Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 295 Break into the interior! 【Seeking complete order and customized order】

"Then the loan company you mentioned is reliable?" Zhou Ziyan continued to ask.

"Yes, you can rest assured. The lending companies are all legal and the records that can be found by the tax company are legal. You don't have to worry about it. Ours are all legal and reasonable."

Zhou Ziyan pretended to be very interested in understanding, and the beautician saw that Zhou Ziyan was very interested and felt that Zhou Ziyan had already been caught.

The beautician continued to introduce to Zhou Ziyan, and Zhou Ziyan also adjusted her monitor watch to a suitable position to record.

After the beautician's introduction, Zhou Ziyan expressed her interest in this, but she was a little embarrassed.

"I think the one you introduced is really good, but I have to discuss with my husband about the loan here. Just wait for me, he's delivering takeaways, just wait a moment and I'll discuss it with her. Come in."

Listening to Zhou Ziyan's answer, the beautician got up to open the door for Zhou Ziyan and asked Zhou Ziyan to find Ning Cheng.

After Zhou Ziyan left the office door, she saw that the person who received her was already waiting at the door, and she asked where her husband had gone.

The receptionist told me that she was waiting for her in Room 23 next to the lounge. She asked the receptionist to take her to find Ning Cheng. When she got to the lounge, she found that there was no Ning Cheng in the lounge.

The receptionist listened to Zhou Ziyan saying no, she told Zhou Ziyan to wait a moment, she said that she remembered that someone in the lounge asked where the bathroom was, maybe to go to the bathroom.

Zhou Ziyan took out her mobile phone and called Ning Cheng.

After the call was connected, Zhou Ziyan asked, "Darling, where are you? I'm all done, come over quickly. I have something to discuss with you."

Ning Cheng listened to Zhou Ziyan's words and replied ok, then quickly got down from the loan company and walked here quickly.

Zhou Ziyan has been followed by a receptionist, and she is not easy to talk at all.

Ning Cheng came over quickly, saw the reception next to Zhou Ziyan and said, "I'm sorry, my dear. I just went to the toilet and got lost. I just found the place where I came back after asking for directions."

Zhou Ziyan smiled at the reception and said, "Is this the men's lounge? Can I go in?"

The receptionist replied: "Yes, this is a men's lounge. If you need a lounge, we will arrange a private lounge for you. Do you need it?"

Zhou Ziyan said: "Yes, I need it, you can help me prepare one, I want to discuss with my husband about the store."

The receptionist replied, "Okay, I'll make arrangements for you."

After talking about the reception, she went down, and she went to find the room.

Zhou Ziyan looked at the receptionist who had left, looked at Ning Cheng and said, "What's the situation, have you found anything?"

Ning Cheng said: "I found a lot, and upstairs is the location of the loan company, just above this company."

"When I was outside just now, a girl got into trouble with this beauty agency for some unknown reason."

"But according to the voice of the girl's shouting, it should be because of the loan here. There is absolutely nothing wrong with them."

Zhou Ziyan listened to Ning Cheng, and she also said: "The beautician just now also introduced me to the beauty loan here. There are many loopholes in this loan, and it is not like a loan from a regular company at all."

"If I'm not mistaken, this company should have a lot of secrets, far more than we think."

After Zhou Ziyan finished speaking, the reception came.

The receptionist told them that a private private room had been prepared for them, and they could talk in that private room, and then they could go directly to the receptionist and the beautician if they had anything.

The reception has been waiting outside the door.

After the receptionist brought Zhou Ziyan and Ning Cheng in, they went out.

She closed the door and left the two in the rest room. Zhou Ziyan suspected that there was a pinhole camera in the room, so she did not dare to discuss this button with Ning Cheng.

"Dear, we can consider this loan. I think this loan is still very favorable, what do you think. With our salary, we can change the loan every month." Zhou Ziyan pretended to say.

Ning Cheng replied, "Okay, dear. But is this really reliable? I'm afraid this company will be unreliable."

Zhou Ziyan said: "No, the beautician has already introduced it to me, this is a legal procedure, it is reasonable and legal, and there is no risk."

"And this one has a discount for this beauty, which is very cost-effective in all aspects." Zhou Ziyan deliberately pretended to be very concerned about this.

Ning Cheng also pretended to be concerned and said, "Really, is this a good deal? Tell me about what it looks like. I'll ask my friends who took out loans before and let them see if it's reliable."

As expected, at the door, the receptionist turned on the surveillance camera and watched the every move of the two people in the room.

The voices of the two people were all transmitted through the headset of the receptionist.

Ning Cheng and Zhou Ziyan discussed it for a while, and Ning Cheng said, "It sounds good, or we can give it a try. Let's talk to the beautician."

The receptionist outside the door looked at the monitor, listened to the voice in the headset, and quickly put away the monitor, pretending that nothing had happened.

Zhou Ziyan and Ning Cheng opened the door of the rest room, and the receptionist outside the door had long known that the beauty they were discussing in the room was all ready.

The beauty 427 teacher also prepared the publicity plan for the beauty loan.

Zhou Ziyan told the receptionist about the situation and told her that they still wanted to try this. The receptionist replied politely,

He said: "You two wait a moment, I will call your beautician to explain to you about this package and the loan content, you can just wait in the room, your beautician will come right away. "

Zhou Ziyan and Ning Cheng went back to the room, and after the receptionist closed the door for them, they spoke on the walkie-talkie: "The beautician No. 037 can come here. The two here want to know about the loan."

The beautician serving Zhou Ziyan heard her calling, so she got up and prepared the loan leaflet and took it with her.

Ning Cheng borrowed the time in the room pretending to arrange clothes for Zhou Ziyan, secretly enlarged the monitoring system in Zhou Ziyan's watch, and contacted the police station to match Zhou Ziyan's monitoring system.

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