World of Experts

Chapter 953: Return of Shi Hao

"What! You kid dare to say that I'm a bastard!" Wu Jun's expression suddenly sank, "Okay! You let me wait! Okay! I'll just wait! But if Ye Feng doesn't come back tonight, you want How can you explain to me?" Wu Jun sneered. And Zhou Kang yelled at this: "If Brother Ye Feng doesn't show up today, do whatever you want me." And then Wu Jun laughed, and began to wait patiently here.


However, as time gradually passed, a few hours of sticking incense had passed, but no trace of Shi Hao appeared. And now speaking! Shi Hao was on the outskirts of Yuxi Town, and he also heard the movement in Yuxi Town, and he had already set off to go outside the Han Mansion in Yuxi Town. It's just that on the way, Shi Hao suddenly ran into a guy. That guy was wretched, and when the guy saw Shi Hao, he stopped Shi Hao.

"Hey! You kid!" The person who stopped Shi Hao suddenly shouted, "I think you seem to be a little capable! Although your cultivation level is not high, you just saw you on the road with a sharp skill, which is worth training. Good material! I am here today and I can’t do it for nothing. How about? I plan to take you with me and you will be my apprentice! I’m a master with rankings on the Blood God list. My apprentice, I will definitely give you a lot of good resources. You are lucky today." This wretched guy smiled.

But I have to say that this person claims to be a driller, and it is true that he is a driller. He was the boring mouse who had just escaped from the Han Mansion because he didn't dare to fight the Monster Power King. But unexpectedly, this guy happened to ran into Shi Hao on the way, and even planned to take Shi Hao as a disciple. But Shi Hao see this! How could Shi Hao be the apprentice of this driller? It was ridiculous.

"Haha!" Shi Hao immediately smiled coldly, "Your name is Drilling Mouse? You don't seem to be a so-called master who should come here to wander around. Why did you come here today?" Shi Hao had actually guessed while talking. , This boring mouse may be the master that Han Zhi invited over to compete. But now that the driller was unscathed and walked outside like this, Shi Hao had already realized that the driller might have seen the strong, so he fled without a fight. Therefore, Shi Hao didn't hold any kind of anger towards this driller.

"Huh! You kid! How dare you call me by my name, Drilling Mouse?" The Drilling Mouse was furious: "Why do you care about me here! I will ask you one last thing, should I be my apprentice?" The tone suddenly became very cold. But Shi Hao smiled, apparently refusing to be the apprentice of the driller. As for this, the driller immediately became even more angry, and the driller suddenly attacked Shi Hao directly.

"Boy! When you go to hell, you blame yourself for not knowing Mount Tai." The mole rat hit Shi Hao's chest and heart. When Shi Hao saw this, he reacted extremely quickly and he was prepared for it. He immediately smiled when he saw Shi Hao. He secretly said, "Okay! I have also stored up enough blood for just a few days to kill this. The burrowing mouse is completely enough. Kill him! Then take away his blood energy. His blood energy is extremely pure for my current cultivation level. I can directly absorb his majestic blood energy to improve my Cultivation level. When the time comes to deal with the master Wu Jun invited, you will be more confident." Shi Hao smiled again.

"You are the one who is dying!" Suddenly, Shi Hao shot extremely quickly, and immediately burst out with the tyrannical power of the Red Baby's blood core. And immediately after a while, I saw that the boring rat fell to the ground. This guy died on the spot, and he didn't believe that he had died in Shi Hao's hands. But after Shi Hao killed the driller, he did not delay any time, and immediately used the heart of the red baby's blood core to absorb the pure blood of the driller and quickly transformed it into his own cultivation base. It's just that a lot of time has passed.


In a blink of an eye, it was the day when dusk was approaching. At this moment, I’ve been outside Han’s house and waited for a long time. I’ve never seen Shi Hao appear since I’ve been waiting in the morning, and at this moment, although Zhou Kang is still bracing his head, he insists that Shi Hao will appear, but Wu Jun I can't bear it anymore.

"Huh! What time is this! Where is Ye Feng?" Wu Jun suddenly shouted: "If this Ye Feng doesn't come out again! When will I have to wait? Is it possible to make me wait until late at night?" Wu Jun His complexion was very unhappy. And the King of Weird Power beside Wu Jun also looked unhappy. After all, this King of Weird Power’s time is very precious. He originally planned to go to another place after participating in Wu Jun’s fight today. A match of tomorrow is also a big deal. If things are not settled because of the delay, the business of another match will be ruined.

"This..." Han Zhi stood up at the moment, came to Zhou Kang, and sighed, "Brother Zhou Fu! I don't think Mr. Ye Feng will come. It's a pity! Mr. Ye Feng won't come back. I don't blame him. . But he should take my family with Li Er, but I entrusted the wrong person this time." Han Zhi sighed again. However, Zhou Kang was very dismissive of this, still insisting that Shi Hao would definitely appear. And also at this moment, I suddenly saw a puff of smoke billowing in the distance.

"That's...could it be!" Zhou Kang immediately looked far away, and saw that in his expectation, a figure appeared in the smoke and dust, and it was Shi Hao. Zhou Kang was overjoyed immediately: "Brother Ye Feng! Brother Ye Feng is here." Zhou Kang jumped up for joy. And everyone at the scene followed. Especially that Wu Jun and Guai Li Wang. Among them, King Guai Li couldn't help but his brows sank after meeting Shi Hao.

"Hey! Everyone! I've been waiting for a long time! It seems that there is no need to explain, I must be waiting for me." And soon Shi Hao came to the outside of Han Mansion under everyone's attention, standing beside Zhou Kang and Han Zhi , And Shi Hao said: "Okay! No need to talk nonsense! Which is Wu Jun! Which is the master Wu Jun invited? While the sky is still dark! Let’s start the martial arts contest, just in this place. Everyone else has opened up some space." After Shi Hao got here, he laughed and said a few words.

"Huh!" Wu Jun was very upset immediately, and sneered: "I am Wu Jun! Your kid is Ye Feng! What a big tone." Wu Jun turned to look at the King of Monsters beside him, "Venerable King of Monsters! This kid has spoken so unceremoniously. I know your time is precious, so you can just shoot it. It doesn't matter if you kill this kid directly. Anyway, this kid is not a master on the blood **** list, and it is probably not. What background. Killing him will not cause you any serious trouble."

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