Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 267 Monitoring of the gas station! 【Please order and customize】

"Exchange, exchange quickly."

"Di, the exchange is successful."

As soon as the system finished speaking, a credit card bill appeared in front of Ning Cheng. He looked closely, and found Melo's credit card spending records.

Mello's credit card spending was various, but at five o'clock the next morning after Lin Guyun's funeral, there was a strange purchase.

This is a gas station near Huaicheng Scenic Spot. Ning Cheng saw it when he went to Huaicheng.

But you must go to the gas station to have a look. There must be something in it that you don't know.

"Xiaoyu, pack up. Let's go to Huaicheng together. We need to investigate some things."

Mu Xiaoyu was a little stunned: "Go to the gas station?"

"Yes, Melo's credit card statement shows that he went to Huaicheng the day after Lin Guyun's funeral. Looking at the consumption situation, he went to the police station nine times out of ten."

Mu Xiaoyu's eyes lit up: "Captain Ning, let's go now."

Although the gas station is close to the scenic resort of Huaicheng, it is also in the wilderness. To put it an exaggeration, this is the only place within a five-kilometer radius to see living people.

The gas station is very small, but it is still clean. As a private gas station, it has a huge sign on the side of the road with the logo and name of the gas station on it.

"Unicorn gas station."

Mu Xiaoyu read 397 unconsciously.

"It's a good middle school name."

In the gas station, only employees are walking back and forth, and there is not a single car.

When they saw Ning Cheng coming over, they thought it was a refueling car: "Sir, what type of gasoline do you want to add?"

"I'm Ning Cheng, the detective captain of the Jiangcheng Police Department. I'm here to investigate the matter about Mero."

Ning Cheng made a blank face and took out his police officer ID.

Originally, the employees still had a smile on their faces, but as soon as Ning Cheng's words came out, the complexions of several employees turned from ruddy to blue.

"I, I'm going to find our boss!"

Behind the gas station, there is a small room where the boss came out.

"Police officer, we are all good people who abide by the law. Don't wrong us like this."

"I didn't even say what happened? Why did I wrong you?"

Ning Cheng looked at the boss like an x-ray, wishing to see through the boss's internal organs.

With a height of 185 and a body of nearly 100 kilograms, this man looks like a mountain of meat.

With the fearful and flattering expression on his face, it is really an indescribable sense of disobedience.

The boss's body was so-so, wearing the orange overalls of the gas station, and it was stained.

Ning Cheng's first glance at this person was that he was uncomfortable.

It's not how ugly this man is, but his expression. He looks smiling, but in fact, he can't wait to swallow you.

"Okay, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm sorry, Mr. Officer."

"Okay, you call out the surveillance from the other day, we need to see something."

Ning Cheng didn't know why, but he didn't have a good tone for the man in front of him.

"What is the exact date of the month?"

Facing Ning Cheng's unfriendly tone at all, the boss didn't mean to be anxious at all, but still smiled.

"It was the surveillance four days ago, at five o'clock in the morning."

"No problem, it is our obligation to cooperate with the police officers in investigating the case."

The computer used to check the monitoring is in the gas station owner's house, and there is nothing in it except a desk, a computer and a bed.

Sure enough, at five o'clock in the morning, Melo appeared at the door of the gas station, but he was not alone.

And Shen Honglang.

When Mero was refueling, Shen Honglang got out of the co-pilot, took something out of the trunk, and threw it directly into the trash can at the gas station.

Good guy, it seems that these three people really don't have a word of truth in their mouths.

Ning Cheng watched this surveillance back and forth: "Xiaoyu, let's go and see that trash can."

The trash can was just outside the gas station, and as soon as Ning Cheng opened it, it was already full of trash.

"Captain Ning, do you want to turn over the trash can?"

"Yes, hopefully the trash can has not been cleaned."

The two of them poured out the trash can (cdbc), and it was almost full of fallen leaves and paper balls. There was only a black mass, which was extremely conspicuous.

Ning Cheng pulled the lump out of the garbage, and it turned out to be a canvas bag.

Open the bag, and inside is a shovel that looks a little worn.

Carrying a shovel in a place like this, what else can Ning Cheng do besides digging?

Although there are few people here, there is a very dense forest behind the gas station.

Protected by the Huaicheng government, this piece of land has not turned into a bare residential building community.

"Hou Shan, Mero and the others may have buried something."

Ning Cheng pointed to the grove: "The death of Tian Shu and his wife's children is probably related to them. Maybe they are the ones who killed them."

He had already come to a conclusion in his heart, but now there is only one piece of evidence missing, the evidence that the two men killed the boy.

But this grove is so big, how can they find the key evidence? The two of them can't be like headless flies, searching through the woods bit by bit.

"Captain Ning, when will this be found? No matter how much of this forest there is a large area."

"Suppose, if the body was really buried, what would it look like in the woods?"

Mu Xiaoyu looked at the towering trees around her: "When a person dies, it will rot, and then it will become fertilizer, making the surrounding plants more lush."

She pointed her fingers and said word by word: "Then, the surrounding flowers and plants will be more lush."

"That's right, we just need to look for it, where there are plants that look lush." ​​Ning Cheng's eyes looked around.

A small tree stood there in a daze, out of tune with the surrounding towering trees.

After all, there are almost no small trees in this forest.

First, because the government has protected the forest, the big trees have not been damaged much, and these big trees will also deprive the life of small plants, which makes it impossible for small creatures to survive here.

But the small tree in front of it is different. It is surrounded by lush weeds, like a weak person who is warming up in a group.

"It's here, it seems." Ning Cheng has raised the shovel in his hand.

They reported to the police station before they came to the gas station, mainly because they were really afraid of finding something, and they couldn't collect them, such as scattered corpses.

A shovel went down, and I saw Bai Huahua's bones.

It may be because of the relatively long time, so there are many small scars on the originally white bones, which seems to be the credit of microorganisms.

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