Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 227 The scar on the calf! 【Please order and customize】

"Xiao An, look for it to see if there is anything suspicious about Solomon's body."


Just as Ning Cheng was about to leave, his phone rang, and the number was a stranger.

"Hello, I'm Ning Cheng."

"Officer Ning, I'm Chi Fei, the lawyer of the Tian family." There was a hint of exhaustion in the voice opposite.

"Does Lawyer Chi have anything to do with me?"

Ning Cheng really couldn't understand why the Tian family's lawyer was looking for him at this time.

"I just wanted to invite you to a cup of coffee, I don't know..."

Ning Cheng wants to refuse. Now that he has a task, where is the time to drink coffee?

However, when Zhou Ziyan investigated the itinerary, she found that the lawyer was at Tian's house that night.

Will he know something?

Ning Cheng has so little evidence now that he doesn't even know where he will go if the clue to the suit is broken.

Simply collapsed.

In the quiet cafe, Chi Fei sat opposite Ning Cheng, stirring the coffee in his cup leisurely.

"Officer, I asked you to come here just to talk to you and see if I can provide useful clues."

"Go ahead."

"I met Solomon in China. At that time, 370 quarreled with the chairman, so I wanted to go out on a trip to relax and fall in love with Solomon at first sight."

Ning Cheng looked at Chi Fei and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Letting the handsome lawyer beside him not, insisting on a liar, this Tian is really strange.

"I know what you are thinking, officer. My conditions are much better than Solomon. Why don't you choose me?"

Ning Cheng nodded.

"It's different. I grew up together since I was a child. I was also raised by the chairman. The relationship between us is like brother and sister."

"What I'm curious about is why Solomon told Chairman Tian that his identity was fake."

"I stood outside the door that night and heard the conversation between the two of them. Solomon said that he really fell in love, so he had to be honest with him." Chi Fei's mouth showed a contemptuous smile.

"It's too ridiculous for a liar to tell the truth."

"Let's not say sincerity or not, what else did they say that night?"

Ning Cheng subconsciously felt that Tian Qing had concealed part of the truth.

"It is Solomon who hopes that the Tian family can accept him, and that the chairman will not break him up."

"Then what's the reaction of Chairman Tian?"

"He was very angry at first, but in the end he softened his heart. After all, both of them are engaged, and the chairman gave Solomon 10 million, which can be regarded as a chance for him."

"In the end, Mr. Tian still forgives this liar, right?"

Sure enough, a father can swallow any loss for his daughter.

"Yes, but also for."

Chi Fei sighed: "I have regarded it as my sister since I was a child, and I don't want to see such a thing."

"My condolences, how is Tian Yu?"

"It's still the same as before, too much sadness."

Chi Fei said, and sighed heavily.

After leaving the cafe, Chi Fei said goodbye to Ning Cheng and drove away.

Ning Cheng looked at the exhausted car ass and sighed inwardly.

This is really good brother.

During the hour that Ning Cheng went out, Zhao Xiaoan found something wrong again.

There is a visible scar on Solomon's calf.

"But I took a look at the scar. It's quite old, and it doesn't look very obvious."

How is this going? New scars appeared on Solomon's body?

When Ning Cheng arrived at the police station, his ass didn't get hot, so he went to the autopsy room again.

The body of Solomon in the dissection room lay peacefully on the dissection table.

I don't know if he just fell asleep.

"Look at Team Ning, this is it."

Zhao Xiaoan put on gloves while talking.

Indeed, if you look closely, there is indeed a scar where Zhao Xiaoan pointed.

"This, this is the mark of scratching."

This scar doesn't look like a sharp weapon, but it is scattered on Solomon's calf.

"Why does he have scratches on his calf (cdbc)?"

Ning Cheng said to himself, with a thoughtful expression on his face as he spoke.

If it's an accident, the chance of getting hurt on the back of the calf is too small, and Ning Cheng would rather believe Solomon's habit, or his previous job.

Yes, work.

What did you do before you found Solomon, isn't it over?

Coupled with the real-name registration in Yodel, Solomon's true identity will definitely be discovered.

But what kind of occupation would make Solomon's calf have such strange marks.

Ning Cheng was caught in a tangle.

Forget it, go to Yordle first, if you can find Solomon's name in Yordle, maybe there will be a clue.

Ning Cheng still chose to take Zhou Ziyan, after all, she was familiar with Yodel, and it was easier to check.

Yodel is a very old-fashioned suit shop in Jiangcheng, specializing in British suits.

Moreover, the owner of the store used to make suits for the Queen of the Eagle Kingdom in the Eagle Kingdom. For this reason, Yodel is very popular in the upper circle of Jiangcheng.

However, because his custom suits are ridiculously expensive, the consumer group is also very limited.

"Why are you here, Zhou? Are you picking up clothes for Mr. Zhou?"

As soon as Ning Cheng and Zhou Ziyan entered the door, a tall woman in a white shirt took the initiative to greet them.

"No, I came here today to investigate the case."

Zhou Ziyan smiled and answered the tall slender woman's greeting.

The tall slender woman froze for a moment: "Investigate the case?"

"Yes, is there an old customer named Solomon in your store?"

"Could it be that it was the one who died in the murder case in the park yesterday?"


"He, he is indeed a regular customer. Almost all the clothes he wears are custom-made in our store, as well as shoes."

The tall slender woman's face changed, but then she laughed again: "Why, what are you investigating?"

This seems to be Zhou Ziyan's home court. After she greeted the salesman familiarly, she took out her credentials.

"This is my police card, lest I find out that the old gentleman is blown away."

"No, no, the boss wants you to come."

Although Yodel is an old-fashioned suit shop, they have their own customer system, and it is not easy to check consumption records.

It didn't take long for the woman to come over with a few pieces of paper.

This is full of records of Solomon's consumption in the suit store.

"Look, he died before he took out the suit he ordered last time."

"It's a wedding suit."

Ning Cheng interjected and brought the paper to him.

Sure enough, the name column did not write Solomon Cavendish, but a Chinese name.

Wang Yichuan.

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