Working Prophet

Chapter 899 An unexpected reunion

In the huge reception room, there were only Shi Yitong and one staff member from the third era.

The latter had just come in about half a minute ago, holding a cup of coffee and a stack of documents.

He put the coffee on the table, then sat down opposite Shi Yitong and opened the documents in his hand.

"Job number 0719, Shi Yitong, can we start now?"

Shi Yitong took a deep breath and then nodded.

"OK, this is our... twenty-sixth conversation. Seven days have passed since the last conversation. How do you feel?"

"not bad."

"Please try to use more deterministic descriptions in the interview. From 1 to 5, how would you rate your feelings in the recent period?"

"3 points. If I didn't have these annoying regular conversations, I might feel better." Shi Yitong said.

"No offense, but assessing and grasping your mental state in a timely manner is the job assigned to me by the company." The staff member said, taking a sip of coffee.

"Can we continue?"

"Ask, I know you are just completing your work." Shi Yitong crossed his fingers and leaned against the seat.

"How do you feel about being chosen by the board as an alternative savior?"

"Shocked, thankful, conflicted and... uneasy?"

"Why do you feel conflicted and uneasy?"

"Because your plan to save humanity requires the sacrifice of millions of people from another dimension. Among them are my friends, students, subordinates... and more importantly, they all believe in me deeply and regard me as a god. I betrayed their trust."

"But you still accepted the request of the board of directors." The staff member said, "By the way, correct me, it is not millions of people, because not only your plane will be sacrificed, there are dozens of believers from the plane who will sacrifice for this migration plan. out of their lives.”

Shi Yitong took a deep breath again, and kept rubbing her thumb under the table, "I want our civilization to continue, and you won't give me a choice, right? No matter how I choose, it will be difficult for them. Escape from destruction.”

The staff member's voice sounded emotionless as he continued to ask, "Do you understand your responsibilities?"

"You mentioned, becoming an alternative savior."

"The real savior has passed the test of the [Mouth of Truth]. Considering the divine sequence he possesses, you have almost no chance of becoming a real savior. Do you know this?"

Shi Yitong nodded again.

"This also means that when the plan is launched as scheduled, you will not be able to go to the new world..."

"You have repeated this question hundreds of times," Shi Yitong interrupted the staff member, "I don't have Alzheimer's disease, so I won't forget it."

The staff ignored Shi Yitong and said to himself, "In return, the company will give you three tickets to the new world. You can nominate any three people.

"My father, mother, and my best friend Han Beibei, I have already chosen them. Why do you have to repeat these boring questions over and over again." Shi Yitong said impatiently.

Her fingers stroked faster and faster.

"You are a little emotional. Can you quantify your current level of anxiety from 1 to 5?"

The next moment, Shi Yitong slapped his palm hard on the table, making a loud bang, which was particularly harsh in the quiet reception room.

She stood up suddenly from her chair and said angrily, "It's the end of the world, why do I have to accompany you to fill out those endless forms? I... I need to take a rest."

The staff member didn't speak for about half a minute, as if he was responding to Appraiser Yitong's request. After another half minute, he put away the documents in front of him.

"Work number 0719, Shi Yitong, you have half an hour to rest. I will come back in half an hour to complete the rest of the interview.

"You can leave this room, but the scope of movement is limited to the first floor, and your every move will be recorded by the camera." The staff pointed to the surveillance above.

"I know, I won't wander around."

Shi Yitong also walked out of the reception room after the staff left.

She wanted to go out for a breather. She didn't know whether it was due to altitude sickness or some other reason, but her chest was feeling tight right now.

But when Shi Yitong came to the reception hall, she saw a familiar figure.

"Li Yu." Shi Yitong said in surprise.

The black figure stopped when he heard her words, seemingly surprised.

"Are you here too?"

Shi Yitong nodded, feeling a little better, "I have not been tested by the [Mouth of Truth] like you, so I need to come here regularly for interviews. How are you doing recently?"

"As before, I have been busy with various tasks assigned by the board of directors." Li Yu said, "What about you?"

"Almost, but my work should be a little less than yours. After all, I'm just your spare tire. Oh... I didn't mean that."

Shi Yitong realized that the word "spare tire" seemed to have an ambiguity. After a pause, she added, "Thank you. Although I have already said it on QQ, I don't seem to have thanked you in person."

"no need thank me?"

"You convinced the board of directors to replace Kulu with me." Shi Yitong looked complicated, "Although sometimes I wish I could die silently like other colleagues in the business department, so that I don't have to face Those are the hard choices.

"This truth is too heavy for me, and of course it must be the same for you." Shi Yitong didn't want to continue on this issue, so he changed the subject.

"What are you doing at the headquarters today?"

"Oh, I made an appointment with Dr. Robin and I want to ask him some questions."

"what is the problem?"

"I destroyed an indigenous sect in another dimension, and then found a strange bone there. It seemed to be able to absorb faith."

"It sounds quite magical." Shi Yitong said, "Then I won't delay your work. I'm glad to see you again."

"Me too." After Li Yu finished speaking, he continued to walk forward.

But at this moment, the mural closest to the two people suddenly moved.

Then a monster with a tiger body and nine human faces jumped out from the mural.

As soon as it hit the ground, it let out a roar.

Then one of the faces uttered human words, "Who dares to offend me, Kunlun!"

Almost as soon as the monster said the last word, a piercing alarm sounded in the hall!

Shi Yitong thought of the rumors he had heard before, and couldn't help but be shocked, "No, there is an intruder!"

She subconsciously looked at Li Yu, but there was no one there, leaving only a pile of clothes on the ground.

Shi Yitong was startled. Before he could think about it, there was a sudden explosion outside the door. The glass door was directly shattered. The terrifying airflow also overturned two nearby security guards. Shi Yitong was also shocked and fell to the ground. .

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