Working Prophet

Chapter 817 The Emperor’s Messenger

The deal proposed by Romero made the female lord a little tempted. She replaced the Figuerola family as the new owner of the Western Territory, and now everything is ready.

People's hearts are attached to him, his reputation is impeccable, and he has an extremely brilliant record. If he insists on finding something wrong, it is probably because he is still a little bit weak in legal theory.

But this is what most people on this continent value most.

If Claudio is willing to come forward and endorse her in the name of the Vespasian family, then this last flaw will be gone.

This couldn't help but make the female lord's heart flutter, and Romero on the side continued to say.

"As long as you are willing to spare Ilkander and his 5,000 soldiers, and they are willing to give up all the land and wealth they currently occupy, and leave the western border overnight, you can also minimize casualties.

"In the past two years, too much blood has been shed in the western region. I passed through many villages along the way, and the number of people in them has been reduced by half."

"I need to think about it. It just so happens that Merlin is coming back soon." The female lord said, "Go and rest first, I'll have someone prepare hot water, bread and sausage for you. This is the front line, and there is no rock snow to eat. The city is good.”

"I'm not a picky person, as long as I have a stutter." Romero saluted again.

After the finance officer left, Miss Rabbit was finally able to sneak away again, but in the end, I don't know why there seemed to be so many guests visiting today.

The guard came in again and reported that there was a boy outside who wanted to see him, and that he was His Majesty's messenger.

The female lord felt a little strange. In just half a year, the empire had lost two emperors, and with Gars being killed by those Yi tribesmen, the empire had no more emperors.

Where did this emperor come from?

Miss Rabbit had already made up her mind that she would not meet any more customers today, but she couldn't help being a little curious after hearing what the man said.

So he asked the guards to bring the people in.

It was a young man, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a thin build. Just looking at his appearance, the female lord almost thought he was a relative of Du Lun, the former head of the royal guard.

But if you look closely, you can still see a lot of differences. The ears of the Dulun family are longer and more pointed, while the pair of ears on the boy's head are slightly shorter.

On the contrary, his eyes are narrower and longer, which also makes his face look more wild, and he has no bean eyebrows, but a big gray tail behind his buttocks.

Miss Rabbit couldn't help but take a second look. Most of the half-orcs on the continent of Bratis don't have tails. Their appearance is very different from that of humans. Generally, only one or two parts still retain the characteristics of beasts.

But Miss Rabbit heard that many of their ancestors had tails hundreds of thousands of years ago, and there were even large pieces of wild animal fur on their bodies.

However, such a long-term matter has long been unable to be verified, and it has only been passed down as an unofficial legend to this day.

It was also the first time the female lord saw a person with a tail, so she asked, "Which family do you come from?"

"I don't have a family." The boy said, "I'm just a messenger."

"Then where are you from?"

"Northern Territory."

"Northern border?" Miss Rabbit's eyes widened. "You ran here from the northern border? Where's your companion?"

"I have no companions."

"only you?"

"It's just me."

"Then how did you come here, following the caravan? No, there are wars everywhere now, no caravan will go so boat? But the east is not safe, and this road is too far away ”

Hearing the female lord muttering to herself, the young man had a look of helplessness on his face.

Fortunately, Miss Rabbit didn't forget the business, and after muttering for a while, she asked again, "You said you are the emperor's messenger, which emperor?"

"Alister." The boy said, "Bratis Continent was invaded by those Yi clansmen. Gals led the army to fight until the last moment. In order to avenge him, those Yi clansmen killed almost all members of the Vespasian family. Empty.

"Lord Alister is the only male survivor of the Vespasian family, and he should be the new emperor of the empire."

After the boy finished his last sentence, he noticed that the face of the female lord became a little strange.

So he asked, "Do you have any questions?"

"No. Oh, well, there is still a little bit." Ilea said, "I want to correct you, Alister is not the only male survivor of the Vespasian family. In fact, apart from him, One person also survived.”


"His brother."

"Gars is dead." The young man frowned.

"No, no, it's not Gals, it's his other brother, Claudio."

"Ah?" This time the boy was surprised.

This situation was obviously beyond his expectation, a look of bewilderment appeared on his face, but soon he thought of something again, and spoke again.

"Only Lord Alister is the real emperor, because this is the arrangement of the Goddess of Life."

The young man was decisive.

The female lord didn't like him, and sneered, "I think it was Cornelia's arrangement, right? Are you also a believer in the Church of Life?"

The boy nodded, "High Priest Cornelia adopted me and gave me a name."

"what's your name?"


"Okay, Hui, what letter did you send for your Majesty the Emperor?"

"He is also your emperor, I hope you can respect him a little bit." Gray said.

The female lord didn't comment, but just stretched out her hand to ask him to hand over the letter. After reading it from beginning to end, she looked up and found that the boy was still standing there.

"Aren't you leaving after delivering the letter?"

"I need your reply." Hui said.

"Then you have to wait a little longer."

"It doesn't matter. I'll leave whenever you reply."

"Then I'll let someone arrange a place for you first, and then I'll get you some bread and sausages to fill your belly." The female lord treated the messengers on both sides equally.

Hui Que said, "No, I can find food and a place to sleep by myself."

"Where are you going to sleep?"

"There is also a lot of food in the woods." Hui replied.

The female lord finally couldn't help asking the question in her heart, "Is this how you came here all the way? Moreover, the news that I defeated those Wing Clan people just spread out not long ago. How did you come to the Western Territory so quickly? of?"

"I ran here."

"How long did it take?"

"Nineteen days."

The female lord took a breath of cold air, "Really or not, your speed is almost catching up with those of the Wing Tribe, right? How did you do it?"

"The goddess of life gave me strength." Hui Surong said.

"Blood Potion? Are you talking about the Blood Potion? Did your tail grow because of the Blood Potion?" Ilea suddenly realized.

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