Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 284 The secret of the Dong family! 【Please order and customize】

"The day-to-day bullying of the two sisters in the orphanage may have been far more painful than we thought."

Zhou Ziyan listened to Ning Cheng and looked at him, and she admired him more, but at the same time she felt more pity for the two sisters.

Ning Cheng continued: "When their mother went to pick up Dong Niannian, don't you think it's strange that she gave up the idea of ​​getting her back without even seeing her daughter? The reason for these things can be known from Dong's house on purpose. ."

The two of them chatted in the car and chatted about the case before arriving at Dong's house. Zhou Ziyan walked in front and took Ning Cheng to the door of Dong's house. Ning Cheng looked at the Dong's villa, which was alright, but it was more stylish.

But it did not show that the Dong family was particularly rich. Compared with the adoptive family before Dong Niannian was a child, the family situation was average. This "four-one-three" further confirmed Ning Cheng's guess.

It was Dong's nanny who opened the door. When she saw Zhou Ziyan, she welcomed Zhou Ziyan in. The last time Zhou Ziyan came to Dong's house, she knew this was the police investigating her family.

She told the two of them to sit in the living room and wait for a while. Dong's father was not at home, and Dong's mother was resting.

After a while, the wife of the Dong family came out to greet the two of them. The wife of the Dong family didn't beat around the bush, but said directly: The two must have been to the orphanage. "

Zhou Ziyan replied: "Yes, we got some information from the orphanage and want to suit you."

Ning Cheng stared at Madam Dong and looked at Madam Dong. As if ready, Mrs. Dong wanted to tell what she had kept in her heart for a long time.

Mrs. Dong sighed and said, "Just ask if you have any questions. We are really sorry for Nian Nian."

Ning Cheng then asked, "When Dong Niannian was adopted by you, did her biological mother come to look for her?"

Mrs. Dong listened to Ning Cheng's question and said, "Yes, in the third year we adopted Nian Nian, it seems that her mother came over. We did not check Nian Nian's life experience before adopting Nian Nian."

"We really wanted a child at the time, but because of my health, I couldn't have one, so we had to adopt a child. Later, we found Nian Nian. My husband and I fell in love with Nian at first sight. read"

"The first time we saw Nian Nian, we liked her very much. She also has a younger sister. We knew at the time that Nian Nian had a good relationship with his sister, and the dean also told us, so we deliberately pretended to adopt it. like two"

"But in fact, we just want to adopt a child. After Niannian came home with us, he was very obedient and good-looking every day. We also liked Niannian very much, but Niannian couldn't forget her sister and kept chatting with us. her sister."

"We can only fool her for various reasons, until one day her mother came, and her mother wanted to go back to Nian Nian, but we all liked Nian Nian at the time, and we didn't want to give it to her mother."

"We gave her mother a lot of money at the time and told her to adopt her sister. As long as she doesn't come, we will give her a fixed amount of money every time, provided that the sister must be adopted."

"We later learned about the two sisters' childhood and told her mother that she must adopt her sister as long as she can successfully take her away."

"So her mother didn't make trouble. She took the money and left. We have been hiding these things from Nian Nian, and she has never known about these things we did."

Zhou Ziyan listened to Mrs. Dong's words, and she felt distressed for Dong Niannian. She was misunderstood by the people around her. She entered Dong's house with hope to let her sister live a good life.

My mother came over and left without seeing my face and took the money. I heard the director of the orphanage say that his sister was picked up by his mother and that when his mother went to pick him up, he guessed that his mother was taking the money. just left.

Zhou Ziyan felt very distressed for Dong Niannian when she thought of this. Dong Niannian was still a child at that time, and she had to endure so much. Her sister was taken away without even looking at her sister and her mother.

Zhou Ziyan understood in her heart why the relationship between Dong Niannian and the Dong family was not so good. The real reason should be this.

Mrs. Dong was very melancholy and continued: "After we knew that Niannian's sister was taken away, we pretended to agree to Niannian and agreed to agree to Niannian's promise to adopt her sister. We knew that her sister had been taken away, we just I want her to die."

Zhou Ziyan listened to Mrs. Dong and couldn't help but admire Ning Cheng even more. This was all the same as what Ning Cheng told her. Zhou Ziyan looked at Ning Cheng, and Ning Cheng seriously recorded Mrs. Dong's in the record book. Words...  

Mrs. Dong held her forehead sadly. She said, "For so many years, our husband and wife have been saying that this will be hidden in our hearts. We also know that we can't treat a child like this, but we really have no other way."

Zhou Ziyan asked, "Did Nian Nian never know what happened to you at that time?"

Mrs. Dong shook her head. Obviously, they didn't know that Dong Niannian already knew these things on the day he went to pick up his sister, and he had already guessed what kind of person his mother was.

Zhou Ziyan understood, Dong Niannian knew everything, but she didn't say anything or question the Dong family and the couple. Everything was held in her heart by her. She didn't say anything and endured it all by herself.

Ning Cheng, who was on the side, also listened to Mrs. Dong's story with a solemn expression. He had already guessed everything, but he really sympathized with Dong Niannian.

How tragic her childhood must have been, how hopeless that day was for her little one, he couldn't imagine how Dong Niannian could survive alone, and all her hopes were wiped out.

They didn't tell Mrs. Dong that Dong Niannian knew all this. After all, the couple were both old, and telling them would only make them feel more guilty. It's good that they have at least cared about Dong Niannian for 1.2 years.

When they came out of Dong's house, both of them were silent. Zhou Ziyan admired Ning Cheng's reasoning ability from the bottom of her heart. She could deduce the plot of the whole story according to the character's character and the background of the story, which made her really admire.

"Your ability to resolve cases is really high. From the beginning, when you first entered the criminal investigation team to the present, I really admire you, Ning Cheng," Zhou Ziyan said while looking at Ning Cheng.

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