World of Experts

Chapter 866: Elixir of immortality

Shi Hao secretly said: "This Zhao family must be acquired. With the help of the twilight morning, I think it will be much better." He quickly agreed to Meng Kui.


The next day, Zhao Family, Zhao Ru returned to the Hanging City with three people. The three people with him were Shi Hao, the second demonized clone, and Meng Kui. When Zhao Ru came to the gate of the Hanging City, someone immediately stopped him and said sharply: "Zhao Ru! You know, the Patriarch has been looking for you for a long time. Patriarch has a bad temper."

I have to say that these people probably thought that Zhao Ru was going to die, so they spoke harshly. Otherwise, they would definitely nod and bow their heads when they saw Zhao Ru appear.

Shi Hao immediately stood up and laughed: "You guys! If you don't want to die, get out of the way." At this time, he was still the disguised face, and he was immediately recognized as "Wu Batian".

The few people shouted: "Wu Batian! It turned out to be you, so you dare to show up. Come, quickly take this person down and send it to the Patriarch to send it off." Immediately someone came up and surrounded Shi Hao.

However, Shi Hao said, "You don't have to waste your energy, just take us to see Zhao Wudi." Soon, Shi Hao and others were taken to see Zhao Wuji.


At this time, Zhao Wudi was resting in the back garden. When Zhao Ru and Shi Hao appeared, he asked: "Why? You two came back together? Zhao Ru! I always admire you in vain. I admire you. Never did anything secretly to me. But now you... let me down."

Shi Hao suddenly stood up and said, "Master Zhao Wudi! You blamed Master Zhao Ru by mistake."

Zhao Wudi's brows sank, "You are not afraid of death, you are standing in front of me, and you dare to speak out."

Shi Hao said again: "Death! Naturally afraid. But I know that you will not kill me."

Zhao Wudi laughed: "Do you think I dare not kill you? Give me a reason not to kill you."

Shi Hao said: "The immortal pill..." Speaking of which, Meng Kui told Shi Hao this immortal pill. It turns out that according to the inquiries on Zhao Wudi in the twilight morning for many years, I finally learned that Zhao Wudi was actually seriously injured in the battle to eliminate the blood clan ten thousand years ago, in order to be better after the blood clan was destroyed. The opportunity to gain an advantage in one fell swoop, he took a pill, sacrificing a lot of life, in exchange for recovery from his injury.

Although so many years have passed, and Zhao Wudi has always tried his best to restore his body, but he can't let the lifespan he sacrificed back then be reclaimed. Although Zhao Wudi is still in his prime, he probably only has less than ten thousand years of life.

And Zhao Wudi has always believed that there is something called the elixir of immortality, which can greatly increase the life span of people and allow him to regain the life span of hundreds of thousands of years. This is also the treasure he dreams of now. Now when he heard the name Immortal Pill, Zhao Wudi was shocked. Because of this news, he never easily disclosed it to others. He thought that everyone who knew the news had been dealt with by himself.

Zhao Wudi was shocked: "The Immortal Pill? What are you talking about?"

Shi Hao smiled, "I know Master Zhao Wudi, your strength is strong, and your longevity is equal to the sky. But the elixir of immortality is very precious, and it is the same treasure for anyone. Eat the elixir of immortality, you can make people A life span of hundreds of thousands of years will be more beneficial to the growth of the cultivation base. Although the elixir of immortality is only a rumor, but there is confidence in the next, it is not groundless."

Zhao Wudi immediately asked, "Do you have a method for refining the Immortal Pill?"

Shi Hao nodded, "Yes! I still remember that when I went to sea to travel, I came across an island by chance. I saw an unusual atmosphere on that island. After searching the past, I found a page of the secret recipe. The refining method of the immortal pill."

Zhao Wudi was overjoyed, "Then you can refine it successfully? I will offer the pill soon, no matter what you want, I can satisfy you. My Princess of Zhao family, whichever you want, just take it. As long as you don't die The elixir, from now on, as long as there is one day of beauty from me, Zhao Wudi, you will have one day of freedom."

Shi Hao shook his head, "Master Zhao Wudi! It's a pity that I haven't succeeded in refining the Immortal Pill."

Zhao Wudi frowned, "Why? You have a refining method, but why can't you?"

Shi Hao said: "In addition to refining the immortal pill, in addition to a large number of heaven and earth treasures, more importantly, it also needs to rely on a place where the aura of heaven and earth is the strongest. When the immortal pill is refined, every time it passes, it will inevitably cause The aura of heaven and earth suddenly changed. Because the elixir of immortality had to swallow a lot of aura, it had the magical effect of making people live for hundreds of thousands of years without being old and immortal. The two auras of the Zhao family a few days ago were changed because of this. It is. But unfortunately, I was disturbed in a row both times and I wasted two precious materials."

"What!" Zhao Wudi was immediately furious, "No wonder! That's right. The Immortal Pill needs to swallow a lot of spiritual energy many times before it can have such a magical effect. No wonder I felt a novel force on both occasions. Birth, turned out to be the brewing of the immortal pill. What a pity! What a pity!"

Zhao Wudi suddenly shouted, "Come here!" Soon there was a team of people coming, and Zhao Wudi said: "Quickly pull down the person who disturbed Mr. Wu's refining pill a few days ago." The team immediately left to start their hands. And Zhao Wudi looked back at Shi Hao and said, "Mr. Wu! I wonder if you can stay in the Zhao family and refine the immortal pill. As long as the pill is completed, I will never break my promise."

Shi Hao said, "This is natural! It's just the matter of the immortal pill that is too secret. If I let outsiders know, I am afraid I will not be at peace in the future, so I can only bury my head in this Zhao Family Hanging City, and dare not leave for half a step. "Shi Hao smiled.

Zhao Wudi nodded, then his brows sank, and he waved his hand, and all of a sudden, all the people on the scene turned into a plume of smoke and died silently. Zhao Wudi said, "Sir, rest assured, except for the people you brought. Now everyone knows about the elixir of immortality."

Shi Hao took a deep breath, and felt that Zhao Wudi's strength was really terrifying. Just now, if Zhao Wudi had the intention, Shi Hao might also be dead, and Shi Hao said, "Master Zhao Wudi is really good at it. In that case, I Naturally, I will continue to refine the immortal pill for adults. I just hope you forgive Master Zhao Ru. If he hadn't helped me, I might have been killed by a group of Zhao family who came to arrest me that day."

Zhao Wudi nodded, "This is nature! Zhao Ru helped Mr. Wu, and it helped me. Not only did he have no mistakes, but he was rewarded. Reward! Rewarded." Zhao Wudi added: "Zhao Ru listens to the order! From now on, Ling You fully cooperate with Mr. Wu in refining the Immortal Pill, but anyone who hinders Mr. Wu’s refining will give you privileges, you can cut it first and play it later."

Pretending to be the demonized clone of Zhao Ru, he knelt down and thanked him immediately. However, Shi Hao and the others left here calmly and calmly after a while, and Shi Hao also began to secretly refine his own demonized clone in this Zhao Family Hanging City. And his demonized clone began to help Meng Kui secretly do things.

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