Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 291 Beauty and beauty agency! 【Please order and customize】

"Dong Niannian didn't seem to be very interested in beauty before, but I don't know why he suddenly transferred such a large sum of money." Mu Xiaoyu's voice came from the phone.

Ning Cheng replied that he knew, and hung up the phone.

It seems that I am going to take a trip to this beautiful institution.

But it seems that it is not suitable for a man to go to a beauty salon, so he asked Zhou Ziyan to play a play with him.

Ning Cheng wanted Zhou Ziyan to play his wife, and then took Zhou Ziyan to Meimei Beauty Hospital.

Ning Cheng specially picked two pairs of clothes for Zhou Ziyan and himself to put on, and then took Zhou Ziyan to Meimei Beauty Hospital.

After arriving at the Meimei Plastic Surgery Hospital, Ning Cheng looked at the building from the outside. The entire institution was not particularly large, and even the plastic surgery institution only had one floor of the building, which was a very ordinary office building.

But for Pu Xiaotao and Dong Niannian, neither of them will appear here. ’

According to what they had to know, although Pu Xiaotao was the hotel's escort girl, she was usually frugal and would never go to a beauty agency.

And Dong Niannian, not to mention, her life is two points and one line between the school and her home, and she will not go to places like beauty salons at all. ’

So this beauty salon definitely has a secret about Dong Niannian and Pu Xiaotao.

The two first sat in the coffee shop downstairs. He asked Zhou Ziyan to get through the consultation call of this beautiful beauty hospital. They had to pretend to be interested in their institution.

After Zhou Ziyan called, there was a voice from the front desk over the phone.

"Hello, Meimei Medical Beauty Center, do you have any needs?"

"Hello, I know an agency from my friend. I want to take care of my facial skin. I want to ask if there are any related packages?" Zhou Ziyan said pretending to be very interested.

"Okay, ma'am. We have a lot of facial cleansing packages here. You have to come and have a check on your face before you can determine which package is right for you. Do you think you have time to come over recently.¨? "

Ning Cheng has achieved his goal by listening to the answer over there. As long as he can enter the beauty and beauty agency, he can find the secret about this agency. Ning Cheng listened carefully to the conversation between the two.

Zhou Ziyan continued to say, "Yes, I have time. How long will it take for this to pass."

"I need to make an appointment with you. Please wait a moment. I will check for you the beauticians who have time today and make an appointment with you. If you are quick, you should be able to do it today."

Zhou Ziyan answered yes and waited.

Soon a voice came over the phone and said: "Hello, ma'am. I saw today's beauty and time beautician for you and made an appointment for you. Do you have time at 5 o'clock this afternoon?"

Zhou Ziyan replied: "Yes, it's ok today. Is it five o'clock, okay, I see. I'll be there at five o'clock."

"Okay, ma'am. Leave your contact phone number and name and I'll make a registration with you."

"Okay, the phone number is the one you're calling now. My surname is Zhou, and my first name is Yan. Just make a note of Zhou Yan." Zhou Ziyan deliberately didn't tell them her real name.

After all, Zhou Ziyan is still famous in the police circle, so she left a fake name in case this kind of beauty agency knew about it and could find it.

"Okay, Ms. Zhou. We've made an appointment for you at five o'clock in the afternoon for a facial skin. You can come over and report your name directly.

At that time, someone who will directly receive you will take you to find the beautician who has made an appointment for you. If you have no other questions, we will hang up the phone here. I wish you a happy life and goodbye. "

Zhou Ziyan listened to the busy tone of the phone hanging up and looked at Ning Cheng, Ning Cheng glanced at the time, it was 3:40 now.

It's still an hour and 20 minutes before five o'clock, Ning Cheng said, "Let's stay here for a while, and then go outside to inquire about this beauty agency."

Zhou Ziyan nodded in agreement, and the two did so in the cafe.

Ning Cheng looked at the report on this beautiful beauty agency sent by Mu Xiaoyu's mobile phone, and he said, "This beauty agency may be more complicated than we thought."

Ning Cheng handed the data in the mobile phone to Zhou Ziyan, and Zhou Ziyan frowned when she saw the data in the mobile phone.

The information sent by Mu Xiaoyu showed that the reputation of this beauty agency was not particularly good. Many people said that this beauty agency looked cheap and was fake, and it was full of routines.

There is also another report on this beauty agency. The founder of this beauty agency has another company besides this beauty, but there is no news about this company at all.

Another company is a leather bag company, but the flow of funds is still quite large.

Like a loan company, Zhou Ziyan looked at the information sent by Mu Xiaoyu, frowning her brows.

She understands that this beauty agency must be more complicated than she imagined, and it is likely that a series of black industrial chains are involved behind it.

Ning Cheng replied to Mu Xiaoyu: "¨々Check the founder of this institution to see if the holder of this institution has anything to do with Pu Xiaotao or Dong Niannian."

When Mu Xiaoyu heard Ning Cheng's order, she immediately checked it out.

Zhou Ziyan listened to Mu Xiaoyu's reply. Said: "Xiaoyu's work efficiency is high, you have to praise her."

Ning Cheng Tsundere said, "That little girl can't brag too much, she's proud of herself, she just needs to brag appropriately."

Zhou Ziyan listened to Ning Cheng's answer and smiled but didn't speak. It's not easy to do things under Ning Cheng's hands, and she couldn't help but feel sorry for Mu Xiaoyu.

They sat inside until about 4:30 and left the coffee shop. Ning Cheng and Zhou Ziyan found that although this beauty agency is not a large beauty agency, there are still quite a lot of customers.

And the people who come here don't look like some people, they are basically women who look at ordinary families, or they are students.

Compared with other beauty agencies, the audience of this beauty agency are people from ordinary families.

According to the information sent by Mu Xiaoyu, the packages in this beauty agency are also very low-priced and very favorable.

Looking at the people who came down from the beauty salon, Ning Cheng had a bad premonition about this beauty salon, which may be involved in many things.

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