Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 219 Special shoes! 【Please order and customize】

Ning Cheng got out of the car and looked at Zhou Muyan.

This little girl was wearing an aqua blue dress today, and she looked very lovely.

"This is the crime scene. What are you doing so beautifully dressed? Besides, you are just a little girl. It's not appropriate to come to this kind of scene."

Zhou Muyan pouted and was very dissatisfied with Ning Cheng's answer.

"Zhou Ziyan, you called your sister here, right?" Mu Xiaoyu rolled her eyes aside.

It may be a woman's natural intuition, so Mu Xiaoyu has an indescribable hostility towards Zhou Muyan, and she always feels that Zhou Muyan will threaten her position in Ning Cheng's mind.

Zhou Muyan, this little girl, seems to be honest now, but she clearly sees Ning Cheng's worship of Mu Xiaoyu in her eyes.

She had also looked at Ning Cheng with this look before.

In the face of Mu Xiaoyu's finding fault, Zhou Muyan ignored her "three six seven", and then took Ning Cheng's arm: "Let's go, let's go to the scene."

Mu Xiaoyu made fun of herself and stood beside Zhou Ziyan with her mouth pouted, her eyes almost rolling to the back of her head.

Ning Cheng originally wanted to pull out his arm, but found that Zhou Muyan's hand was stronger than he thought.

Mu Xiaoyu looked at Zhou Muyan's arm holding Ning Cheng angrily. If her eyes could be turned into a real weapon, she would like to use her eyes to chop off Zhou Muyan's arms.

The scene was surrounded by police a long time ago, and there was almost no major change at the scene. Even the drinking cups were placed there as they were.

In order to prevent the scene from being damaged, and to prevent those reporters from talking nonsense, the Fahrenheit Group temporarily closed the Moon Art Museum.

Zhou Ziyan looked at her mobile phone, which contained the information on the electronic file: "When Hua Xiang died, he was wearing a Chanel medieval suit from decades ago, and YSL limited edition high heels on his feet."

Zhou Ziyan took her eyes off the phone and glanced at her sister next to her.

"By the way, sister, the high heels you're talking about aren't the same pair, right?" Zhou Muyan immediately understood what his sister was talking about.

Zhou Ziyan nodded, while Ning Cheng and Mu Xiaoyu looked at the two women with dumbfounded expressions on topics they couldn't understand.

Zhou Muyan let go of his hand, clasped his hands together, and his eyes were full of little stars.

"Those shoes are hard to come by now. I spent a lot of time trying to get them, and Mrs. Hua is amazing."

Watching the conversation between the two sisters, Mu Xiaoyu and Ning Cheng looked at each other and shrugged helplessly.

This kind of topic is too professional, and for the two of them, it is a blank space.

"By the way, Ning Cheng, the soles of those high-heeled shoes are made of rubber, and traces can be found with special methods."

Zhou Ziyan's reminder, Ning Cheng is like a slap in the face.

In this way, is it possible to detect the trajectory of Mrs. Hua's movement with a special medicine?

What happened to the old lady Nahua before she died?

Outside the Moon Art Museum is a very delicate looking lotus-shaped building with a total of four floors inside.

The first floor is a banquet hall and various exhibition halls, the second floor is a long gallery, and the third and fourth floors are the lounges of Mrs. Hua and Mrs. Hua.

And there is no elevator in this art museum, so if Mrs. Hua wants to go downstairs, she can only slowly move down the stairs on the third floor.

After the body of Mrs. Hua was found, the police preliminarily concluded that the trauma on Mrs. Hua's body was rolled down from the stairs on the third floor.

It took less than eight hours for the case to occur, so many object identifications were collected by Keguang, and the identification was not completed, and some of them also stayed in the art museum to work overtime to find clues.

When Ning Cheng came in, a colleague from the identification department was looking for traces there. When he saw Ning Cheng coming, he said hello without looking up: "Ning team, you are here."

Everyone is working overtime now, and doing those useless politeness is a waste of time.

After walking around the first floor, Mu Xiaoyu found something good.

"Just so, there are potions and watering cans here, let's go back and get them." She kept shouting, and her voice echoed throughout the art gallery.

Since there is something, let's start working, a few people are busy.

After diluting the potion, they evenly spread the potion on the second and third floors, even the stairs.

These are the places that Mrs. Hua passed by before she died, and you can't let it go.

"I didn't expect that women's shoes could have so many stories."

Mu Xiaoyu muttered as she poured the potion, if it was her who found out, would she be the one who was in the limelight?

"What's the matter? Different styles of luxury goods in different years have different workmanship and materials. It took me a lot of effort to research this thing..."

Zhou Muyan was very proud. She stood there, holding her little head up, and her words were full of pride.

Ning Cheng smiled and said nothing.

The potion was finally sprayed. Except for Zhou Muyan, several people were lying on the ground with purple lights in their hands, observing carefully.

Ning Cheng felt like his face was sticking to the cold floor.

Zhou Muyan stood there, looking around, not knowing what he was looking at.

Then she took a few steps up the stairs and looked at the lounge on the third floor: "There should be more than Mrs. Hua here at that time."

Ning Cheng can't get away now, and he doesn't have time to talk to her.

There are traces of wrestling from the third floor to the second floor, but when it comes to the gallery on the second floor, something is wrong.

"It's a crawling mark, you see."

Ning Cheng got up and pointed to a few prints that looked intermittent.

Zhou Ziyan looked at the traces, which were completely broken in front of a painting.

"Old Mrs. Hua didn't die at the time, she died after crawling for a while, but why did she climb up to this painting?"

Ning Cheng stood up and touched his chin, his face full of doubts.

"Yeah, this is not a masterpiece, there is only one signature of 'Afan' on it."

Zhou Ziyan looked at the two while talking: "Do you know there is A Fan?"

"I don't even recognize the famous contemporary painter, this Afan? I haven't heard of it at all."

Mu Xiaoyu pouted, but answered 1.2 confidently.

Zhou Muyan upstairs saw that no one took care of him for a long time, and ran down from the third floor in three steps and two steps: "Why don't you guys listen to me?"

She is a little unhappy now, but the cultivation of the rich daughter has allowed her to forcibly control her anger.

Ning Cheng is trying to find out what article is in that painting, and he has no time to pay attention to whether this little girl is happy or angry now.

"What did you see on the third floor?"

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