In response, Su Yu did not respond, and directly cut off the communication.

This made Wang Tao more or less unhappy.

You have to react!

Don't say I'm afraid, at least give me two harsh words!

You feel this dismissive, I feel bad, you know?

On Shangguanyue's side, she said lightly.

"Hurry up and catch up, this guy should have known that we would chase."

"Well." Wang Tao muttered.

Looking at Su Yu, who was only one kilometer away from him, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

I can't fight you on the ground, but can't I fight you in the sky? !

You are finished Su Yu!

As the push rod is pushed to the bottom.

Suddenly, the speed of the helicopter was raised by another level.

And in front.

Su Yu's helicopter also noticed this scene.

Armor-piercing rounds?

Call me down?

"Brother Tao, you are so cruel." Su Yu said with a smile.

In the live broadcast room, countless people suddenly looked strange.

Why do you hear this...


【Shen Su is not panic at all】

[should be able to run]

【right! The Sushen helicopter should also be very fierce]

Countless audiences were talking.

On Su Yu's side, he looked at Wang Tao, who was about to catch up with him.

In an instant, the push rod was also pushed to the bottom.

Compare me with a helicopter?

Sorry, god-level driving skills, proficient in any means of transportation.

How do you compare to me? !

So, in Wang Tao's eyes, Su Yu's helicopter speed suddenly increased by several notches, and he rushed straight ahead!

This made Wang Tao couldn't help but scolded.

"Grass! This guy is so fast!"

"It's okay, he can't fly out of the South China Sea and let several other helicopters block him from other places."

Shangguanyue's words made several people nod.

Soon, the order was given.

Suddenly, the four helicopters flew in other directions.

Countless people saw this scene and understood it.

The pursuer, this is to block the way of Su Shen!

Su Shen can't go out of the South China Sea, so he always faces forward and always has to turn!

Once you turn, the speed is bound to slow down.

The other helicopters caught up!

When entering the range of the sniper rifle, the armor-piercing projectile hit the helicopter.

Su Yu was eliminated directly and silently!

【My grass! Why do I feel that the sky is harder than the ground! 】

【Yes indeed! When driving a racing car, at least there are road conditions to pay attention to, and the helicopter can fly freely! 】

[Good guy, really exciting! 】

[Excited heart, trembling hands, can God Su escape? 】

Countless people were excited.

And on the spot.

Su Yu naturally also noticed the situation behind.

Another siege strategy?

Su Yu had to admit that he laughed.

"Alright, let's let you guys know each other for a long time."

Su Yu glanced at Wang Tao, who was chasing after him, suddenly turned around and headed straight for the city below.

And Wang Tao also noticed this scene.

What is this guy trying to do? !

"Want to get rid of me with the help of architecture? Dreaming."

After thinking for a while, Wang Tao instantly understood.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When I was training that year, it was not that I never participated in the helicopter shuttle competition.

Compare this to me?

don't make trouble...

Without hesitation, Wang Tao chose to follow.

In the front, Su Yu was driving a helicopter at an ultra-low altitude.

Fly over the city.

And Wang Tao is also close behind.

The distance between the two of them is often less than ten meters from the ground.

This caused a lot of exclamations!

At this height, if you hit it a little bit, you're done!

But both of them are still able to stabilize, which is shocking!


Su Yu was a little surprised to see Wang Tao still following him.

It seems that Wang Tao is not as weak as he thinks when it comes to helicopter driving.

Have to play a little more to the limit.

Su Yu's eyes turned to the front.

in front of…

It's two buildings almost connected together.

One is rectangular and the other is semi-cylindrical.

The two buildings are close to each other with a distance of less than 5 meters.

From a distance, it looks like a seam.

Seeing this, Su Yu laughed.

Good, here it is!

The next moment, in the horrified eyes of countless people.

Su Yu flew the helicopter directly towards the two buildings.

Later, Wang Tao saw this scene.

Even stunned.

What is this guy doing? !

go through? ?

He is crazy!

The wingspan of the helicopter is more than 6 meters.

Go in, you have to crash on the spot!

On Wang Tao's side, he subconsciously stopped.

When Su Yu saw this scene, he smiled lightly.

Then, in the eyes of countless people, not only did not slow down, but instead accelerated, heading towards the gap!

Chapter 0206 This did not hit, Su Yu's conspiracy

Instead of slowing down, Su Yu accelerated towards the gap!

This scene shocked everyone.

【Slotting! What does Su Shen want to do? ! really want to hit? ! 】

[How the **** can this fly? ! The propeller is definitely going to hit! 】

[What's wrong with me... I'm starting the party, brothers! 】

【This is a real opening! Brother Tao is stunned! 】

[The cool moonlight, I miss you as a river...]

In the live broadcast room, countless audience members were in an uproar.

And in the back.

Wang Tao was even more horrified.

What is this guy doing? !

Does he want to die? !

I'm afraid I didn't think that I saved thousands of people, but I really thought I became a superman and couldn't be killed? !

At this height, not to mention the explosion of the helicopter, even if it falls, it is absolutely dead!


Shangguanyue is no better than Wang Tao.

Even Shangguan Yun's face was sluggish.

And ahead...

The distance between Su Yu and the two buildings was getting closer and closer.

Seeing it is about to hit.

When everyone subconsciously squinted.

Inside the helicopter cab.

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