World of Experts

Chapter 957: Yin Xiu's Heart

"Okay! Master Han Zhi! Since you said that! Then there is nothing to talk about between us!" Shi Hao immediately smiled coldly, "Ms. Han Li, I will naturally take it away and let her continue to be by your side. , I don’t worry. She is a good girl, and I will at least guarantee that as long as I am still alive, I will never let bad people bully her. But! Lord Han Zhi! You should do it yourself.” Shi Hao got up and turned around. Just go. And Zhou Kang also gave Han Zhi a cold smile, got up and turned his head and followed Shi Hao.


Later that day, Han Li came to the inn where Shi Hao was staying from the Han Mansion. She heard the news that the situation of participating in the semi-final had been settled, and it was about ten days away from Yuxi Town. Cheng’s place, there is a place called Panshui City. Speaking of this city of water, it is surrounded by water and the weather is cool in all seasons. It is a town with very pleasant scenery and climate, and it is also one of the largest towns nearby.

"Mr. Ye Feng!" Han Li stood in front of Shi Hao at the moment, and said: "Father said! We can leave right away. We are sitting on the carriage and slowly moving forward, and we will almost start the retest after we get there. My father also said that you are now in a double competition place. You have to participate in both Tier 1 and Tier 2 competitions. By then, your schedule will be a bit busy, so you should pay attention to it." Han Li smiled.

"Well! In that case! Let's go!" Shi Hao nodded. Immediately afterwards, Shi Hao went to find Zhou Kang again. After bidding farewell to Zhou Kang, Shi Hao and Han Li sat in a carriage prepared by Han Zhi in advance, and the two left Yuxi Town together on the road.


"Hey!" Just not long after Shi Hao and Han Li left, in the Han Mansion in Yuxi Town, Han Zhi sat in his study with a melancholy expression and said to himself: "Count the time! Li! Er should also go on the road with Mr. Ye Feng. I believe Li Er will have nothing to do in the future. But then Yin Xiu! He must die. Otherwise! If someone finds out that Yin Xiu is not dead, I am afraid Li Er will also be implicated! Xiu must die!"


"Huh!" But at the same time, at the other end of the Yunzhong restaurant in Yuxi Town, Zhou Kang came to a room and saw Yin Xiu. At this moment Yin Xiu clenched his fist and said to Zhou Kang, "Brother Zhou Fu! Now Mr. Ye Feng is gone, leaving us two. Next! We will not be polite to that Han Zhi. We must give Han Zhi thoroughly. Down. He must not be allowed to do evil."

"Yeah! This is natural!" Zhou Kang nodded and said, "It's just that now Boss Yin, you just spent a lot of money, your financial resources are empty, and the Ye Feng brothers are not there. Now how do you deal with Han Zhi. Han Zhi is not one of us. You can deal with it casually. In my opinion! Let's prepare now, it is better to wait until Brother Ye Feng has time to come back before implementing the action."

"This question! I have already figured it out!" Yin Xiu said suddenly: "I am afraid that I have to wait for Mr. Ye Feng to come back. I really don't know how long to wait. With the strength of Mr. Ye Feng, I am afraid that this time I go. Will be back again. Once his strength is known to everyone, whether he likes it or not, he will definitely go to the higher stage. I am afraid that he will be very busy in the future, busy cultivating, and busy dealing with the challenges of various masters. Maybe he still has time to come back here."

"It's okay!" Zhou Kang said suddenly: "Even if Brother Ye Feng doesn't have time to come back in the future, but a person like Brother Ye Feng, as long as he says something, who doesn't give face, it is not easy for Han Zhi to fall. What about the matter." Zhou Kang smiled.

"No! It's not that simple! Which person like Han Zhi is simple? You must know that the relationship behind Han Zhi is not easy to provoke, unless Mr. Ye Feng cultivates to the fourth rank in the future, otherwise only with Ye Feng Mr.'s words, it is still difficult to make Han Zhi fall in a single sentence. But until Mr. Ye Feng cultivates to the fourth rank, how long will it be?" Yin Xiu sighed again.

"The plan now!" Yin Xiu suddenly said, "I have to take the risk. Actually!" Yin Xiu paused, and continued: "I still had an identity before! I secretly joined in when Zhao Wudi was not dead. I have lived in a mysterious organization called Twilight Morning. But! My status in this organization is very low, just the most marginal little person, responsible for doing business on the bright side, collecting information. And I will occasionally be a part of the organization. People’s temporary gathering place."

"Twilight Morning?" Zhou Kang was taken aback. "You... Boss Yin! You even joined Twilight Morning? This is a powerful organization. But it was completely wiped out overnight. It seems. You originally planned to use the power of the evening morning to avenge you?"

"Of course! I certainly hope to use the power of the evening morning to avenge me. It's a pity! I was light-hearted in those days. Don't think I am rich in the face, but in the sinking of the evening, anyone with a little face will not No matter how you look at me, it's just because my cultivation level is not very high, and therefore no one will follow my instructions or help me to destroy Han Zhi. And! After all, I can have so much The money is also thanks to the staff who helped me make a lot of arrangements in the evening."

"Oh! No wonder..." Zhou Kang nodded, "Then Boss Yin! Why did you tell me this?"

"Brother Zhou Fu!" Yin Xiu said earnestly: "You also know that the twilight morning has now been destroyed. But in the twilight morning there was a secret method for refining poisonous people. This is the first evening in the morning. An expert named Mu Song came here to study ancient methods. I also happened to meet the poisonous person once because the expert Mu Song passed by here and came here temporarily. That poisonous person is very powerful. And I! At that time, I kept an eye on him, thinking that maybe this poisonous man could help me deal with Han Zhi in the future. Therefore! I took advantage of the Musong master to be there, and I boldly asked the poisonous man about the poisonous man. Refining things."

"Come! Brother Zhou Fu! Look!" At this point, Yin Xiu suddenly took out a carefully kept paper from his arms and handed it to Zhou Kang. And Yin Xiu said: "This is some information about the refining of poisonous people that the expert Mu Song told me at that time. Thanks to the expert Mu Song who likes to tell others about this poisonous thing, I was able to learn from Mu Song Gao. Collect these from the population."

"This!" Zhou Kang was stunned after reading the information on the paper, "This poisonous man! The living man must be used as a sacrificial vessel! This... also makes the living man bitten by all kinds of poisons, which is really terrible. Right. This method of refining is too cruel. Boss Yin Xiu! You don’t want to study the secret method of refining poison people based on the information above! Isn't this... too inappropriate?"

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