongmeng Company one by one.

Manager Huang obviously knew the environment very well, and quickly and proficiently opened (cdbc) to escape, while Ning Cheng ran and chased after him. Although Manager Huang was familiar with the terrain, he was still not as fast as Ning Cheng.

The girls on the next street looked at Ning Cheng, who was chasing Manager Huang, and instantly became addicted. This is a plot that only exists in the movie. The street outside is also a shopping street, so there are many little girls.

When the little girls around saw this scene, they took a video of Ning Cheng and prepared to post it online.

The nympho all around were watching Ning Cheng.

Then Ning Cheng quickly caught the manager Huang, but there were people around him. Ning Cheng reluctantly took out his police ID and said, "Ning Cheng, captain of the Jiangcheng Criminal Police Brigade, please spread out and cooperate with us in catching the criminals."

When the surrounding people heard Ning Cheng's words, they made way for Ning Cheng.

Ning Cheng walked out with Manager Huang.

Ning Cheng put Manager Huang and other people from Zhongmeng Company on the police car, and then got into his own police car. In the police car, Zhou Ziyan was already waiting for him in the car.

After getting into the car, Ning Cheng said with a smile, "I didn't expect our Zhou team's acting skills to be so good, even I admired it. Especially the angry part, it was just like a little wife's performance."

Zhou Ziyan was already very embarrassed by being teased by Ning Cheng, and even more embarrassed when she remembered that Ning Cheng pinched her face just now, her face instantly turned red, and she said to Ning Cheng.

"Ning Cheng, if you don't shut up, I will screw your head off for you." Zhou Ziyan said angrily.

Ning Cheng made a silent gesture to Zhou Ziyan, then turned around with a smile and continued to drive.

Ning Cheng's team soon arrived at the police station. After they detained the beauty loan people at the police station, Ning Cheng and Mu Xiaoyu went to investigate the black industry chain of this beauty agency.

He followed Zhou Ziyan to interrogate this manager Huang, who is also the real shareholder of these two institutions.

When Ning Cheng arrived in the interrogation room, he saw that Manager Huang was doing it in the interrogation room with his head down.

The manager Huang said, "I have nothing to say, just catch me quickly."

Ning Cheng looked at Manager Huang in the interrogation room, who was dejected but not particularly flustered and began to say: "Manager Huang, I think you haven't figured out your current situation yet, we are not just arresting you for your illegal beauty loan. of."

"There is another reason for us to arrest you. You are involved in a murder case, have you heard clearly?" Now Ning Cheng's aura was extremely strong, he looked at Manager Huang in front of him and said.

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