World of Experts

Chapter 890: Meet Ruby Again

"Who are you?" After a long time, a fat-eared guy came to this ordinary tea house. When he saw Shi Hao, his face was full of anger. And this person is the little boss of the blood **** who is responsible for the care of here, and he is also the local tyrant who has been domineering here for many years. And I have to say that this person is named Zhou Fu. He received the news that Liu Wu had been killed and hurriedly waited for support. He just arrived.

"My name is... Ye Feng." Shi Hao said a familiar fake name, paused, but then said: "Who are you? Report your name. If you want to do it, you can leave a last word here first. I died too confused." Shi Hao's tone was cold, revealing an astonishing momentum.

"I am Zhou Fu! This is all under my control. Don't be too arrogant. I am a member of the Blood God World. The strength of the Blood God Lord, even the former overlord Shi Hao, is just a defeat. You can count it again. What. Do you want to fight against the Blood God World?" Zhou Fu was not nervous at all, he said slowly.

"Haha! It's really interesting. You think! You are a mere Zhou Fu, in the blood **** world, what's the point? You are dead, do you think someone will come to trouble me for you? You know! I am now I plan to join the Blood God World. Do you think that if I kill you now, the people in the Blood God World will decide? Will I kill me to avenge you, or accept me into the Blood God World?" Shi Hao smiled coldly.

"What!" Zhou Fu was shocked when he heard this, and said: "You..." Obviously, Zhou Fu was very nervous at the moment. He knew that the people in the Blood God World were all the same as him in the past. They all took the opportunity to get on the Blood God's express train, and they will be defeated by Shi Hao's group of people before, and they have the status they are today. In the eyes of these people, if Zhou Fuzhen was killed, they might be more willing to accept a master who could kill Zhou Fu under the protection of a guard, rather than avenge Zhou Fu.

"How! Now... what do you want to do? Do you want to leave a last word? If you don't leave a last word, then I'm ready to do it." Shi Hao said suddenly. As he spoke, he had already made an appearance that he was always ready to do it, making Zhou Fu even more shocked when he saw it.

"Master! Don't be afraid! I'm still here!" But suddenly, a hunky big man with a double axe in his hand suddenly jumped out from behind Zhou Fu and stood in front of Shi Hao. He stared at Shi Hao for a while, and said, "You kid! Don't think that killing Liu Wu is a master. I can tell you that Liu Wu is just a young child in my eyes. You! Don't be too arrogant." And speaking of it, this sturdy man named Hu Hu. He is also Zhou Fu's subordinate, but he is quite special. This Hu Hu was a master recruited by Zhou Fu in order to send him to participate in the first battle power competition in the world of blood gods.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Hu Hu! Isn't you still here?" Zhou Fu saw Hu Hu popping out, his heart settled a lot, and he smiled and said, "Hu Hu! You are just in front of me." Face, kill this Ye Feng. Let me see your real strength. You were specially recruited by me to participate in the competition. I am very relieved of your strength, and you must not let me down."

"Relax! I'll come as soon as I go." Hu Hu swaggered to kill Shi Hao. However, the results are obvious. Shi Hao greeted Hu Hu with a simple punch, and immediately Hu Hu flew away like a rocket. And Hu Hu fell heavily to the ground with a look of disbelief. He struggled to raise his head, and finally glanced at Shi Hao's side, "No! Impossible." After saying this, Hu Hu died.

"Haha! It's another trifle that won't be able to say well." Shi Hao waved his head helplessly. And he turned around, and looked at Zhou Fu again. But this time, Zhou Fu directly sweated profusely. I saw Zhou Fu trembling all over, his face twisted.

"What? Have you thought about your last words?" Shi Hao immediately walked to Zhou Fu and smiled coldly.

"Wait!" Zhou Fu took a breath, and said with a trembling voice: "Young man! I already know that your kung fu is really good. Don't kill me. Today is the so-called don't know each other, you and me It is better to make friends, I can let you participate in the competition for that Hu Hu. With your skill, you will be able to make a blockbuster. After all, Hu Hu participates in the competition, which is divided into levels, and he is the lowest level group to participate. At this level, I believe that Young Hero, your skill is already invincible."

"Oh?" Shi Hao smiled, "I killed you, and you can find someone to give me a place to participate in the competition. What you said is meaningless. If you want to survive, say something useful. Otherwise, you still It’s better to say your last words by yourself."

"Young Xia! There is it!" Zhou Fu took another breath, and said with courage, "I also have a treasure in my house that I got it by chance some time ago. I am willing to dedicate it to Young Xia. But that The baby is well hidden by me, only I can find it. If the young man kills me, the baby will be gone."

"Baby?" Shi Hao's eyes lit up after hearing the words, "Quickly say! What kind of baby is it."

"It's a spiritual stone." Zhou Fu said, "I picked it up on the side of the road when I went to contribute souvenirs to the Lord Blood God a few days ago. I picked it up when I saw that this stone was a bit pretty. Come back. At that time, I picked up this stone and it was jokes that it was a turtle. But after I picked it up, after careful inspection, it turned out that this stone is not only a little but also alive, it seems to have life." Zhou Fuyi Seriously.

"Oh... the stone with life? Or is it..." Shi Hao thought for a moment after hearing the words, and said: "That's good! You take me to see. If the situation is true, you give me the stone treasure, I don't have to kill it. You." After Shi Hao said, Zhou Fu nodded immediately and took Shi Hao to check the stone alone.


Soon, Zhou Fu took Shi Hao to an extremely hidden place. Although it was also in Zhou Fu’s home, it was hidden deeply. If you don’t know this place, unless you dig three feet in the ground, it’s really hard to move this place. Find out the place.

And when I came here, I saw a red stone lying here. And this stone seemed to have a lot of fate with Shi Hao. Shi Hao looked at it, and he was immediately overjoyed. He secretly said, "Sure enough! This stone is the red baby." Shi Hao hurried forward and touched the stone. But Shi Hao felt a little cold when he touched the stone. He noticed that Baby Red was seriously injured, and he turned into a stone to recuperate.

"Hey! Baby Red is injured. Baby Red is now a stone in this state. It seems that he was not injured lightly. After all, I was attacked by the Blood God, and Baby Red blocked some damage for me. Red The baby is still alive, thanks to the fact that he has been following me to continuously improve his strength." Shi Hao secretly said: "It's just that now, the red baby is seriously injured, and I don't know when he can recover."

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