Working Prophet

Chapter 810 Rules

Li Yu lay on the beach chair, enjoying the sea breeze while flipping through the books he had just borrowed from the library. From time to time he would pick up the juice next to the seat and take a sip.

Speaking of it, this seems to be the first time he has taken annual leave in the past few years. Although the previous company also had an annual leave system, they worked overtime even on weekends, and even if they applied for annual leave, they would not be approved.

However, maintaining high-intensity labor for a long time will cause considerable physical and mental losses.

It's like a machine that is always running at full capacity. If it is not regularly maintained, it will be difficult for problems to occur over time...

Li Yu did not continue to think about these things. The sun was just right at the moment, and it was warm on his body. He focused his attention back on the book.

He didn't know how long it had passed, but Li Yu heard the humming of propellers. He looked up and saw another seaplane landing on the sea area in front of him.

Different from the one he came on, this seaplane was much larger and looked more luxurious.

After it stopped on the water, a small wooden boat approached the plane.

Because of the distance, Li Yu couldn't see the people getting on and off the plane clearly, so he didn't pay much attention to it. This small island is very large, and it doesn't matter if a few more people come.

Just as Li Yu was thinking this, the wooden boat was sailing towards him.

As the ship got closer and closer, Li Yu finally recognized the people on the ship.

It turned out to be Taylor, the director of the company.

Unlike the night of the annual meeting, she was dressed very casually today, a cheap T-shirt bought from an unknown street stall, with the words "Don't hate what you don't understand" printed on it, and a sleeveless cardigan .

The lower body is jeans and western boots, and a floral turban is wrapped around the head.

When the boat docked, Taylor got off the boat.

"I hope I didn't interrupt your vacation."

Li Yu also stood up from the beach chair at this time, "No, I just arrived last night."

"The sun on this beach looks good, do you mind if I add another chair by your side?"

Li Yu shook his head.

Before the steward could tell the porter on the boat, he had already run to get the beach chairs.

At this time, Taylor's eyes fell on the book Li Yu held in his right hand again, "Oh, you are already reading it."

Li Yu nodded, and picked up the "Three-Body Problem II: The Dark Forest", "You recommended it to me that night. I just happen to be free now, so I'll take a look on the island to pass the time."

Taylor looked happy, "This is one of my favorite stories."

"Why do you like this story?"

"Oh, because it's full of amazing whimsy and a deep portrait of human civilization."

At this time, the porter brought over the beach chair and a parasol.

Taylor motioned for him to put down the beach chair not far from Li Yu, lay down on it, and continued.

"Leading a civilization is a very complicated thing. I believe you will agree with this sentence. There will always be differences in our collective, and people will always make different choices because of different backgrounds and interests.

"But when there's a crisis, and I mean a real crisis, survival, survival is the most pressing thing for a race, and that means a lot of people have to make sacrifices..."

Li Yu frowned, "Are you talking about novels with me, or..."

"Of course we're talking about novels." Taylor's smile looked a little secretive.

But since she has already denied it, Li Yu can't ask any further, so he changed the subject and said, "Director Taylor, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Of course, as long as it has nothing to do with work, don't waste this precious vacation time." Taylor looked in a good mood today and was very talkative.

Li Yu thought for a while and said, "You and the other directors don't seem to go to the company very often."

"Oh, we all have our own affairs to deal with, and the company has company rules, even we can't get involved in the company's daily business, especially the work of your business department."

"Then who set these rules?"

"We." Taylor gave an answer that surprised Li Yu, "All our directors are determined by voting, the oldest democratic resolution in human history."

Seeing the expression on Li Yu's face, Taylor chuckled again, "I know what you're thinking, rules are only constraints on ordinary people, but to those at the top of the pyramid, they are toys that can be manipulated at will.

"But we are serious this time, so we brought in an independent director to monitor the operations of the company, especially the cross-border behavior of other directors on the board."

"Will that independent director have too much power?"

"Your concerns are not unreasonable, but the five of us trust him very much. He is a...very principled person and will always be loyal."

Li Yu didn't think someone could remain loyal forever, let alone stay loyal to all five people, but looking at Taylor's confident look, Li Yu didn't say anything more.

After a pause, he asked again, "Do you know the electronic clock behind the company's front desk?"

"Oh, you said that string of countdowns, every new employee will be curious about that thing." Taylor smiled.

"Just over two years left."


"I said that there are only two more years left in the above time." Li Yu said.

"Do you care?"

"It's a little bit, after all, the string of numbers has been beating."

"That's a little annoying."

"Can I take it off, or put it in another room?"

"No." Taylor said bluntly, perhaps because he felt that his tone was too harsh just now, and he added, "Unfortunately, I don't have this right either."

"So... are these also rules that cannot be violated?" Li Yu said.

Taylor blinked, "Maybe I shouldn't be sitting next to you, I'm too tired talking to smart people, how about we all keep our mouths shut from now on?"

"I only have one question left, the last question. I'll shut up after I finish. What will happen when the countdown reaches zero?" Li Yu said.

From Taylor's previous answer, he can already confirm one thing, that electronic watch is not a bad taste of a certain director that Miss HR said, it is obviously very important, otherwise it would not be included in the rules.

But Taylor didn't answer, and turned to look at the sea level in the distance, "Have you ever experienced the vacation projects on the island?"

"You're talking about libraries, tennis courts, shopping malls and game centers..."

"No, no, no, I'm talking about a real vacation project. It's called Neverland for a reason." Taylor said, "Find me in my room after 10 pm."

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