Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 59 The insect tide is coming!

"One day? Two days?" Bai E turned around and smiled casually, "No one can say for sure, and I might not be able to come back."

The anomalies in the military camp today always put a layer of haze in Bai E's heart. He didn't know what happened, so he felt uneasy.

Death... seems likely to come at any time.

But there seems to be nothing to be afraid of... Is it because he has gradually become familiar with the tone of this world, or is it because the dedication gene of the artificial human in his body is controlling his thoughts?

Who knows?

"But you don't have to worry..."

Bai E said with a smile: "While I am away, you can also work hard for our common dream. Even if I don't come back, you will definitely be able to find more companions in the city. Now that you have joined the Dawn, we I just hope you will keep one thing in mind..."

The wind blew through Bai E's hair, and he was like a gentle elder telling gentle past events.

"If a man lives only for himself, he may become a famous warrior, philosopher, or physicist, but he can never become a perfect and great man.

Our history recognizes that those who strive for all mankind and thus become noble are great figures; experience praises those who bring happiness to the most people as the happiest people; faith also teaches us that ideal figures that everyone respects, He once sacrificed himself for mankind.

If we choose the path that best strives for human life, then no burden can weigh us down, because it is a sacrifice for everyone. What we feel then will no longer be pitiful, limited, selfish pleasure. Our goal will belong to millions, our cause will exist silently but eternally functional, and nobly will we face our ashes. people will shed tears. "


Looking at Bai E's calm back retreating, the eyes of the three people flickered with mist.

Most players rarely delve into the love, hate, and hatred in the game world view. After all, no matter how deep-rooted hatred is, it seems that it can't compare to two French fries on the pier...

However, after coming into contact with certain game characters with strong personal characteristics in the daily quest line and forcefully breaking into their world, they can also fall deeply in love with certain characters.

At this moment, they discovered that the leader of the Dawn Organization... seemed to be such a charming character.

"Stop looking, stop looking! Start working!"

As soon as Dai Lian threw the shovel, he got tired of digging holes.

Repeated simple tasks will also consume their patience, and challenges within a limited level are what they yearn for.

"Let's study which task to do first..."

"To burn lime, you first need a furnace, right? You also need limestone, clay, and iron ore slag..."

"It doesn't feel too difficult..."

After all, you can get it for free.

"What about the investigation mission?"

"The Arbitration Institute's method is wrong. They stand too high and won't bow their heads. We can come here secretly. No one can defeat them if we attract all the mice with a big fanfare."


"Let's see, let's divide our forces into two groups..."

"I'm going to find the things needed to make cement." Gong Yan volunteered.

Yesterday's help in rescuing people and treating injuries was not without its benefits. At least it opened up a network of contacts in the neighborhood for her. When she needed something free of charge, I guess everyone was quite willing to help a little or provide some information.

Dai Lian and Kuang Xin looked at each other.

Yes, we went together again.

"Then let's go into the sewer."

Set off!

Back at the military camp, it was still quiet.

When it was time to gather, Bai E and the others were taken to a slightly dark... screening room?

"It's the last afternoon before the battle. There will be no training missions this afternoon. Let everyone take a look at the opponents we are about to face and familiarize ourselves with their characteristics and attack methods, so as to avoid random fights on the battlefield."

The instructor said vulgar words, causing a burst of laughter.

As the door closed, heavy curtains blocked the sunlight, the playback equipment emitted beams of light, and a video with the texture of an old movie appeared on the white curtain.

The regular baritone calmly followed the progress of the film and introduced it slowly——

"The Zerg is an evil race that possesses the intelligence of lower races. Their will is similar to a hive consciousness. Most of the individual Zerg have only bloodthirsty and murderous instincts and cannot make complex responses to changes in the environment. They have no communication. Possibly, it is only born to devour and kill. Each nest has only one brainworm, which is the queen of the insect swarm and rules everything. And under it, there are still various types of insects responsible for different aspects."


Some kind of human-sized bugs appear in the picture. They shuttle quickly across the chaotic battlefield. Their two slender, serrated arms like sickles are sharp weapons for harvesting the lives of warriors.

The body stands and runs like a human. The curved spine causes the center of gravity to tilt slightly forward. The head is as slender as a mantis and is equipped with bone armor. The body is about twice as tall as an ordinary human and possesses unimaginable flexibility.

"In our observation, this kind of bug is similar to a small team of lieutenants among the Zerg. The lower Zerg near them will follow the attack direction of the mantis and attack together. In some special times, they can even judge the battlefield. The decision to initiate transfer or even retreat is based on the situation."

"They have thick chitin shells, and it is difficult for attacks with an output energy level lower than 15 to achieve good attack results when facing their bone armor. Their claw blades are also grown from chitin and are connected to the body's The parts are highly elastic muscles, and the sharp edge when popped out quickly can even exceed the speed of sound."

"In addition, they also have a long-range symbiotic weapon called the Corruption Gun..."

The mantis in the picture has retracted its bone blade, and the connection between the bone blade and the muscle shows a cone-shaped red rotten mass, in which countless black flesh and blood worms with mucus attached are twisting and squirming.

"When mantises use bioelectricity to stimulate these symbiotic worms, they will be ejected by powerful muscle spasms. If they are successfully hit, these worms will quickly burrow under your skin and muscles, gnawing along your nerves. It eats into your brain. This process will last for several minutes, and the heart-gnawing pain is enough to make any tough-minded warrior collapse. If you don't want to accidentally injure your teammates because of the pain out of control, the best solution is to give yourself a shot."

in addition……

The dark red tall figure appeared on the screen, seemingly too far away. The screen could only show a vague outline, with only the four sturdy blade arms being particularly obvious.

Ability characteristics: unknown!

"This type of insect race rarely appears. It is suspected to be a subspecies or variant of the mantis insect. Its current ability is unknown..."

[Obtain illustrated information: Mantis. 】

"Worker bug/bee bug."

Like small dinosaurs and two types of small bugs that have slightly changed body shapes and are about half the height of normal humans appear on the screen.

"These two are the most common low-level bugs, and they are also the most enemies we are about to face. They have almost no intelligence. Without the control of mother bugs or mantis bugs, these low-level bugs will only follow the naturally violent path. They use the desire to kill and eat to attack the nearest target. When they are extremely hungry, we have even observed them cannibalizing each other."

"Of course, the wasp bugs are a bit smarter. They use a weapon we call a spiny spear for melee attacks. This is a bone organ lined with muscle and lined with sharp harpoon-like barbs. It can easily tear open our skin and blood vessels. At the same time, the surface of barbs is also covered with acid glands and poison sacs. Even if it is slightly scratched by barbs, it will be life-threatening if it is not treated in time."

"The worker bugs are even lower level. These bugs are so intelligent that they can't even use symbiotic weapons. However, they have many subspecies. They can advance like heavy armor for defense, and they can also quickly intersperse lines to disrupt the battle..."

[Get picture book information: Worker Insect/Bee Insect. 】

[Get picture book information: Cannon Worm. 】

After playing, the lights come on.

As the door opened, the already gloomy sky and the bloody sunset reflected into Bai E's pupils.

Blood snaked in from the doorway like a snake.

Broken flesh and blood was scattered on the floor at the door.

Bai E's pupils suddenly shrank, and the hairs all over Bai E's body stood up.


[Trigger side mission (limited time!) - Insect tide is coming. 】

[Insect Tide Attack: When the main force of the military camp is out for training, the insect horde attacks your military camp. Mission requirements: Clear out 0/100% of the incoming Zerg within a limited time. Mission completion reward: General experience*? ? ? (Settlement is 2000/2000 based on the number of surviving recruits). (Countdown: 1 hour, 59 minutes and 59 seconds)]

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