World of Experts

Chapter 976: Treacherous man

"But! What the **** is that guy named Lu Sha?" Shi Hao secretly said again: "It sounds! Lu Sha used to be very weak, right? But now it looks like he is really strong, although It's not as good as me, but I can even be sure that Lusha's strength is enough to kill the troll, and it should be the kind that doesn't require much effort."

"It seems! It's not simple behind this matter. I have to continue to find out. It's just a pity, in order to avoid being horrified, there are so many buffaloes this time! All gone! It fell into the hands of the housekeeper of Na Luofu! That's it! If it's all made into sauced beef, let me buy it and eat it." Shi Hao sighed.

"Eh! That's right! So many plates of buffalo meat have fallen into the hands of the housekeeper of Luofu, I will go to Luofu tomorrow! Humph! Let me see if the beef from the housekeeper of Luofu will vomit me Come out. And it's also good to find out the situation of the Naluo housekeeper. And the situation of that Lusha." Shi Hao smiled slightly, and then left here and returned to the inn to rest.


The next day came soon. But early in the morning, Shi Hao took Han Li and went to visit Luo Mansion. And the people of Luo Mansion, when they saw Shi Hao coming, they immediately reported to Luo Chao. After all, Luo Chao had ordered that once Shi Hao came, no matter when, he must let Luo Chao know the first time.

After Luo Chao was notified, he didn't say much, and immediately ran to see Shi Hao. It's just that Luo Chao was a little disappointed when he saw Shi Hao coming with Han Li, but he still smiled and said, "Hey! Mr. Ye Feng has time to come over to me today. It's really rare. Come on! Come in and talk. "

Luo Chao quickly took Shi Hao and Han Li to a reception hall to sit down in person. Then Luo Chao smiled slightly: "Mr. Ye Feng! I think you are here today, there must be something important to tell me. It's just that the little girl Han Li also followed, I don't know what it is. Meaning." Luo Chao squinted.

Shi Hao smiled and said, "Oh! Lord Luo Chao! I came here today with girl Han Li, mainly for one thing. I am ashamed to say it. Yesterday I originally planned to bring girl Han Li to try this plate. The specialties of Shuicheng. Good luck or bad luck. We just found a small shop, and the sauced beef made with buffalo is really delicious."

Luo Chao hurriedly interjected and said, "Hahahaha! That's it! My sauced beef in Panshui City is really delicious. Mister likes it. But what's the bad luck? Mister just say it."

Shi Hao smiled and said, "The main thing is that I didn't eat enough. I don't know why! The person in the small shop said that Panshui City's specialty beef is becoming less and less nowadays. They can only sell me half a catty. But I have a big appetite. Where is half a catty enough to eat. Eh! It's really bad luck."

Luo Chao was suddenly surprised: "Oh? The characteristic cattle in Panshui City are getting less and less? Why don't I know this? What's the matter? I even had a full cattle banquet yesterday at my house. No special beef." Luo Chao turned his head and greeted the next person, shouting: "Quickly! Call the butler to me, I have to ask, what is going on with what Mr. Ye Feng said? Do it."

It didn't take long to see that the butler of Luo Mansion was called in front of Luo Chao. I saw that the housekeeper of Luofu seemed to have known the situation from others in advance. As soon as the housekeeper of Luofu came, with a look of aggrieved expression, he explained, "Master Luo! Mr. Ye Feng! You should have misunderstood me. I also only learned about the Panbuffalo in Panshui city yesterday. There are fewer and fewer specialty cattle."

However, when he heard this, Shi Hao saw many secrets of this Luofu housekeeper yesterday. How could Shi Hao know that Luofu housekeeper was lying. However, Shi Hao did not expose the Luo Fu housekeeper’s lie on the spot in order to avoid being stunned. He just asked: "But since the outside store has less pan-buffed beef, I can't even buy a lot of it if I pay a lot of money. Master Luo Chao said that yesterday, Luofu had a full cattle banquet. I wanted to ask where so many plates of buffalo beef came from? It's really strange."

Luo Chao also immediately asked: "Yes! Mr. Ye Feng is right. You housekeeper! What did you do? Not to mention that you only know that Panshui City has fewer and fewer specialty cattle, but why are you outside? The special beef is already in short supply, and even Mr. Ye Feng can only eat half a catty. Why was there still a full cattle banquet at my house yesterday? What is going on?" Luo Chao looked furious.

And the housekeeper of Luofu quickly lowered his head and was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking of something, and suddenly after a while, he raised his head and said: "Master! Mr. Ye Feng! To be honest, I really knew it a long time ago. Because of the fact that there are fewer and fewer characteristic cattle in Panshuicheng. But I didn’t care about it at the time, so I didn’t come to inform the master. I thought this was just a temporary emergency and it would not last. Who would have thought of this. It has been going on for several weeks without stopping."

The housekeeper of Luofu said: "It is true that there are fewer and fewer specialty beef outside, but fortunately, Luofu has always had enough ingredients to prepare. So you have not felt the lack of specialty beef during this time. I was careless about this matter, and I should have told you about it long ago."

However, after hearing the words, although Shi Hao didn't change his face, he smiled coldly in his heart, and said in his heart: "Good fellow! The housekeeper of Luofu! It turns out that he clearly didn't tell the fact that there are fewer and fewer Pan Buffalo. Luo Chao listened. Good fellow! Good fellow!" After Shi Hao thought about it, he suddenly said, "This housekeeper! You are really strange. I think it looks like this, if I didn’t eat this special beef yesterday, I only came to this mansion today and said to Master Luo Chao, I'm afraid you might not take the initiative to speak.

Luo Chao suddenly became angry: "Yes! You housekeeper! Mr. Ye Feng is right. You housekeeper, if you don't have to say at this moment, would you still tell me? What are you doing? Let me make it clear! Otherwise, I have something good for you today. Do you know that if you had told me about this, I would have sent someone to deal with it long ago, and it would not have let Mr. Ye Feng not eat enough for us in Panshui City yesterday. The specialty beef, what a sin is your butler after all. I said you, the butler, are tired of life, do you want to die?"

The housekeeper of Luofu immediately said: "Master, don't be angry, it's all the villain's fault. It's all the villain's fault. I remember! There is still a batch of panshui beef left in the palace, and Mr. Ye Feng is here today. Why don't I just go down and make arrangements so that Mr. Ye Feng can eat enough and calm down."

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