World of Experts

Chapter 955: Wu Fan was deposed

"Huh! Wu Jun! This is your precious son? How dare to say such things!" At this moment, Han Zhi turned black when he heard the words, and jumped out. And I have to say that Han Zhi had been silent for a long time because of Shi Hao’s killing of the King of Monsters, but he suddenly woke up and realized that not only did he resolve his loss because of Shi Hao’s victory. The crisis of the lordship of the town of Xizhen, and at this moment, is also a great opportunity to take the opportunity to attack Wu Jun. At this time, if Han Zhi does not take action, when will he wait.

"Han Zhi! Let's be forgiving and forgiving! I admit what happened today." Wu Jun immediately sank, and his arrogance lowered. He said, "Let's just leave today's affairs! Bring someone back!" After talking about this, Wu Jun looked at his straw-bag son Wu Fan angrily again, and said angrily: "Nizi! You are not quick to apologize to Uncle Han Zhi, Han Li is your peer, it is you My sister, how did you talk just now! You quickly apologize to Uncle Han in front of everyone. Come on!"

"But..." Wu Fan was stunned after hearing the words, "Daddy! When you came! You didn't tell me that way! If you knew it was like this, why should I come here? I'm here. It’s much more comfortable to sleep in my house than here, really.” Wu Fan showed his innocence even more after speaking. It seemed that he felt that he had done nothing wrong at the moment, but felt that Wu Jun was a little reluctant.

"You! Nizi!" After that, Wu Jun was immediately furious. After all, Wu Jun's own situation was also very suspenseful at this moment. If Han Zhi took the opportunity to catch a famous man, he had to turn Wu directly. Jun is completely defeated, then Wu Jun is very dangerous. And Wu Jun immediately stared at Wu Fan and said: "Nizi! You Nizi! What are you talking nonsense! Hurry up and apologize to your Uncle Han. Let me say one last time! Do you do it? Nizi! Do you do it! Don't do it?" Wu Jun was furious.

"Don't do it! Why do you want to do it! It's not that I was wrong, that's what we said when we came! Daddy! Why are you so angry with me! Really! Go back and see me tell my mother, you see Why did my mother come back to clean up you?" Wu Fan still did not listen to what Wu Jun said. But Wu Jun couldn't bear it anymore on the spot. Suddenly, Wu Jun raised his hand furiously.

"Plap!" Then a loud slap in the face spread, it was Wu Jun who slapped Wu Fan with a big slap in the face, or in front of everyone. "Rebel!" Wu Jun shouted again: "You rebel! You see if I can kill you today! You are instigating the relationship between me and your Uncle Han! You rebel, do you want to rebel! Look at me, I'll kill you." Wu Jun then slapped Wu Fan loudly in the face. And Wu Fan probably hadn't been beaten since he was a child, but Wu Jun personally slapped him on the face, and Wu Fan cried.

"Ouuuuu! Mother! I'm going back and telling my mother! Father beat me!" Wu Fan cried out crying. After hearing Wu Fan's crying words, Wu Jun still refused to give up, still slapping Wu Fan. After seeing this on the side, Han Zhi chuckled, and suddenly stepped forward to hold Wu Jun, so that Wu Jun stopped hitting Wu Fan. And Han Zhi coughed a few times immediately before he began to speak.

"Brother Wu Jun!" Han Zhi sneered: "You remember, we have been here for many years. Your son usually calls me uncle. Isn't my daughter called your uncle? But your son How does he call my daughter today? What else does he want to do to my daughter?" Han Zhi's eyes suddenly chilled, his tone suddenly became severe, and he said, "But I see Brother Wu Jun! You today It seems that I was planning to slap it one after another, so I lost the matter? Is this what you intend to explain to me? If that's the case! Then I have to settle this account."

"Huh!" Han Zhi smiled coldly: "I'll stop here! If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation today! Then it won't be a month! I will definitely learn what Wu Jun brother did today, I I also want to go to the gate of your Wu Jun brother's mansion to see if you will be as lucky as I am today." Han Zhi said and looked at Wu Jun fiercely. But Wu Jun suddenly felt shocked.

"Brother Han Zhi!" Wu Jun sighed, and said quickly: "Okay! Do you want an explanation!" Wu Jun paused and said, "Then I will be in front of you today and abolish my son. Cultivation base, let him become a useless person from now on. And I am standing here today and let Brother Han Zhi hit me three times to show my rude apology to Brother Han Zhi today. Brother Han Zhi! So you are satisfied!"

"Oh?" After hearing this, Han Zhi thought for a moment, and finally nodded, "Okay! But the three palms will be free! Let's change to the three-car treasure. After Wu Jun returned, he sent me the three-car treasure as a gift. Yes! It’s too cruel to let Brother Wu Jun abolish his son’s self-cultivation personally. Let me do it by myself.” After talking about this, Han Zhi did not wait for Wu Jun to have any reaction, only Han Zhili Even if he shot, he slapped Wu Fan's chest with a direct palm, causing Wu Fan to be beaten up on the spot and fainted to the ground.

"Faner!" Wu Jun was taken aback when he saw this. In fact, he said just now that he wanted to destroy Wu Fan’s cultivation base by himself, in order to have some control when he did it, but on the surface it looked like Wu Fan was abolished, but in fact, he still had a lot to keep Wu Fan. The chance to recover in the future. But now it was Han Zhi who took the lead, and how could Han Zhi keep his hands on purpose? This time Wu Fan is basically completely abolished. Unless there is a great power, coupled with the extremely rare help of heaven and earth May allow Wu Fan to recover.

"Fan'er!" Wu Jun hurriedly yelled and ran to look at Wu Fan. He also hurriedly felt Wu Fan's pulse, and his heart sank even more. Wu Jun already knew that Wu Fan was really abolished completely. But at this moment Wu Jun has no reason to blame Han Zhi for this. Wu Jun just picked up Wu Fan, who had fainted, and stood up and said to Han Zhi: "Brother Han Zhi! Thank you for your quick action! I thank you for Fan'er! The three-car treasures that I have said, I will send someone to send them to you when I turn around. I will never break my word. But if the landscape meets, we will meet again." After saying that, Wu Jun immediately hurriedly brought the scenery of the team when he came. Centaur, dingy, ran away.

"Hahahaha!" After Wu Jun and the others left, Han Zhi looked back at Shi Hao and laughed: "I didn't expect Mr. Ye Feng to have such magical powers! It's much more powerful than I thought. Admire! Admire it! It seems that Li Er can be accompanied by Mr. Ye Feng, it is really fortunate for Sansheng."

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