World of Experts

Chapter 870: The death of Zhao Tai

Decades later, on the Fenglin Continent, a place called No Guilin, Zhao Tai brought a group of people to this place. He said, "Zhao Han and Zhao Min, the two of them should be right here. Let's go on this road. Follow it, and finally there should be a gain. Remember, the family is the main living person."

Soon, Zhao Tai rushed into the forest with his men and horses and began a carpet-like round up. And Zhao Han and Zhao Min, the two of them are indeed in this forest at the moment. It's just that there are other people in this forest, among the people in the twilight morning, the Dragon God is the leader.

At this time, the Dragon God was waiting beside Zhao Han and Zhao Min, in a wooden house. And Zhao Han suddenly said: "Aren't you afraid that Zhao Wudi will come in person? Although your strength is high, you are definitely not an opponent of Zhao Wudi. Unless all the masters in this world join hands, he is really not sure of his strength. Get rid of him. Why waste your energy."

The Dragon God smiled, "The strength of the blood clan back then was not weaker than that of Zhao Wudi. Didn't it also die."

Zhao Min said: "That's different! Zhao Wudi is not the blood clan back then. Zhao Wudi's methods..."

The Dragon God smiled and said: "It's man-made. What I love the most is to kill those masters who think that the world is invincible. Zhao Wudi, I must kill him. But today, the Zhao family is also here, but it is naturally not Zhao Wudi , I hope that person can support me for a while."


Time gradually passed, and finally, Zhao Tai and others found a cabin in the forest of no return. They immediately surrounded the house, and Zhao Tai even stood in front of the door and shouted: "Come out! Zhao Han, Zhao Min, you two can't run away, don't waste your energy, the family chief sees you two. "

But no one in the house answered. But suddenly countless flying arrows came from a distance, and in a blink of an eye, more than half of the men and horses brought by Zhao Tai were killed and injured. Zhao Tai was shocked and said: "Who? He even dared to attack my Zhao family. Do you think you are too long? There is something for me to come out."

Suddenly, the Dragon God rushed out of the wooden house, and then a group of people in the evening came from afar. Seeing this, Zhao Tai was shocked and said: "Are you... the people of the evening morning?" He seemed to recognize the costumes of the evening morning people. The Dragon God smiled after seeing Zhao Tai.

The Dragon God suddenly said, "Are you... Zhao Tai?"

Zhao Tai said: "Yes! I am Zhao Tai. Looking at your breath, are you the Dragon God in the twilight morning?"

The Dragon God said: "Come on! I heard Lord Demon once said you that I can't defeat you within a hundred moves. If so, let's try it. If you are not dead after today's hundred moves, then I will To give you a way to survive, as long as you are willing to break your veins and self-defeating, I will leave you a way to survive."

Zhao Tai sneered and said, "It's a big breath!" He immediately went forward to start with Dragon God. When the two played against each other, Dragon God's strength was significantly higher. But Zhao Tai could barely hold on. Just when he was approaching a hundred moves, the Dragon God suddenly ran away, using a crazy dragon to transform, and his combat power suddenly increased, knocking down Zhao Tai with one move.

The Dragon God said disdainfully: "But you're."

But unexpectedly, Zhao Tai suddenly stood up again, and said nonchalantly: "Come again!"

Dragon God was shocked, and the two continued to fight. After a while, the Dragon God knocked Zhao Tai down one after another, but Zhao Tai repeatedly stood up and continued fighting as if unscathed. This made Dragon God's heart suddenly startled, "Zhao Tai! Are you... Yaozu Nine Tails?"

Speaking of which, in the monster race, apart from the extremely powerful profession of Mad Dragon, there is also a very strange profession, Nine Tails. The profession of Nine Tails is extremely rare. Even if you see a Nine Tails, you may not be able to recognize them, because the fighting performance of Nine Tails is basically the same as that of a human warrior.

But Nine Tails can store nine special energy bars. Each energy bar can restore one's own injury, even if it is a casualty. Kyuubi can be regarded as a very difficult job to kill. The Dragon God really didn't expect it, but he didn't read it wrong at the moment. It turned out that Zhao Tai was Nine Tails.

Zhao Tai said: "Dragon God! How long is your transformation time? I want to see when you will change back. After the crazy dragon transformation is over, there will be a moment of power emptiness, at that moment, it is When you die, do you want to take a bet and see if I can seize that moment and kill you."

Long Shen's expression sank, "Zhao Tai! You still have to worry about your own nine lives, are they enough?" Then the two fought again. It's just that the time passed quickly, and the Dragon God kept counting. When the Dragon God realized that he had only a quarter of the time left to transform, finally Zhao Tai's nine lives were also used up.

This time, Dragon God defeated Zhao Tai with his last move. Zhao Tai fell to the ground and closed his eyes.

The Dragon God took a breath, "No wonder the Demon Lord said that I would never kill this person within a hundred moves. It seems that the Demon Lord knows the strength of this person. But he didn't tell me earlier." God turned around and cleaned up the scene again, so that all those who were brought by Zhao Tai were on their way.


When Zhao Tai's death came to Zhao Wudi's ears, it was already half a month later, and the Dragon God deliberately ordered someone to leak the news to Zhao Wudi. At this moment, Zhao Wudi stood in his room, furious, "Twilight morning! Dragon God! Too much deception."


On the other end, Meng Kui ran to Shi Hao and said quickly, "Zhao Tai is dead!"

Shi Hao said, "If you take action in the evening, can Zhao Tai survive?"

Meng Kui said, "Master Demon said that it is time to start a general attack. This time, we must prepare to ambush Zhao Wudi. Once Zhao Tai is dead, Zhao Wudi will definitely not sit idly by. He should go to investigate Zhao Wudi himself. Cause of death. This time is a perfect opportunity. Zhao Wudi must be killed."

Shi Hao was startled, "But are you sure you are sure to kill Zhao Wudi? That guy is a monster."

Meng Kui said: "Yes! Zhao Wudi is indeed too strong, too monster. Therefore, we still need Brother Wu you to do one thing for us. You offer Zhao Wudi some medicine, which is the elixir of immortality. The semi-finished experimental product," he took out a bottle of medicine and handed it to Shi Hao.

Meng Kui also said: "Using these medicinal pills, Zhao Wudi will not be able to detect them. These are all poisons that Lord Demon had prepared for a long time. After taking them, it will make people feel refreshed. If you move your hands and feet nearby, it will cause its toxicity..."

Shi Hao was startled, "But if this pill is discovered by Zhao Wudi, I...I'm afraid I won't be able to run. This matter...Why don't you send this pill? Sending this pill is too risky. Right." Shi Hao shook his head. And Meng Kui thought about it.

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