Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 199 The suspenseful and bizarre case of the female corpse who fell from the building! 【For f

Yang Tianxue was a little confused, "I always thought she was with you, and I just came!"

Huang Qianqian shook her head, "Wanzhou hasn't seen anyone since she invited us over, and we are looking for her."

Originally, everyone came here to hold a birthday party for Yu Wanzhou, but now the hostess for her birthday is not present, and everyone feels boring to play.

"I'm a little worried about Wanzhou and want to find her."

Huang Qianqian said something.

Yang Tianxue nodded and went with her.

However, a few minutes later, Sun Ping's scream came suddenly.

"It's dead! Help! It's dead, security, security, come here!"

The woman's sharp roar pierced the silent night sky, but it's okay, Jiangcheng Yipin's house is big enough, and the sound insulation is good, so this shouting didn't cause panic.

After hearing this sentence, Ning Cheng rushed to the position where the voice "Three Five Three" came at the fastest speed.

I saw Sun Ping sitting on the ground, her pupils shrunk, her lips trembling, and she was not frightened.

Seeing Ning Cheng coming, she seemed to have found the backbone and said with a trembling voice.

"Dead, she's dead!"

Ning Cheng knew something, and looked downstairs with his head. Sure enough, there was a bloody corpse lying downstairs.

It was Yu Wanzhou who disappeared!

Ning Cheng asked indifferently, "How did you find out?"

Sun Ping wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said, "I just wanted to come here to blow air, and then I saw..."

Ning Cheng chuckled, "See?"

The 20-story building here is also because his eyesight has been strengthened, so he can see clearly. Most people can only see a small black spot below. How did Sun Ping see that the bloody corpse below was Yu Wanzhou?

But he didn't ask, how to determine how to wait until he saw Yu Wanzhou's body.

He had never met Yu Wanzhou, and he would need them to recognize him at that time.

But... Ning Cheng frowned slightly as he looked at the gorgeous interior of the house.

Exactly how she fell may remain to be verified.

Thinking like this, he called the city bureau as he walked down.

"Xiao An, you immediately brought someone to the door of the third building of the first grade in Jiangcheng, something happened!"

Zhao Xiaoan was on duty today. After receiving a call from Ning Cheng, he left and asked everyone to come together.

After calling Zhao Xiaoan, Ning Cheng went to the banquet hall first.

"Everyone is not allowed to go, come downstairs with me!"

Several people who heard Sun Ping's screams gathered around.

Zhou Ziyan was originally the captain of the criminal police and was very sensitive to the case. Seeing Ning Cheng's solemn attitude, she knew that something had happened.

Ning Cheng looked at a few other women who looked pampered and had a headache.

He first motioned Zhou Ziyan to go over, and then said.

"Someone fell from the building. Go down and have a look. Your mother is familiar with them. You should ask your aunt to appease them first, and don't let them leave."

Zhou Ziyan nodded, indicating that she understood.

Due to the presence of other people, Ning Cheng didn't speak too clearly. After all, they were all rich wives and rich women. These upper-class people always have a taboo on fame.

Zhou Ziyan immediately went and called the others together and went downstairs to wait at the door, and then began to question what happened before.

I have to say that Zhou Ziyan, as the former captain of the criminal police, is very competent. Within a few minutes of chatting, he calmed the emotions of other people, and let them briefly explain what happened before.

In fact, this can't be regarded as an inquiry. If there is no case, it is just a verbal question. What's more, no one can tell whether these people are running on the train with their mouths full, and no one can tell whether it is true or false. Row.

Zhou Ziyan asked everyone to gather downstairs. At this time, Ning Cheng had already conducted a preliminary examination on the body.

Seeing Zhou Ziyan, she quickly got things done, and Ning Cheng was looking forward to the days when she would work with her on cases in the future.

Seeing that Ning Cheng has completed the preliminary inspection, Zhou Ziyan asked.

"How about it?"

Speaking of the case, Ning Cheng had a solemn expression.

"The corpse is a female, about 30 years old, there are no obvious birthmarks or scars on the outside, and it is well maintained. It should be a wealthy person. As for whether she is Yu Wanzhou, it has yet to be confirmed, because I don't know Yu Wanzhou. , so wait until the genetic test results come out to confirm.”

Zhou Ziyan glanced at the female corpse lying on the ground, her face was covered in blood, and it was really hard to tell.

"Now wait for my team members to come."

Several other women, you look at me, I look at you, no one has ever seen this scene.

Shen Yuerong was younger than Huang Qianqian, and Hua Rong, who was frightened by this scene, paled.

"That can't be Sister Yu! I don't believe it, how could she be like this?"

Yu Wanzhou has always been a goddess-level figure in her heart, how could she be this cold corpse?

Shen Yuerong took a step back, not daring to look...

Huang Qianqian was more courageous, went up to endure the discomfort in her heart, glanced at the face of the corpse, but also took a few steps back, revealing a little sad face, "Why is it like this Wanzhou still jumped off the building, if I persuaded her, maybe The ending will be different!"

Sun Ping had kept her head down before, too frightened to speak, but now she seems to have recovered a bit, and she is also saddened.

"Yeah! Wanzhou can have more of such a good person, but she still chose to commit suicide..."

Ning Cheng watched them sing together here and said lightly.

"Our forensic doctor hasn't arrived yet, and we haven't said who she is, and we don't know whether it was murder or suicide. Are you all so hopeful that this person is Yu Wanzhou?"

Several women quickly shook their heads, a little flustered.

"How could that be? Sister Yu and I are the best, but I care too much about her, and you don't know Ning Cheng. She always told me that she was too lonely by herself, and I advised her at that time..."

Shen Yuerong explained.

Huang Qianqian and Sun Ping also nodded and kept saying that there was such a thing.

Ning Cheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the three women without speaking.

Is it really that coincidental?

The hostess died tragically, just as all three of her friends knew that she wanted to commit suicide, and it was still at her birthday party.

This kind of dramatic thing actually happened in front of his eyes.

But how could he not believe it?

1.2 Just like what Ning Cheng often told Mu Xiaoyu and Tang Xin, any case must not be preconceived at the beginning and regarded as a suicide case.

In this way, the truth of the case will never be discovered, because solving a case is just watching.

"Team Ning!"

Zhao Xiaoan ran over quickly, Tang Xin followed behind and put on gloves as fast as possible, and then began to examine the body.

Mu Xiaoyu raised the cordon, and together with the team members, evacuated the residents who came to watch.

"Team Ning, how is the situation? Do you know who the dead person is?"

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