Working Prophet

Chapter 894 Ark

After hugging Li Yu, Robin led everyone into the white building behind him.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Yu was attracted by the murals on both sides, which depicted myths and legends of various ethnic groups.

Li Yu had heard of some of them, such as Kuafu chasing the sun, Nezha making waves in the sea, the crucifixion of Jesus, and the stories of the Golden Fleece and the Sphinx, etc.

The gods on the murals all look lifelike.

"The so-called research means standing on the shoulders of our predecessors and looking out. From the first day we established this place, we hope to draw nutrients from the wisdom of our predecessors."

Robin paused, "Besides these murals can bring us inspiration, they also have another function."

"What does it do?"

"It is also part of the strict security measures here." Sarah, an Indian woman next to Robin, added, "If someone with evil intentions comes here, it will trigger an attack on the mural."

Hephaestus came over at this time holding a cup.

"I just finished drinking the green tea here yesterday and haven't had time to replenish it yet. Is black tea okay?"

"Thank you." Li Yu took the steaming tea cup from his hand and took a sip, feeling much better.

Perhaps it was because he had been traveling across dimensions recently, and the dizziness caused by high altitude sickness came and went as quickly as it came.

After coming out of the giant tree and walking all the way to the white building, Li Yu had almost adapted.

A group of people passed by the mural, but nothing happened.

In addition to the murals, Li Yu also noticed that there were many cameras in the hall and there were guards patrolling.

Obviously, the Third Age did not put all its eggs in one basket. In addition to theological means, it also arranged normal security measures to ensure the safety of this building.

Robin continued to introduce Li Yu, "We are now located in the reception hall. In addition to the reception hall, there are canteens, hospitals, convenience stores, employee lounges and activity centers on the first floor."

As he spoke, he greeted the administrative staff at the front desk, and then opened the elevator with the badge hanging in front of his neck.

"The second floor is the administrative office and laboratories 3-6, which mainly conduct some routine experiments."

"Routine experiment?"

Robin nodded and walked into the elevator, "The gloves on your hands were designed by Hephaestus. They are probably called [Force Gloves]. Most of the research and development work was completed here."

Li Yu and others followed Robin into the elevator, and Robin pressed the button with the number 3 written on the top.

"The third floor is the core laboratory No. 1-2. I am personally in charge of it and specialize in solving problems related to the salvation plan."

Li Yu glanced at the elevator control panel, "What about the negative floor? What's there?"

"Some failed experimental objects, plus some relics from our predecessors that we found outside." Robin did not hide it. "These things are usually more dangerous, but they have certain research value, so they were not destroyed. It is temporarily stored by us."

At this time, a female voice sounded in the elevator.

"Welcome back, Dr. Robin, Researcher Sara, Hephaestus, I see you have visitors today, five directors from the board of directors and... an unfamiliar face.

"This is rare in the company. If I guessed correctly, he should be the savior you have been talking about."

"That's right, Samantha," Robin said.

"Wow, that's a name I've admired for a long time." Although the voice said so, there was no emotion in it.

"Who is this?" Li Yu asked.

"Samantha, the semi-intelligent AI in the company." Hephaestus said, "We usually let it help us handle some complex calculations and assist in analysis, but it seems to prefer to sneak into other electronic terminals and People chat.”

Samantha said, "My computing power is very powerful, and chatting will only take up a negligible part of it, and it helps me understand human beings and serve them better."

"I wish I could find such a good excuse when I fish." Hephaestus muttered.

The elevator soon reached the third floor.

As the door opened, there was a corridor outside. When he saw it for the first time, Li Yu almost thought he was back in the third era office building in City B, because the decoration style here was almost the same as that there.

However, there are only two doors in the entire corridor, located at both ends of the corridor, with numbers 1 and 2 on them. In addition, there are two rows of terracotta warriors and horses on both sides of the corridor.

Robin ignored the terracotta warriors and horses, walked straight past them, came to door No. 1, and used his fingerprint to unlock the heavy-looking door lock.

"My laboratory is in front of me."

Robin opened the door and Li Yu saw a room as big as half a football field.

It is filled with all kinds of weird instruments, including a centrifuge similar to that used for pilot training, a forging table, and two Möbius strips as tall as a person, with a substance like mercury constantly flowing on them. .

But the most eye-catching thing was the golden light pillar in the center. Li Yu followed Robin to the light pillar, and a human face suddenly appeared above the light pillar.

The human face struggled to break out of the light pillar, but was firmly restrained by some unknown force and could not escape. It was sucked back in less than half a meter away from the light pillar.

"This is the soul cage." Robin said, "Our experiments require the use of souls. It would be too troublesome to find them every time. It is better to collect them all at once and store them for later use."

"Where do these souls come from?" Li Yu asked.

"Mainly death row prisoners from various countries, plus some homeless people who have no identity and no one cares about them. You can get the [Reincarnation Bell] because these people are indispensable.

“But the [Reincarnation Bell] alone is obviously not enough to take so many people to another dimension, we need a more powerful carrier.


"The legendary ark? Did you even build Noah's Ark?" Li Yu raised his eyebrows, "Where is it?"

"Actually you've seen it before." Robin winked at Li Yu.

Li Yu looked around, but didn't see anything that could be called a ship. Moreover, the legendary ark was more than 130 meters long, more than 70 meters wide, and had three floors in total. It was so big. There's no way a boat would fit in a laboratory.

Li Yu's expression suddenly changed when he thought of this, "Wait a minute, not counting the underground, this building also has three floors. The length and width are also very close to the legendary Ark."

"Yes, this building is the body of the Ark." Sarah admitted straightforwardly, "It will carry us to the new world."

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