Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 244 Sudden confession! 【Seeking full order, seeking customized】

"Yeah we want you to analyze this video."

As Ning Cheng pushed the computer in front of Tian Yu, Wu Abao's video was still playing.

Tian Yu suddenly laughed when he saw this.

"It's a hint that she's articulating a feeling of control or being controlled, but of course it's a matter of who's on top."

Tian Yu watched the video again.

"And she's imitating this person, over and over again."

Mu Xiaoyu was very upset, and now is not the time for her to be petty.

"Team Ning, we checked. What she said in the video is true. On this date, Jiangcheng Department Store held a large-scale promotion, and there was a stampede accident because of the excessive battle."

When Ning Cheng heard this, his heart suddenly opened up.

"Xiaoyu, go check it out. I bought a house in a department store around that year, and I am still alive now, and I am a married man who is a successful "three eighty zero" person."


If you were able to snap up purchases in department stores back then, no matter how you looked at it, it was not a person from an ordinary family.

Back then, only rich wives could afford to buy things in Jiangcheng Department Store.

"Team Ning, according to the conditions you said, there seems to be only one person."


"Cao Moran, an executive of the Fahrenheit Group."

"The world is really a circle. I didn't expect it to be a person from Fahrenheit."

Inside Fahrenheit's building, Cao Moran was sitting in a chair, not surprised to see the two policemen.

"We are from the Criminal Police Brigade of Jiangcheng Police Department. We came to you about the murder of Wu Abao."

"If you have any questions, just ask, and I will answer them properly."

But Ning Cheng just took out the old photo: "Do you know the woman in this photo?"

"do not know."

Cao Moran's answer was straightforward, without any hesitation.

Ning Cheng smiled, and then started to slowly crumple the photo into a ball of paper.

"No, no! No!"

Cao Moran saw that the photo was damaged, and the expression on his face suddenly became hideous.

"You can't ruin her!"

He wanted to pounce on Ning Cheng's photo, but Ning Cheng avoided him

"Didn't you say it yet?"

"I said, I said!"

Cao Moran closed his eyes and shouted, "That's my wife Tang Xiwu!"

With the same name as the novel, Mu Xiaoyu sighed silently in her heart.

"When did she die?"

"1999, because of breast cancer."

Cao Moran sat down on the chair, staring at the photo in Ning Cheng's hand.

"Then what's your relationship with Wu Abao?"

"I hired Wu Abao to pretend to be my wife, and she came to restore the appearance of my wife when she was alive."

"Did you know that Wu Abao died?"

Ning Cheng tried to see other emotions on the old man's face, but all he got was the kind of depressed look that a man has when he fails.

"What were you doing the night Wu Abao died?"

"That night, I originally asked her to restore the scene of Yugiri's pregnancy, but I didn't expect her to be playing with her phone.

By the way, we also had a glass of wine, maybe she didn't wash the glass, and it smelled of detergent. "

Cao Moran messed up his meticulous hair, which had been treated with hairspray.

"I told him clearly, don't play with your phone at work, why doesn't she understand?"

"So you killed Wu Abao?"

Mu Xiaoyu said impatiently.

But Ning Cheng frowned, as if thinking about something.

"I plead guilty, I killed her."

That said, it actually makes sense.

Wu Abao used a mobile phone when imitating, so he destroyed Cao Moran's good memories.

Cao Moran's deformed love for his wife made him very angry, so he killed Wu Abao.

Just as Ning Cheng was about to say something, Mu Xiaoyu had already placed the handcuffs on Cao Moran's hands.

"Then trouble Mr. Cao to come with us."

In the interrogation room again, Cao Moran was embarrassed: "I killed Wu Abao, who told her that she had no contract spirit!"


Ning Cheng looked at the man in front of him: "you tell me how you killed Wu Abao."

"The murder weapon was a cheese fork." Just as Cao Moran said, Ning Cheng came up and handed him a cheese fork.

Cao Moran took the cheese fork and stabbed it fiercely below.

"Okay sir, thank you for your cooperation."

After Ning Cheng finished speaking, he walked out of the interrogation room: "This man named Cao Moran is not a murderer."

"Are you kidding me, Cao Moran isn't the murderer? Didn't he recognize it all?"

"The position where the cheese fork pierced Wu Abao's neck was facing down, but Cao Moran's posture was facing up just now. How could a murderer forget his actions?"

"Then, who is the murderer?"

Mu Xiaoyu was a little unhappy, but Cao Moran recognized it, why didn't Jiang Cheng let go?

"I found a stain at their place and it was ketamine..."

"What's the meaning?"

"I'm afraid it's not the one who made the stains who is the murderer." Ning Cheng himself was confused, but Cao Moran in the interrogation room was definitely not the murderer.

Why would he admit it?

And if it's like what Cao Moran said, in fact, the two of them were killed only after they were brought down by ketamine.

I still have to find Tian Yu on this matter.

This kind of psychoanalysis can only be done by professionals.

Thinking of this, Ning Cheng couldn't help but have a headache.

But at this moment, Zhao Xiaoan was still rummaging through the garbage, trying to find something useful.

Several strong men were wearing protective clothing, and they were all choked on the garbage and almost fainted.

"Xiao An, have you found something?"

"No." Zhao Xiaoan shook his head.

The colleague looked at the huge garbage pile in front of him: "God, when will I be able to find this pile of things?"

"Hurry up and find it, after all, it's a murder case."

Several people wailed and searched hard in the garbage dump.

Suddenly, a colleague raised a stack of paper in his hand.

"I found a lot of letters, all of which were written by Wu Abao."

When Zhao Xiaoan came back, Ning Cheng had already taken Tian Yu to see the scene, and only Mu Xiaoyu sat on the chair angrily.

"Didn't my fiance just died? I 1.2, but I didn't see any sadness in her at all."

Before Zhao Xiaoan approached Mu Xiaoyu, the girl pinched her nose.

"It stinks!"

Zhao Xiaoan looked at the girl in front of him helplessly.

"I've been in the rubbish heap for so long, and it's a ghost if I don't stink. By the way, what about Team Ning?"

"Take Tian Yu to the scene."

"With Tian Yu, what's the situation, is that Solomon's fiancee from before?"

"Yeah, she's completely different now than she was before."

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