World of Experts

Chapter 986: Kill failed

That night, in Luo Chao's study in Luo Mansion, a few sergeants came to Luo Chao's body with their bronze heads. And Luo Chao was furious, "What! You said Tongtou was beaten into a vegetative? How could this be possible! I saw that Tongtou had no wounds on his body, how could he be beaten into a vegetative? Even! You guys! I don’t know who did it. As the elite of mine, I always seem to have overestimated your strength. Let’s talk about it! What do you do for food?"

Suddenly the sergeants in this room were ashen faces, bowed their heads, and some of them said, "Master Qi, Super Lord Luo! We were sent out by Lord Bronze to look for clues to the monster. When we people searched for no results, we returned. When I went to Master Tongtou, things were already like this. Master Tongtou had already become a vegetative. And! The other brothers who stayed beside Master Tongtou were all like this. They all became vegetatives."

Luo Chao was even more furious: "Trash! You trash. How is this good? You pretend to be the elite of Panshui City. Now you only have less than half of the people left. Even the copper heads have become vegetative. What are you going to find the monsters that are stealing cattle nearby? Whether you can keep my daily peace in Panshui City now, I think it is unknown. You trash! It really disappoints me."

The sergeants lowered their heads and said, "Lord Luo Chao! We are negligent! So what shall we do now."

Luo Chao said, "You didn't let other people in the city know about the fact that Tongtou and others became vegetative?"

The sergeants nodded and said, "It shouldn't be! When we discovered the situation, there were no other people nearby, and we were very careful when we came back with Lord Copperhead all the way. No one else should notice."

Luo Chao nodded and said, "Finally, you have done a good thing! Remember! From now on, the situation of Tongtou and others cannot be spread. Taking advantage of this period of time, I will hurry to go outside and look for experts to come back and make up for Tongtou and others. Go on! Fortunately, this time I made a lot of money with Ye Feng. It should be enough to cope with the vacancy of Tongtou and others this time. But remember! There will be another time! I will not spare you. It's just that **** monster Since Ye Feng specifically mentioned this matter, and it is estimated that the Tongtou and others were probably killed by that monster. For such a monster, I still have to pay for someone to deal with it."

The sergeants nodded, "Yes! Let's go down here!" The sergeants turned and left neatly.


However, as time gradually passed, the night gradually darkened, and at this moment, the figure of Lu Sha appeared outside the gate of Luo Mansion. But Lu Sha smiled, he walked towards Luo Mansion as if nothing was left, but the sergeant guarding the gate of Luo Mansion did not seem to be able to see Lu Sha. Lu Sha swaggered in from the front of Luo Mansion gate like an air man. Fuzhong.

And when Lu Sha entered Luo Mansion, he quickly came out of Luo Chao's study quietly and with a smile like an air invisible person.

At this time, Luo Chao was frowning in the study, seeming to be calculating how he can complete the elite supplement of the military at a relatively minimal cost, and even get the copper head to get rid of that. Become a vegetative monster.

Lu Sha stood outside the study looking at Luo Chao, and smiled slightly: "Huh! Look at him like this! I'm afraid he is thinking about how to work **** money. This Luo Chao! Today is your death date. Back then, you I married my sister from the Lu family, and asked my Lu family to help you assemble the force, making you the overlord of the party. But you dare to live up to my Lu family’s kindness to you. Not only do you not want to make progress, but organize the day and the wine. , And everyone who excluded my Lu family had to stay away from home."

Lu Sha said again: "But look! Luo Chao! Look at your body now. What a heroic body you were in the past, but now you are a fat pig. You are a fat pig! You are not good enough for me. My sister. Even more dare to mess around with flowers and grass outside, marry a few concubines, and have an unknown number of illegitimate children outside. Luo Chao! You must die today. Hahahaha! Kill you! I will take your place again. After all! Luo Chao! Your position was originally obtained by the Lu family with great efforts to help you, and you should return it to my Lu family."

After Lu Sha finished speaking, he was about to set off to enter Luo Chao's study and quietly kill Luo Chao.


However, at the same time, just as Lu Sha was about to enter Luo Chao's study, Shi Hao was resting in the inn where he was staying, but Bai Ping suddenly rushed into Shi Hao's room and said to Shi Hao secretly: "Master! No good! That Lusha borrowed my power and entered Luo Mansion. It seems that he was planning to kill the guy in the mansion. Master! You asked me to use the power lent to Lusha to monitor Lusha. , It depends on what he is going to do, but what should I do now? Is it going to let Lusha kill that person?"

Shi Hao was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said, "Xiao Bai! Hurry! Don't let Lu Sha kill Luo Chao first. Think of a way to let Lu Sha leave obediently. But don't let Lu Sha get caught in Luo Mansion. People are caught. Let Lusha return to his courtyard obediently."

Bai Ping nodded repeatedly, "Yeah! I understand."


On the side of Lu Sha, he was stepping into Luo Chao's study, seeing that Luo Chao was already in a coma by the power of his illusion right in front of him. With a smile on his face, Lu Sha calmly walked to the side of Luo Chao who was in a coma, and at the same time took out a sharp blade from himself, seeing Lu Sha want to kill Luo Chao with a knife.

But suddenly, Lu Sha only felt that the power of the illusion he had borrowed from him was somewhat abnormal. This power began to become very unstable, and the invisibility effect he achieved with the power of illusion, even began to be somewhat unsupported. His figure began to appear looming, and Luo Chao, who had been fainted by the power of illusion before him, began to look like he was about to wake up.

Seeing this, Lu Sha was shocked, and secretly said: "No! My illusion power is not stable. This Luo Chao is now being stabbed by me. With my strength, it is difficult for Luo Chao to be stabbed instantly by me. When I die, Luo Chao may just be injured, but he is completely awake, and my stealth effect is not stable now. I am afraid that Luo Chao becomes awake after being injured and finds me, I will be in trouble. Damn!"

Lu Sha sighed and said secretly: "It seems that the little guy in the house is hungry again! Bad luck today! But I have no worries about burning the green hills. Since this Luo Mansion is nothing to me, I will come back another day to take the life of Luo Chao.” After saying that, Lu Sha immediately gave up the idea of ​​killing Luo Chao today, and instead left Luo Mansion very carefully.

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