World of Experts

Chapter 979: Lu Xi Lu Sha

And Luo Chao was furious, "Huh! What does she mean. Someone came before, and I called her to come and greet the guests with me, but she told me that if I called her again, she would have a quarrel with me. Now it’s time to blame me for not calling her out to greet the guests. Good fellow! She blames me inside and out."

But after Luo Chao said a word, he pressed the anger on his face again, turned his head to look at Shi Hao, smiled, and said: "Ahhh! Mr. Ye Feng just laughed. My wife and I have always been at odds. Oh, just laughed. I knew I should have invited Madam over."

Shi Hao smiled, "There is nothing to laugh or laugh. Master Luo Chao treated me with hospitality and I am very happy. But I have finished the meal. I will take the girl Han Li to go ahead. If there is a chance to come, Master Luo Chao doesn't have to go out to see him off."

Luo Chao smiled and said, "Okay, okay! Then I'll wait for Mr. Ye Feng to come. As long as the husband wants to come, I will be extremely welcome whenever he wants."

Shi Hao smiled and said, "That's good! I'm leaving now." After saying that, Shi Hao took Han Li and left the room and walked outside Luo Mansion.

Just when Shi Hao brought Han Li to the gate of Luo Mansion, he suddenly saw a maid waiting here. When the maid saw Shi Hao, she immediately stepped forward and whispered: "Mr. Ye Feng! Today my wife knew that her husband was here, and originally planned to bring my lady over to meet her husband. However, there is something wrong with my lady. Ri Lao was running around without letting anyone inquire about her whereabouts, and no one was found for a while. But my wife said that if my husband comes at this time tomorrow, my lady will be there."

Speaking of it, obviously this maid is by Lu Xi's side. And the lady that the maid said was obviously the baby girl of Lu Xi and Luo Chao. And Shi Hao understood this very quickly.

But Shi Hao smiled after hearing the words: "No need! I have something to do tomorrow, I shouldn't be able to come. Let's make another day! This kind of thing depends on fate." After that, Shi Hao took Han Li and left Luofu.

The maid turned her head and immediately ran to Lu Xi's room in the backyard, and relayed Shi Hao's words to Lu Xi. After Lu Xi heard this, he was silent and thought for a while. Suddenly Lu Xi said: "Fine! This kind of thing depends on fate. Although Ye Feng is indeed powerful, he will be the dragon and phoenix in the future, and may become the right man of the blood god, but if there is no fate, it will be fine. After all, this If you rashly offend a cultivator, it will be troublesome if you turn around and let this person fly." Lu Xi sighed.

However, Lu Xi suddenly changed his conversation and said coldly: "It's just! The little girl of Han Li, I remember it is the daughter of Han Zhi from Yuxi Town. If my girl can't climb Ye Feng's high branch, she shouldn't let it. That Han Zhi’s girl climbed up. There is no such reason in this world. My girl is inferior to that Han Li. I don’t want to provoke that Ye Feng, but this Han Li! I have to teach her a lesson. "

Lu Xi went on to say: "You!" Lu Xi looked at the maid in front of him, "Listen!"

The maid replied immediately: "Madam! Just ask if you have anything to do."

Lu Xi sneered and said with a cold smile: "You go to meet my brother, Lu Sha secretly. He is in the city right now, and he should live in the old house belonging to my Lu family on the outskirts of the city. Go and give it to me. Find him, tell him, let him figure out a way for me, find a master to deal with that Han Li for me. Tell him, I want to catch that Han Li, and paint her face off, I want to see that Can a woman stay by Ye Feng's side."

Lu Xi said: "Perhaps! Han Li's face will be ruined by then, and Ye Feng might come to see my daughter."

The maid immediately replied, "Madam is right! Then I will do it."

Lu Xi smiled and said, "Go back quickly." Lu Xi waved.


After about a few hours, I saw the maid next to Lu Xi, driving a carriage that wasn't too fast by herself, bumping all the way to a deserted courtyard on the outskirts of Panshui City.

And speaking of it, the deserted courtyard here is the property of the Lu family. It's just that most of the people in the Lu family have now moved out of Panshui City, and the courtyard here has been barren all year round, revealing a scene of wrongdoing, which is a bit embarrassing. After all, it was a leisure place where the Lu family’s children especially liked to come to play hunting and see the scenery. It was still very lively.

At this moment, the maid got out of the carriage and stood alone in front of the closed gate of the deserted courtyard.

When the maid approached, she knocked on the door suddenly and shouted, "Is there anyone! Is there anyone in there?"

It didn't take long for anyone to show up, but suddenly the door opened by himself.

And while the door opened on its own, only a man's voice came, "Are you from Lu Xi?"

The maid was taken aback for a moment, but she also nodded quickly, and replied: "Yes! Is it Master Lusha?"

And the man's voice came again, "In that case! Just walk all the way. Just keep going."

The maid nodded immediately, followed the man's voice and walked forward.

And after the maid walked about a stick of incense, she finally came to a place that was obviously different from the situation in the surrounding deserted courtyard. In contrast, the place in front of you can be seen at a glance, it has been specially cleaned in recent time, and the other places around are barren.

And the maid was standing here at the moment, and suddenly heard the man's voice again, saying: "Very good!"

And just as this voice came, he swished, and saw a man in golden armor, who appeared in front of the maid like a ghost in a flash, standing about three meters in front of the maid. But the appearance of the ghostly figure made the maid jumped by surprise.

The maid shivered and said, "Are you...sir Lusha?" Obviously, this maid seemed to know Lusha before and met Lusha, but in the impression of the maid, Lusha should not look like what she sees. . Lu Sha in front of him seemed very powerful, which was completely different from Lu Sha before, and this made the maid shiver involuntarily.

Lu Sha smiled slightly, "I know you! You are the close maid beside Lu Xi. Come on! My sister Lu Xi asked you to come to me, there must be something confidential. My sister has always treated you well and trusts you. You, what did she ask you to come over and tell me?"

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