World of Experts

Chapter 960: Blockbuster

"Yeah! That's good! So I want status. No problem! Let's talk! Mr. Ye Feng! What position do you want in the Blood God World! Just talk about it. In the Blood God World, I can still help you Fished to a suitable position." Luo Chao immediately laughed.

"Then you will give me the position of Lord Blood God, is it possible?" Shi Hao smiled.

"What! You..." Luo Chao suddenly became angry and said angrily: "Ye Feng! Are you playing tricks on me? How could the position of Lord Blood God be tempted by others? Now in this world, no one knows, Lord Blood God His strength is superb, and there is no other person to rival. You asked me to give you the position of Lord Blood God? Ye Feng! You really don't know what is good or bad! Don't be shameless, I will ask you one last time, if you agree or not? "

"No more questions! I only have three words... I don't agree." Shi Hao smiled coldly.

"Okay! It's you who are going to suffer. Don't blame me." Luo Chao suddenly took the case and shouted: "Come on! Quickly take this Ye Feng to me." And suddenly there was a group of sergeants outside the door. He rushed into the hall and quickly surrounded Shi Hao. When Shi Hao faced the group of sergeants, after taking a glance, he quickly determined the approximate strength of these people, and smiled.

"Encircle me? Dare to ask who surrounds me! Do you think you can beat the King of Monsters on the Blood God List? I remember! That King of Monsters seems to be the 100th among the three ranks. I think none of you are inferior to King Guai Li. I advise you to leave." Shi Hao smiled.

"What are you talking about King of Weird Force? What does the King of Weird Force have to do with you?" The sergeants who surrounded Shi Hao became confused, but they did not intend to release Shi Hao from the circle.

"It doesn't really matter! But King Guai Li is dead! I killed it." Shi Hao sneered.

"What? How is this possible?" The sergeants were taken aback.

"No! Don't panic! Ye Feng! He is lying to you! How could he have killed a master like King Guai Li. He is like this, I think his aura has just stepped into the second level. Where can he be able to kill? King Guai Li. Don't be fooled. Give it to me." But Luo Chao on the side shouted.

"Okay! That's right! This Ye Feng is deceiving! Let's go! Brothers! Go together." Then the sergeants immediately shot, tightening the encirclement, planning to take Shi Hao directly. It's just that Shi Hao naturally didn't lie, at least not this time. However, Shi Hao's strength was far above these people, and immediately seeing these people approaching him and surrounding him, Shi Hao directly exerted his force and stomped his feet.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Suddenly, the entire Luo Mansion seemed to be shaken a few times, and a powerful vibration wave was emitted from Shi Hao's feet, enveloping the surrounding ones. The hapless sergeants were directly knocked to the ground. Seeing this scene, the few sergeants fell to the ground in shock.

"This, this..." The sergeants said in unison: "Sir City Lord! Mr. Ye Feng doesn't seem to be frightening us! His power! So strong." These sergeants were so scared that their legs became weak after they said this, although He didn't actually suffer any injuries, but he was so frightened that he could not get up.

"What!" Luo Chao was even more surprised at the side with his mouth open. He couldn't believe it. "How is this possible! The power just now was controlled so delicately, and it was extremely explosive. Subtle power, this is really..." Luo Chao suddenly said in his heart: "This Ye Feng! Han Zhi's message to the Blood God World didn't mention these things. And this Ye Feng, his power at the moment is no longer. I can handle it at will, and I am afraid that in the future, it will not be something in the pool. At this moment, I must not offend him." Luo Chao couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath.

"Mr. Ye Feng!" After Luo Chao thought about it, he immediately came back to his senses and showed a smile, "I was rude just now. It was just a joke with the husband. I didn't expect the husband to be true. We have nothing to say. Sit down and talk?" Luo Chao smiled again.

"No need! I'm still that old saying! If you want to talk about helping you get money from people, I won't agree." Shi Hao still smiled coldly. But seeing this, Luo Chao didn't dare to have the same cold color as before. Instead, he posted it up with a hot smile and smiled at Shi Hao.

"Hey! Mr. Ye Feng! Since you don't want to talk about the pitfalls, don't you?" Luo Chao said with a smile: "But we have other things to talk about. I remember that Han directly gave it to In the blood **** world’s message, it is said that Mr. Ye Feng has not yet been married this year, doesn’t he? And my family happens to have a daughter who is considered to be a suitable age for marriage. Why don’t you say it after seeing you?"

"Haha! No need." Shi Hao still smiled coldly. Seeing this, Luo Chao's brows suddenly frowned.

"What's going on! This Ye Feng! How can he not eat! My daughter is a famous beauty! Doesn't he even want to see each other? He doesn't love money! He doesn't greedy beauty! Is it really a wholehearted one? Do you just want the supreme status of Lord Blood God? This person! Not so..." Luo Chao said in his heart. And suddenly! Luo Chao suddenly noticed Han Li who was coming with Shi Hao. Luo Chao said again: "Ah! I understand! It turns out that Han Zhi didn't understand Ye Feng's full strength deliberately. And! Han Zhi is quick to do it! He has already put his daughter Han Li next to Ye Feng. . Good guy! Han Zhi! I remember you."

"But... anyway!" Luo Chao secretly said again: "Although Han Zhi took the lead, but since this Ye Feng seemed to take Han Li by his side, it also proved that Ye Feng is greedy for beauty! Since this is the case, how can my daughter not try. If Ye Feng can really go far and far with her own abilities in the future, and even become the right arm of Lord Blood God, then I will be able to follow suit in the future." Luo Chao He couldn't help but settled his attention, and must introduce his daughter to Shi Hao.

"Mr. Ye Feng!" After thinking about it, Luo Chao faced Shi Hao and suddenly walked to Shi Hao. With a very faint voice, he secretly said to Shi Hao separately: "I know! Mr. Ye Feng is with a female family at the moment. , It’s not convenient to see my daughter today. But it’s okay! Anyway, Mr. Ye Feng still has to live in Panshui City for a while. Don’t worry, there will always be a chance, right?”

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