World of Experts

Chapter 884: Leave again

"But...Xiao Xiao, I still tell you the bad news in advance. Those who enter the highest level world for the first time will be baptized by the power of that world, and all the power you have now will be emptied once, and you will have to practice again Come." Shi Hao said: "But don't worry, I will help you in that world. The problems of cultivation are all small problems."

"Oh...that really worked hard for you." Su Xiao smiled sweetly. But she said again: "But before we leave, are you really not going to see your two brothers anymore?" After Su Xiao said this, she looked at Shi Hao very curiously.

"No. I believe that they will come back to that world to find me. Sooner or later..." Shi Hao said, "If you say goodbye now, it will make it look like you won't see me again, wait for them to come back. Looking for me, isn't it embarrassing? You don't have to go."

"That's okay!" Su Xiao smiled again, "When shall we leave? Now, I only have you as a relative. Now so many years have passed, my parents, and other relatives... I have nothing to worry about when I am gone." I have to say that ordinary people have been buried in the dust after so many years. The people Su Xiao knew around were indeed the only one left. .

"Then let's clean up and set off right away. In that high-level world, there is still a woman waiting for me." Shi Hao said here, thinking of Ji Lulu, and sighed involuntarily. But when Su Xiao heard that there was another woman, she didn't know the things in that world, Shi Hao never said anything. Su Xiao immediately felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

"Woman? What woman?" Su Xiao looked at Shi Hao.

"Eh! Don't think too much. That woman...In short, things are very complicated, but don't worry, that woman has a fiance, but his fiance is tied to me now. But we can be separated. After we go back, Just think of a way to separate." Shi Hao said, "Okay! Let's move faster and get ready to go." After Su Xiao heard that Shi Hao shouldn't lie to her, she gradually felt relieved. Soon, the two of them packed everything up, ready to leave this world, and never come back.


Late this night, the world suddenly changed. Hongye Baixiaosheng and Jun Youdao were both awakened. The two of them rushed out to meet each other and flew to the top of a palace. Seeing the power fluctuations that the space was torn in the sky, the two of them tacitly knew it was Shi Hao. Su Xiao left.

"I'm gone... after all, I still left, and I still didn't see the two of us before I left." Hongye Baixiaosheng couldn't help but sigh, "You shall we go to see him in the future?" Hongye Baixiao After he said, he lowered his head, sat down, and smiled bitterly.

"He didn't come to see us before he left. Why should we go to see him." Jun Youdao also sat down, his expression a little unhappy, "Damn it! I think that's it. Boss, you stay here. In the world, there must always be sky in this world. You stay, and the sky will be stable." He paused, showing a very angry look, and said: "But I have to find the **** of the third brother, He actually saved me, but he didn't give me a chance to thank him. This bastard, I must find him in that world."

"And I have forgotten it. As long as I practice for another two to thirty years and tear up the space, there should be no problem with the highest level world in the past." Jun Youdao said.

"Eh! Second child! What do you mean by this?" Hongye Baixiaosheng immediately stopped doing it when he heard it. "You are going to find Shi Hao, and you want me to stay here and be a god? You and my current strength, then It's half a catty. I can do it, so can you. Why didn't you stay? Let me find Shi Hao."

"Hey! Boss! Isn't this situation different. I wanted to thank my third brother. After all, he worked so hard to find a way to save me. I can't help but say this word of thanks in person. "Jun Youdao squinted at Hongye Baixiaosheng.

"Hehe! How long will you go to say thank you?" Hongye Baixiaosheng asked. " depends on the situation. It may be one year, two years, or decades." Jun Youdao said with a smile. "What! I think you plan to go and not come back. In that advanced world, one year has passed, but I don’t know how many years have passed. No way! It must be like this. You will come back in three years, and then you stay. In this world, change me to find Shi Hao." Hongye Baixiaosheng said. "Um... I'm your brother, can't you let me go? I'll go for five years, and you will go for another three years?" Jun Youdao bargained. "No! Shi Hao is also my younger brother. You can't favor one another. I'll be more reliable with him than you." Hongye Baixiaosheng said. "Okay, then! Let's do it... really stingy." Jun Youdao complained. But they agreed.


Boom! In the highest-level world, it was early in the morning, and Gillulu was still asleep, but suddenly a thunder and thunder rang out, awakening her. Ji Lulu quickly jumped up, put on her clothes, and went out to take a look. Shi Hao had already returned, besides the three demonized clones, she was also carrying a charming girl.

"You finally came back. In this world, it has been several months. I have to take a good look at whether you have made a problem with the demonized clone. Don't make the blood shadow and not have a good body. "After seeing Shi Hao, Ji Lulu immediately stepped forward, but did not go to see Shi Hao, she just looked at the three demonized clones next to Shi Hao carefully, as if she was examining rare treasures.

"Don't worry! It's okay." Shi Hao smiled, and quickly introduced Su Xiao about the situation here, and Ji Lulu got to know Su Xiao. After that, Shi Hao said again: "It's all right! It should not be too late, Ji Lulu, you can take Su Xiao down, please help me to guide her in her practice. At least let her enter the fourth revolution, which is not for you. What is too difficult. There are countless resources in your hands now."

"And I..." Shi Hao said again: "I'm going to find Qing Kongzi and let him start preparing for Brother Blood Shadow." After that, Shi Hao went immediately. And Ji Lulu was not verbose, pulling Su Xiao directly and leaving. They are all doing their own things.


One month passed in a blink of an eye. In this short period of one month, Su Xiao has crazily entered the level of rank three under the Gillulu duck-filling exercise. As for breaking through to rank four, in terms of Su Xiao’s talent, although it is somewhat small Trouble, but not a big problem at all.

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