Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 201 It's all signs of homicide, you told me to commit suicide? ! 【For full order, pleas

"Xiaoyu, ask them here first. I'll take Captain Zhou to the room of the deceased upstairs."

After Ning Cheng explained, Zhou Ziyan also nodded to her, and the two went up together.

Seeing that the two wanted to go to Yu Wanzhou's room alone, Shen Yuerong couldn't sit still.

"Officer Ning, the two of you are not familiar with Sister Yu. What if you can't find the room? Let me take you there!"

Shen Yuerong opened her eyes wide, trying to make herself look more sincere.

Haven't asked how people can run away? Mu Xiaoyu just wanted to refuse, but Ning Cheng agreed.

"Okay, just come with me."

Ning Cheng not only did not refuse, but also cooperated with the four of them to go up and have a look.

Mu Xiaoyu was a little strange, but didn't say anything, after all, everything Ning Cheng did had his reasons.

It was also the first time for Zhou Ziyan to follow Ning Cheng to solve a case. She was a little curious and did not interrupt his rhythm, so several women, Li Yiqian, Mu Xiaoyu and Zhou Ziyan, went to the 20th floor together.

The decoration of Yu Wanzhou's room is very luxurious, and it is worthy of being a first-class product in Jiangcheng. The various luxury goods in the room are dizzying.

At this time, Shen Yuerong was a little sad, "Sister Yu often asks us to party at her house, and this birthday party is also. I wanted to help her hold a big one, but it ended up like this..."

If there were still some performance components before, then Shen Yuerong's sadness at this time was a little sincere.

If Ning Cheng didn't know that the person who was crying sincerely was the murderer who killed the deceased, then he might have felt a little moved.

Human nature is not inherently good or bad, perhaps a vicious and insatiable murderer will occasionally feel sorry for the dead.

But in any case, the mistake has been made, and weeping in front of the victim will not only fail to comfort the deceased, but will also look very mocking.

Those who have passed away won't know what happens after death, and maybe they can't see their pretentious faces, so Yu Wanzhou will feel more at ease on Huangquan Road.

Zhou Ziyan didn't want to watch them perform, and she was rich herself, so she didn't have any interest in those luxury ornaments at all, but set her sights on Yu Wanzhou's room.

In order to hold a birthday party, Yu Wanzhou really put a lot of effort into it. The apartment was also open, but the door of the room was closed.

Zhou Ziyan saw that both Ning Cheng and Mu Xiaoyu were searching for evidence in the room, so she went to Yu Wanzhou's room herself to see if there were any clues.

However, the door could not be opened. Zhou Ziyan suspected that it was locked and needed a key, so she was going to see if she could find the key.

Although it is said that the dead are the greatest, finding the truth is obviously more important than privacy.

At this moment, Mu Xiaoyu handed a tablet to Ning Cheng with gloves.

"Team Ning, you can see this tablet on the coffee table at home. It's like it was written for us. ¨."

She opened the tablet, and a few words were recorded in the notepad inside.

The sentences are obscure and incomprehensible, not vernacular, but they all reveal thoughts of wanting to commit suicide, and also mention wanting to travel, but thinking that I am alone no matter what, I feel that there is no need to live.

After Huang Qianqian saw it, she gently covered her cheeks with a fan, sobbing a little.

"Wanzhou said something like this before, and it's her fault that we didn't pay enough attention. No, it's my fault. If it wasn't for me thinking that today was Yang Tianxue's birthday, she would definitely not be stupid. Maybe there is still a chance to save her!"

She cried sincerely, but Mu Xiaoyu felt dazzling inexplicably.

Forgive her to be blunt, this lady Huang Qianqian cried for a long time without even putting on makeup, so it's not necessarily so sad, right?

Shen Yuerong and Sun Ping both went to comfort her. Li Yiqian, as an outsider, was a little embarrassed to stand beside her.

After Sun Ping comforted Huang Qianqian, she raised her head and asked nervously, "Officer, how long do we need to stay here?"

Ning Cheng said lightly, "What are you panicking about?"

Sun Ping smiled reluctantly, "I'm not panicking, but haven't we all found Wanzhou's suicide note?"

Before Ning Cheng could speak, Mu Xiaoyu laughed, "Lady, don't you think a few words written on a tablet can be used as a suicide note?"

Sun Ping was choked by her and didn't dare to speak anymore.

Say less and make less mistakes, as long as she doesn't speak up and there is no solid evidence, no matter how much Ning Cheng doubts, in the end, she doesn't have to obediently come to a hasty conclusion and close the case.

It's just the police, she's dealing with too much.

Ning Cheng said lightly, "Since the deceased mentioned that he wanted to travel, maybe he would prepare a suitcase. We can go to the room to see if there are any clues."

Zhou Ziyan has long known that these women will not have any truth in their mouths, so it is better to find evidence by herself.

Because my husband was abroad all the year round, the deceased didn't actually have a lot of things, and the number of cabinets at home was also very small. Most of them were open, including the cloakroom, so it didn't take much effort.

Searches are done step-by-step, but often the unexpected will bring surprises.

Ning Cheng originally wanted to go to the porcelain maker's room, but at this moment he heard Zhou Ziyan calling them.

He and Mu Xiaoyu looked at each other and rushed over quickly.

Shen Yuerong saw them go, and quickly followed.

The layout of Yu Wanzhou's house is that after entering the porch, turn left is the dining room, there is a row of wine cabinets against the wall, and on the other side is a set of sideboards with huge oil paintings on them.

At this time, Zhou Ziyan stood in front of the built-in double-door refrigerator on the side, wearing gloves, opened the refrigerator door, and the contemplative did not know what he was thinking.

Several people walked over. There were not many things in the refrigerator. Some were seasonal fruits and some other ingredients, but on the third layer of the refrigerator, there was a beautifully made cake.

Ning Cheng saw that she was staring at the cake, and asked, "¨々What's wrong, what's wrong with this cake?"

Zhou Ziyan didn't say much, and directly pulled open the bottom drawer (good Li Hao) and came to a conclusion.

"This cake was made by the deceased himself. The cake base is not very good, but the decoration on it is quite delicate."

"Captain Zhou, why didn't I know that you still know how to make cakes?"

Ning Cheng is already in the scope of ridicule. After getting along this day, Zhou Ziyan also knew a little about his character, but she didn't answer.

Mu Xiaoyu asked curiously, "Captain Zhou, how can you confirm that this cake was made by the deceased?"

Although Zhou Ziyan usually doesn't like to make desserts, she has also taken those dessert classes and has a little understanding of cakes.

...................................................... ...................................................... ....boast.

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