Consistent? !


Several people were stunned.

Shangguanyue was even more lost.

The fingerprints are the same, doesn't that mean.

Is this me?

But how is this possible?

How can ordinary people beat a tiger?

That guy did almost the same!

But the police station's comparison results are in front of you.

99% similarity!

This can't be fake!

It is generally believed that the similarity reaches 98%, which is me!

After all, fingerprints will change in certain shape in the course of many years of life.

So this result is reliable.

This is me!

Shangguanyue sighed with disappointment.

Beside him, Wang Tao smiled.

"Shangguan, we all understand how you feel, but this guy really isn't Su Yu." Wang Tao said.

He can be described as a burst of relief now.

On the one hand, he was afraid that if this guy was really Su Yu, he would be embarrassed.

On the other hand, he could remember what Shangguan Yun said.

If it was really Su Yu, wouldn't I be able to call her Sister Yun? ?

This is even more embarrassing!

Beside him, Shangguan Yun smiled.

"Almost, big man, you're going to call me Sister Yun."

"Come on, that's not too bad."

Wang Tao pouted.

At this moment, he was somewhat grateful to Su Yu.

Fortunately not this guy.

Otherwise, your mind will collapse!

Wang Tao watched the performance juicy.

Several others, too.

Since the police station has confirmed it, it is really confirmed.

There is no point in continuing to investigate.

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers were stunned.

【Walter? ! Why did Su Shen's fingerprints match the person on the ID card? ? 】

[I don't know, how did you do this? 】

[Could it be that the police station was bought by Su Shen? 】

[Impossible, Su Shen doing this kind of thing will definitely be broadcast live, how is it possible. 】

【Then how did you do it? ! 】

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers were stunned.

And in the background.

Su Yu saw the disappointed expression on Shangguanyue's face through the curtain, and smiled lightly.

Then, pinched on the fingers.

The next moment, in the eyes of countless audiences.

A "finger" was dropped on the ground.

This made the entire live broadcast room in an instant uproar.

【My grass! fake? ! 】

【Is this all right? ! Where did Su Shen get his fingerprint information? ! 】

[Yes, where did God Su come from? ! 】

【I am so stupid! 】

In the live broadcast room, countless audiences were shocked.

At the scene, Su Yu's expression was indifferent.

Compare fingerprints?

This kind of thing has long been considered.

The ID card is fake.

But the person on the ID card is real.

Naturally, his fingerprints also exist.

On the other hand, he was just giving a little money to the network manager of the black Internet cafe, and the other party found the provider of the ID card for himself along the way along the way of obtaining the certificate, a homeless person.

Just gave a little money, and the other party happily gave his fingerprints to himself.

For this kind of person who has given up hope of life, even the ID card can be sold at a low price.

He doesn't care what others do with his ID card.

The big deal is just getting into the game, and you can still eat with the country.

Passing through this in his heart, Su Yu continued to wait quietly.

In the live broadcast room, someone has already responded.

[Wait, I looked back at the live video, Su Shen seems to have been away from the live broadcast for a while two days ago. 】

[Meaning that Su Shen quietly touched and got the fingerprint of the ID card provider? 】

【It should be like this】

【Good guy! Su Shen already knew that the other party was going to verify his identity, right? Maybe the pupils are fake now! 】

[I think so too, God Su is a bit fierce! 】

[hhhh, the pursuers are really stupid this time, all the identities of Su Shen are real, they just don't understand. 】

[This move is too cruel, the other party can't tell the truth! Except for people, it's all true! 】

In the live broadcast room, countless audiences were excited.

No way, this trick of forgery is too awesome!

Just like a different person.

The key is all kinds of identity information, or true!

As long as you don't swipe your ID card, God knows someone has been replaced!

In the background, Su Yu was already quietly waiting for his performance.

Of course he knew how powerful his forgery was, so he didn't disclose any process.

Otherwise, some outlaws will learn it away, and it will be a big problem.

Thinking inside, Su Yu waited quietly.

And outside.

The show is still going on round after round.

But all the audience seemed very absent-minded.

Everyone is now looking forward to the last finale.

Underwater fighting crocodiles!

This show, just listening to the name and imagining it, is exciting to the extreme!

Not to mention, it will really perform later!

Therefore, many tourists watch the current performance, and they all feel like chewing wax.

And in the background.

How could Manager Liu not know what tourists are expecting?

Sneaky, speed up the performance.

The 4 remaining programs that originally took 30 minutes were cut down to 15 minutes abruptly.

Finally, ten minutes passed.

On the field, only the last song program was left.


Manager Liu has come.

"Mr. Ouyang, do you have any problems now? We can terminate it immediately." Manager Liu asked.

In response, Su Yu waved his hand.

"I'm in good shape." Su Yu said.

Now he is wearing only a pair of swimming shorts.

Other than that, nothing.

No respirator, no goggles, no protection.

These, Manager Liu wanted to add.

However, all of them were rejected by Su Yu.

There was nothing he could do about it.

"OK, then Mr. Ouyang, we're starting to prepare here."

Manager Liu took a deep breath and walked to the other side.

And at the same time.


The performers of the song program are already exiting the stage.

The lights all over the place dimmed.

next moment……

A beam of light fell on the curtain.

The curtain was slowly opened.

A huge glass pool appeared in everyone's eyes!

Under the action of the pulley, slowly push to the middle of the stage!

And what everyone can clearly see is.

In this huge pool, a crocodile swims impressively!

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