Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 258 Find some1 to top the bag! 【Please order and customize】

Ning Cheng was not polite, and went directly into the villa with Zhou Ziyan. .

Mu Xiaoyu has checked this villa, and Andre has lived there for about a week, so there are nine out of ten murders that happened here.

Sure enough, in the center of the courtyard of the villa, there is a huge swimming pool.

Ning Cheng's system immediately prompted: "The salt content of the water in the swimming pool is the same as the salt content of Bailu's lungs."

Hearing the system say this, Ning Cheng understood with seven or eight points, that Bai Lu died in this swimming pool.

"Zi Yan, let someone pump the water in the swimming pool and take out the leaking net inside."

Andre watched with interest as a few people were busy, while he stood leisurely watching the play.

The leaking net of the swimming pool was quickly cleaned up, and it was full of small glass fragments, exactly the same as the glass fragments found at Bailu's head.

Ning Cheng stood on the edge of the pool, looking at the empty pool.

"If I'm not mistaken, Bai Lu was standing on the edge of the swimming pool and was hit in the head by a glass wine bottle, then fell into the swimming pool and drowned, didn't he? Mr. Andre."

If they could hit someone with their eyes, they wouldn't know how many times they were going to work hard.

Just when Ning Cheng was about to put handcuffs on Andre, Mu Xiaoyu's phone rang, and it was from his boss.

"Xiaoyu, come back quickly, someone has already surrendered."


Mu Xiaoyu thought she had heard it wrong, and her eyes widened: "Someone turned himself in?"

"Yes, she said that she killed Bai Lu, the front desk of Gao Dai."

Andre looked at Mu Xiaoyu with a smile, and then glanced at Ning Cheng: "Mr. Police, don't wrong a good person."

Zhou Ziyan sneered: "Only you know if anyone has been wronged."

Ning Cheng hurried back to the police station, Zhuang Xinyan was already sitting in the interrogation room.

Ning Cheng didn't ask Mu Xiaoyu to try this woman this time. In all likelihood, she had already negotiated with Andre to take the blame.

"Zhuang Xinyan, right, tell me, how did you kill Bai Lu?"

"That night, Andre organized a dinner party in his villa, and Bai Lu and I stayed until the latest."

Saying that, she deliberately wiped the corners of her eyes with the handkerchief she took out from nowhere.

"and then?"

For this kind of nonsense, Ning Cheng didn't have any mood swings.

"Andre drank too much, so he went upstairs first, but Bai Lu was still there. He started to touch me when he saw Andre wasn't there."

"Then you knocked Bai Lu out with a wine bottle, and he drowned in the swimming pool?"


Ning Cheng wrote down everything she said in a notebook.

At this moment, Zhao Xiaoan's voice came from his headset: "Team Ning, I have found a clue."

Ning Cheng didn't have time to worry about what happened to Zhuang Xinyan, and left the interrogation room.

Zhao Xiaoan was in the office, holding a document in his hand: "I found this on Andre's yacht."

Ning Cheng took the document and looked at the contents carefully.

It turns out that Gao Dai has been falsely reporting its business status, and the statements in the document are Gao Dai’s real financial statements.

To put it simply, Gaodai itself is a very complex Ponzi scheme.

Saying this, it may be that Bai Lu found out that he was in a complicated scam, and wanted to pierce it, only to be killed by Andrei.

"No." Ning Cheng responded, "Xiao An, did you steal the documents from the boat?"

"Yes, that locksmith is Lao Ma's comrade-in-arms. When he heard that Lao Ma's son had an accident, he was a little anxious."

Ning Cheng wanted to scold people: "Have you never studied law in these years? The documents you stole like this cannot be used as a normal piece of evidence. To put it bluntly, the evidence is invalid."

For the first time, he felt that Zhao Xiaoan was doing things so strangely.

But the evidence is useless, it does not mean that there is no way, Ning Cheng has already thought of other ways.

He walked into the interrogation room again and looked at Zhuang Xinyan who was still crying.

"I know that Andre will give you a lot of money in order to make you stand guilty, but we already have a document in hand."

Saying that, Ning Cheng put down the pen in his hand.

"In this document, it is stated that Gao Dai's financial fraud, if you commit the crime, you can, anyway, you will be sentenced anyway, and the police will work with the Securities and Exchange Commission to conduct a thorough account check on Gao Dai.

By the time your sentence ends, Gao Dai will have almost finished his investigation, so if you go to Andre, you will go bankrupt, and you will not be able to get the money no matter what. "

After Zhuang Xinyan heard Ning Cheng's words, her sobbing voice stopped abruptly.

"Yes, is it true?"

"We all know exactly who killed Bai Lu. Even if you blame Andre, he will still be investigated for financial crimes, and your final result will only be empty of money and people."

· · · Flowers · · ·

When Ning Cheng said this, Zhuang Xinyan's expression changed completely.

"what I said?"

"What you say is Andre's own business."

The man was indeed killed by Andre. After the battle between heaven and man, Zhuang Xinyan still admitted it.

Andre gave Zhuang Xinyan 2 million and asked her to help him take the blame.

Now the complete truth is revealed.

Zhuang Xinyan looked at Ning Cheng: "Andre must be in Gao Dai's office building now, I'm sure."


"It's the end of the month, and I'm quite busy. Andre has a lot of things to do. He is usually in the company at this point."

Zhuang Xinyan's betrayal was so thorough that she didn't even hesitate.

The high-generation company was very busy tonight, but it was not one after another of phone calls.

...... 0

When Ning Cheng brought people into Gaodai, he saw boxes of documents being put into a shredder.

Andre is destroying documents.

The entire Gaodai is still in order during the day, and the entire company has become a mess.

Ning Cheng saw Andre standing in the corner at a glance, he just stood there quietly, staring coldly at the destroyed documents.

Andrei also saw him and hurriedly walked towards the elevator.

When Ning Cheng chased after the elevator door, the elevator was closed, showing that Andre was parked in the garage on the first floor.

Ning Cheng pressed the elevator up again, and then went down as well.

Zhou Ziyan was preventing employees from destroying the data, but she was worried when she saw Ning Cheng chasing Andre down, so she ran down the stairs to the underground garage.

Sure enough, Andre was going to drive a car.

Maybe it's because of Andre's sassy bag, his car is a porcelain-white Porsche that looks brand new and luxurious.

The engine of the car made a sound, and it seemed that Andre really wanted to walk away.

Ning Cheng was also anxious, and there was nothing to help him now. If he didn't stop him, Andre would really run away.

...................................................... ...................................................... .....................Ding.

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