World of Experts

Chapter 982: Source of power

now! The butler heard Lusha say that there will be no more buffaloes in the back. The butler frowned and sighed secretly, but turned to smile and said, "Okay! I understand! But! I miss Master Lusha. It’s better to pay attention. According to my information, this time, the guy called the Bronze Head and Iron Wall is also out. This person is Luo Chao’s number one master."

After hearing the words, Lu Sha sneered and said: "What kind of copper head and iron arm, in my eyes, it is nothing more than scrap."

Lu Sha said again: "Okay! I'm leaving now! I will find a way to contact you proactively if there is something later."

After speaking, Lu Sha turned his head and left. The butler stayed in place and started to deal with the waves of buffalo here. Shi Hao hid on the side, smiling at this moment, and then without hesitation, he followed Lu Sha directly behind him and followed him all the way surreptitiously.


After a long time, Shi Hao followed Lu Sha's whereabouts all the way to the deserted courtyard of the Lu Family in the suburbs. As for Shi Hao following behind him, Lu Sha didn't even notice.

When Lu Sha returned to the courtyard, he began to relax very much, and then went straight to the room where he was staying. but! When Lu Sha returned to his room, he frowned, as if he was thinking about something in secret. And I saw that Lu Sha's thinking took more than an hour, but it also hurt Shi Hao, hiding in the dark secretly observing the appearance of this Lu Sha thinking.

And fortunately, just after more than an hour passed, suddenly, when Na Lu Sha spoke, he said, "Today is really good and bad. Fortunately, Na Luo Chao finally sent a man and horse, and it was finally that **** greedy. The butler did a good thing for me. But... my sister, my sister Lu Xi, how did she provoke that strange woman, she could see through my illusion just by looking at it. It's impossible. I see. That woman's combat effectiveness is not outstanding, how did she see through my illusion?"

Lu Sha said again: "Damn! I really don't worry about the men and horses sent by Luo Chao. Anything with a bronze head and iron arms must be dead in front of me. I am worried about that strange woman now! Why on earth does a woman seem to be completely not afraid of my illusion? This woman! The threat to me is too great, if someone is not afraid of my illusion, I will hardly be able to fight that person."

Lu Sha said again: "This woman! No matter why my sister Lu Xi has to deal with her, but now I am not only trying to paint her face as simple as that. I must kill that woman. This woman will not die for a day, I The power of her might be completely deciphered in one day. I must kill her as soon as possible."

And at this moment, these words of Lu Sha were heard clearly by Shi Hao who was stealing the cat.

Shi Hao immediately began to think about it, and said inwardly, "Hey! This Lu Sha! He is so confident, but he is indeed powerful. But he said he must kill a woman? Who is he talking about? She seems to be a woman who is not afraid of his illusions? But I see that the magical power of Lusha’s illusions is indeed powerful. Except for my own ability to be immune to abnormal states due to skills, other people are afraid that it is not so simple to see this directly Lusha’s illusion. Who is this woman Lusha talking about?"


And just as Shi Hao thought about it, time gradually passed. But suddenly Lu Sha started talking again.

I saw Lu Sha suddenly smiled, patted his head, and said anxiously: "That's right! My baby boy today, he hasn't eaten yet. I have to feed him. If he doesn't eat well, make trouble. I get angry and don’t lend me this power, then I’m done. Fortunately! Fortunately, I think about it now! I ran into that strange woman today, and I almost made this big thing. I forgot about the matter. Hurry up."

After Lu Sha said, he immediately got up and found a yin and yang bag in the room that seemed to be filled with a lot of food. He turned his head and walked out of the room. Then he walked slowly and came here. In the first underground secret room in the courtyard, which is very difficult to find, Shi Hao followed by secretly.

Only when I came into this underground secret room, I saw that the secret room was divided into inner and outer layers, while the outer layer was relatively spacious and piled up a lot of materials, which seemed to be prepared by Lu Sha. The inner layer is relatively narrow, but there doesn't seem to be any extra objects stacked inside, but the light is very dim.

After Lu Sha came to the underground secret room, he directly entered the inner room and lit up many of the spars in the inner room that could continue to emit light. This lightened the inner room of the underground secret room. stand up.

However, it is a pity that because the inner room of the underground secret room is lit up, and there is not much place to hide the figure in the innermost part of the secret room, Shi Hao had to hide a little outside, unable to see. The specific situation in the innermost part of the secret room, but the sound inside can be heard clearly.

At this moment, Shi Hao was hiding in the outer room of the secret room, listening to Lu Sha in the inner room suddenly saying: "Come on! My little boy, you are hungry today. Come on, I brought a lot of food. , I’ll eat it for you.” After Lu Sha said, he heard a sound of throwing food on the ground. It was obvious that Lu Sha threw out some of the food he had brought.

And immediately afterwards, I heard a very rapid sound of eating, "Guru! Guru!" But it didn't sound like a huge sound that humans can make when eating. Moreover, this sound of eating has been going on for a long time, and the guy who doesn’t know what it is probably has been eating frantically for more than an hour before he stops his mouth and makes the sound of eating follow. Gone.

And just after the sound of eating disappeared, he immediately listened to Lu Sha with a smile: "Okay! You are finally full. It's OK! Then you live here by yourself. It's dangerous outside. It's me. It's the best for you. I will definitely come over at this time tomorrow and continue to give you food. You have to be good."

After that, he soon saw that Lu Sha walked out of the inner room and turned off the luminous spar, but he did not notice Shi Hao hiding in the outer room, and Lu Sha just left with a smile on his face. Leaving this underground secret room. Shi Hao stayed in this secret room, and he planned to find out.

And watching Lu Sha go completely far away, Shi Hao did not hide, jumped out from the outer room, and smiled: "I understand! This Lu Sha! It seems that his power is obtained from the guy inside. Come. And it looks like! This Lusha seems to have tied the guy inside. He probably used this method to squeeze the power of the guy inside. But who is that guy inside?"

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