Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 208 The truth is revealed, shocked at this moment! 【For full order, please customize】

Sure enough, things were as he thought, Ning Cheng smiled.

Zhou Muyan was just thinking about the connection between the two. Could it be that the security guard is the key in these cases?

But what role can he play in it, and what kind of role can he play?

"Brother Ning Cheng, why do you think you have to ask the security guard before you can be sure? What is the truth~?"

She didn't understand why the person in the elevator was not Yu Wanzhou,

Ning Cheng did not answer her question, but continued to ask the security guard.

"Did you leave the suitcase in the lobby and leave it alone?"

The security guard was afraid that he would be regarded as a criminal suspect, so he quickly replied, "Yes, I really don't know what happened! After I got the suitcase, I put it in the lobby, and then Shen Yuerong asked me to help her go to the rooftop. things, so I went to the rooftop again."

Shen Yuerong asked him to help, the timing was so coincidental?

Ning Cheng seized the thread in a bunch of clues, and after checking it on the surveillance camera, he found that what the security guard said was basically true.

"Why did Shen Yuerong ask you to help?"

"She said she bought a batch of light strips for her friend's birthday party, but she couldn't install it herself, so she asked me to install it."

"it is as expected."

The case is only one step away from here, is Ning Cheng smiling? Zhou Muyan's head asked.

"Now that you have listened to the security guard's answer, can you infer what happened?"

The fast-forward surveillance video was still playing on the screen from 12:00 in a loop. Zhou Muyan knew that this was an exam question given to him by Ning Cheng, so he read it very carefully.

Seeing that Yu Wanzhou went to the rooftop and then came down, then Li Yiqian went to the 20th floor at 12:35 to find someone, and went up to the rooftop at 12:40, Zhou Muyan frowned slightly.

When he saw the security guard appearing and went downstairs with his suitcase, Zhou Muyan finally showed a clear expression.

"I understand. The deceased went down from the roof to the 20th floor at 12:25. This person was pretending to be someone else, right?"

Zhou Muyan was a little unsure, so he looked at Ning Cheng as if he was looking for proof, and wanted to ask him if he had the correct answer.

Ning Cheng nodded, encouraging her to continue.

Zhou Muyan's eyes lit up, and while guarding in front of the surveillance video, he continued to analyze.

"Why do you pretend to be the deceased to appear in the elevator and go home! There are two reasons. First, you want to create alibi, and second, you want to hide the time of the deceased's death!"

Zhou Muyan's analysis became more and more vigorous, "The reason why he pretended to be the dead must be to cover up something. If this person in the elevator was pretended to be, then at 12:25 now, the deceased should still be in the rooftop bar, or already dead!"

Zhou Muyan thought for a while and speculated, "There is a high probability that Yu Wanzhou was killed before 12:25, because at this time there can only be one Yu Wanzhou in the elevator! If it was me, in order to prevent her Appearing in the field of vision of the surveillance, to be on the safe side, it can only be done by killing her first."

After speaking, she slapped her tongue and sighed, "If that's the case, then it's not an accidental murder, but a premeditated murder, brother Ning Cheng, no wonder you look at those three women and that yoga teacher's face. So strange, the murderer must be among the four of them!"

Zhou Muyan made her own inference, with a proud expression on her face.

What she didn't realize was that Ning Cheng was a little thoughtful after listening to her words.

Zhou Muyan is too smart. Judging from her reaction, she is also the first time to come into contact with such a case, but when she first came into contact with a case, even Ning Cheng didn't remind her much. She could infer most of the information by intuition and reasoning. .

Of course, being smart is a good thing, but I am afraid that this intelligence and pride will lead her astray.

But now that Zhou Muyan is lively and cute, and he is really clear about major issues, Ning Cheng is not particularly worried.

"You're right, but now we need one last verification."

Ning Cheng found the surveillance video of the luggage in the hall, and it started playing at 12:50.


Zhou Muyan pondered for a while, she always felt that there might be a big problem with going to a suitcase.

The security guard next to him was still waiting for them to ask questions. When he saw that he started watching the surveillance video, he also watched curiously.

"Officer, what's so good about this surveillance video?"

However, Ning Cheng and Zhou Muyan watched the surveillance attentively and did not speak.

After a moment, I realized that there might be no one in the hall, and the suitcase moved!

Ning Cheng had already guessed it, and Zhou Muyan also suddenly realized.

"Mother, why did this suitcase move!"

The security guard looked like he was afraid of such ghosts and ghosts, and jumped back in fright.

· · · Flowers · · ·

Before he finished speaking, the suitcase slowly opened from the inside, and then a woman came out!

Her face was dull and expressionless. After she came out of the suitcase, she looked around vigilantly, then covered her face, then touched the place where her neck and her face were connected to her chin, and slowly tore off her face. !

"Ghost! There's a ghost in the suitcase!"

The security guard was so frightened that his heart was broken, and the two were fighting. When he thought of the suitcase he had mentioned before, he was both afraid and thankful that he was not killed by the female ghost.

"Take a good look, this is not a ghost, but a murderer!"

Ning Cheng sneered and called Zhao Xiaoan.

"Xiao An, how did you do what I asked you to do?"

Zhao Xiaoan's usual calm tone was a little excited, "It's been checked, Team Ning!"

... 0

"I'll take the surveillance video back to the police station right away, you wait for me."

The security guard here was still in a fog, not knowing what was going on, but Ning Cheng and Zhou Muyan understood.

"So it is!"

Revealing his face, the person underneath is actually Huang Qianqian in Yu Wanzhou's clothes!

She looked around cautiously and walked out quickly.

Next, Ning Cheng called back the elevator's monitoring, and after a while, Huang Qianqian, who was wearing a dark red cheongsam, got on the elevator and went to the roof of the top floor.

Zhou Muyan said with some contempt, "She is too stupid. The surveillance did not show that she had come down, which means that she went to the rooftop twice, but the time interval was too long to be easily discovered."

Ning Cheng once again called up the surveillance video, which clearly showed that Huang Qianqian was wearing a black dress when she went to the rooftop for the first time!

"Sure enough, she was wearing a black dress before. When she was dressed as Yu Wanzhou, she was wearing a formal dress, but now she is wearing a dark red cheongsam."

No wonder Ning Cheng was able to think of the truth so quickly, but she didn't understand that it was just because there were not enough clues, it was like a jigsaw puzzle, how could it be done well without one piece?

...................................................... ...................................................... ........Ding.

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