World of Warcraft: Foreign Realm Domination

Chapter 177: Can't find anyone

Updated: 2012-06-03

Along with this sound, countless arrows came again. These mercenaries were unprepared, and they were directly shot and killed several times. Some of them reacted to avoid the key points and suffered extremely serious injuries.

The power of these arrows is enormous, at least double the penetration of the arrow of the average human archer. Their hard leather armor is cut directly like a tofu, and is hit by such a powerful arrow. Even if it is not dead, it is absolutely serious.

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that after this round of shooting, they did not even see the shadow of the enemy. After one shot, all the shooters were hidden and there was no trace.

assassin? But how can an assassin have such a powerful archery art? And, how can there be so much?

If it weren’t for the assassin, how could these shooters disappear immediately after shooting the arrow, and there was no trace at all?

These mercenaries have not seen the world, but in the deep forests where the sun is not visible, some of their abilities are not displayed, so there will be some fear in their hearts.

"It's an archer, an elf archer. They can be seen in places where there is no sunlight, so we can't see them." Captain Matt suddenly said.

He is a fourth-order fighter. His eyesight is much stronger than the average person. Although it was only a short moment, he also saw the shadow of some elf archers.

If it is only attacked by the archers, he is not afraid, as long as these archers dare to show up, with the strength of his fourth-order powerhouse, it is absolutely possible to kill more than a dozen.

However, these archers immediately hide after an arrow and no longer attack, which makes him somewhat difficult. Finding units that can be invisible is a real headache for anyone.

What's more, here are dozens, even hundreds of elves.

"What do we do now?" These mercenaries felt that they were staring at each other with their eyes. At any time, there might be a feather arrow coming over and taking their lives.

This unknown fear makes them nervous. If they are slashing in the frontal battlefield, they are not afraid, but if they fight this invisible enemy, anyone will fear.

This is why the assassins on this continent are so taboo.

"Search, a few people are a small team, they are searched out. The elf's archery is really powerful, but their melee ability is not very strong, the worst of us is the second-order fighter, assassin, magic Teacher, are you afraid that they will not be? If you find them, we can easily kill them." Matt said coldly.

At this time, he showed the ability and command ability of a captain.

The mercenaries listened to Matt and immediately settled down, put the elves down, and then divided them into small teams to search for traces of the elves.

However, after searching for a while, they could not find the traces of the elves. Inside the mountains, there are trees, bushes and weeds everywhere. If you hide a place in a place, you have to look for a long time, let alone an elf that will affect you.


At this time, a scream screamed in the woods, producing several echoes, fluttering back and forth, and it was creepy.

All the mercenaries immediately felt the hairs erect, and they immediately rushed to the place where the sound was made, but found that one of the squads was pierced by the heart and died directly.

"Did you see the figure?" They immediately asked the other members of the team.

"I saw a figure, but after chasing it, it was gone, and their actions were very fast." The undead members said a little frustrated.

Their teammates were killed in front of themselves, but they were powerless, which made them feel weak.


At this time, another horrible sound, the mercenaries rushed over again, only to find that a mercenary of a small team was shot, and they still could not find the other side's trace.

They can see a figure flashing, but after they catch up, they can't find anyone.


At this time, a series of several screams of screams, the mercenaries rushed over again, only to find that these mercenaries were not shot dead, but were killed by a knife.

Several mercenaries were directly split into two halves, and the visceral blood flowed to the ground.

"What happened? Why can't they even see a shadow? These few people are third-order fighters. Who can kill five third-order fighters in such a short time? ?"

If the sneak attack of the elves of the elves just made them feel worried, now it is not known who killed the three third-order fighters directly and instantly caused an inexplicable fear in their hearts.

There is no way, they can't find the shadow of each other, which gives them the ability to fight, but nowhere to show.


At this time, there was another scream. When they rushed over, they found a body lying there and were pierced by a feather hole. This corpse was originally an assassin.

"Our assassin? How can our assassin be killed? He can be invisible, good at hiding? We can't find them, why can they find us?"

These mercenaries are even more fearful.

They are all strong, but in this environment, there is no place to make it. It is like a person who falls in the water has no life-saving straw, and his heart is empty.

"Everyone comes back and gathers together." At this time, Captain Matt again issued an order to bring everyone back.

In just a few minutes, more than 20 people were killed by his men, which made him know that his tactics of squad search have completely gone bankrupt.

In this kind of jungle, it is the world of elves. They live in the forest for a long time. They are very familiar with plants and integrate with nature. Anywhere you can find a place can be hidden and people can't find it.

In this place, fighting with the elves is basically fighting the sharks in the water.

They couldn't help but be able to end up with an elf tribe so easily. If these elves started fighting this kind of guerrilla warfare, they would not even be able to catch an elf.

Everyone started to gather back, but at this time, suddenly two loud battles were made between their large forces.

Their two third-order magicians were directly killed in an instant, and even the reaction was too late.

After killing the two mages, the two figures disappeared, and everyone saw only one shadow, and then they could not see anything.

"Assassin? What assassin is so powerful? Instantly kill two magicians, and so easily enter the stealth state to leave?"

Matt looked at the scene, his eyes wide and unbelievable. Assassin's stealth ability, he also knows that after killing people, they must get out of the battlefield and find a suitable place before they can sneak again.

However, after the two assassins had killed the person, they immediately entered the stealth, and the speed was so fast. What is this assassin?

Moreover, the two assassins just used the weapon not the dagger, but the two thick-backed knives. The big knife smashed down and the speed was so fast. The two third-order magicians all had bodyguards. The magic items, even a full-strike of a third-order fighter, will not kill immediately.

However, after the two assassins hit, the magical items of the body were resisted, and they were slashed and chopped, and then the two wizards were killed.

The time was only less than three seconds, so they couldn't wait for the rescue. The attack is too fast and the speed of escape is too fast.

"They are elves? There are such strong people in the elves? But, look at the two of them, how can they not be like elves, one of them is thinner, shorter than the average elf, another It’s very tall and burly, and the average orc doesn’t have that. Both of them are hidden in a black cloak and can’t see the face.”

At the same time, Matt was flashing a chill in his eyes.

Provocative, this is a naked provocation. It is a huge shame to kill him in front of him, but he can't do anything about it. Ever since he became a fourth-order fighter, he has not met anyone who dared to humiliate him for many years.

Matt’s fist was slamming, and his eyes were spurting fire, but his anger was nowhere to vent.

"Captain, what should I do?" Other mercenaries at this time are some six gods, the third-order magician, they dare to blatantly kill, completely play them in the applause.

Matt blinked. After a long time, he snorted and said: "We leave quickly, all support the shields, pay attention to the guards, and collective defense when resting. I don't believe they can kill us all."

Matt said this, but his heart was completely calculating another calculation. In his low-headed eyes, there was a treacherous light. Floating astronomy registered members recommend this work

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