Or any information about Su Yu, they can't see it.

So is Su Yu.

But now, what appears in the eyes of the six people is a normal hot search.

However, the five still watched.

"I'm so stupid! This beast master is really a **** beep! This tiger king was actually beaten away by him!"

Wang Tao watched the video and was shocked.

Of the six arresting officers, in terms of the strongest force, it must be him.

It's just that even watching this video of fighting tigers, he was horrified.

Replace it with yourself...

I can only give the tiger a small meal.

The others were no better than Wang Tao.

Looking at the video of the tiger fight, I was also very surprised.

no way……

This animal trainer in the video is really too fierce.

Even a tiger dares to fight!

Just this force value, it is not comparable to ordinary people!

And beside...

The little loli watched with relish.

Especially when the person in the video took off his clothes, Little Loli's eyes lit up.

"My God, this figure is too good!"

Little Loli looked excited.

Crowd: ...

They looked at Shangguanyue with obvious meaning.

Your sister is only 16 years old, why are you so interested in these things.

In this regard, Shangguan Yue was silent for a while.

Then he patted Shangguan Yun's head.

"Okay, let's study where Su Yu is now."

Having said that, Shangguanyue turned off the video.

This made several people ponder.

Where is Su Yu?

Before, they carefully tortured the driver.

The final result is.

The driver said to life and death that he did not pull anyone.

It can be clearly seen on the monitoring that someone is going up.

But no one got out of the car.

If not everyone is a staunch atheist.

I suspect that this is so haunted!

But I couldn't find out where Su Yu went.

The investigation has stalled.

Several people sat here for a long time, but they didn't come up with any ideas.

In the live broadcast room, countless audience members laughed when they saw this.

[The hunter never thought that Su Shen was the beast master. 】

[Normal, how could they possibly imagine that Su Shen found a class. 】

[Laughing to death, I just finished reading Su Shen's hot search, but I couldn't recognize Su Shen! 】

【Wonderful! God Su is about to start enjoying life! 】

In the live broadcast room, countless audiences were discussing.

And in the command room.

Several people were contemplating.

Only Shangguan Yun turned on the computer, not knowing what he was looking at.

Shangguanyue glanced slightly, then froze.

"Xiaoyun, what are you doing?"

"Buy a ticket." Shangguan Yun said.

buy a ticket? ?

A few people were stunned.

Leaned over and took a look.

On the computer, Shangguan Yun bought the tickets for the Beast Festival in Happy Forest Park.

What are you buying this for? ?

Several people were stunned.

Shangguan Yun puffed out his chest.

"Don't you want to watch a tense and exciting animal training show?"

Crowd: ...

"Xiaoyun, we are the pursuit officers." Wang Tao lit a chimney.

"You're not doing your job right now. Maybe the show team will open it for you when you turn back."

And Shangguanyue also nodded.

"Go back Xiaoyun, our task is to find Su Yu, not to watch any show."

"Could it be that the arresting officer doesn't have any personal time?"

Shangguan Yun was suddenly unhappy.

In this regard, several people shook their heads in unison.

This made Shangguan Yun even more unhappy.

It's just that she thought about it, and soon a smile appeared on her face.

"No! I suspect that Su Yu may also go. We are here to capture Su Yu, and we can also use funds."

Shangguan Yun said with a smile.

Crowd: ...

have to say.

Shangguan Yun's excuse is so perfect!

"I think you just want to go to the show."

Wang Tao snorted, mercilessly exposed.

In this regard, Shangguan Yun put his hands on his shoulders.

"If I say yes, there is. Why, you don't believe me anymore? Well, if you want to ask me in the future, I won't tell you!"

Shangguan Yun said angrily.


Shangguan Yun's words made several people hesitate.

This little girl looks really angry?

Shangguanyue looked at her sister, sighed, and rubbed her eyebrows.

"Well, the Feast of the Beasts will start the day after tomorrow, right? If you can't find it for two days, we'll accompany you to look inside, okay?"

Shangguanyue compromised.

In this regard, Shangguan Yun was immediately happy.

"It's still the best sister. You're not smart if you're big. If I really find Su Yu then, I'll see if you're angry."

Shangguan Yun said with a smile.

Wang Tao:  …

"If you can really predict Su Yu's actions for two days in advance, I will call you Sister Yun when I see you, right?" Wang Tao said dismissively.

What an international joke?

No matter how smart this chick is, can she predict Su Yu's actions for two days in advance?

What is Su Yu running?

Can't you just wait to die?

Shangguan Yun said nothing about Wang Tao's confidence.

"Wait and see!"

With that, she turned on the computer and started playing games.

In the live broadcast room, countless viewers were already stunned.

【My grass! What's the situation? ! This little loli... Did you know the identity of Su Shen? ! 】

[I'm so... stupid, does she really want to go to the show, or is she going to wait for Su Shen in two days? 】

[I can't tell the difference, I always feel that the little loli has a premeditated plan]

【No way? Although the little loli's character is changing, maybe she really wants to see it? They didn't even know that Su Shen was that animal trainer! 】

[Could it be that you can tell the difference by looking at your body? 】

【impossible! The pursuers have never seen Su Shen not wearing a shirt, so let's watch Su Shen live, he will take it off before taking a shower, unless...]

[Damn, I understand! 】

[Starting in three years, the highest death penalty! 】

In the live broadcast room, countless audiences were boiling.

And at the same time.

Happy Forest Park.

Su Yu is feeding leaves to a few little raccoons.

When he just woke up, he found that these little raccoons were lying on top of him and slept with him.

And now, after more than ten minutes, Su Yu has successfully won the trust of the mother raccoon and the little raccoon.

Seeing them happily eating leaves, Su Yu was quite happy.

Clap his hands, Su Yu was about to stand up and study the script for the Beast Festival given by Manager Liu;

Suddenly, the system sound rang.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the hidden reward!"

"Good people are rewarded, no matter in any era, when the crisis is at stake, there are always people who stand up. These people are either called heroes or are included in epics, no matter what, this is worthy of our praise."

"In view of the host's many heroic performances, the system unlocks a hidden reward, the reward is..."

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