Working Prophet

Chapter 807 Vacation

Wang Guowei got off work on time and made meals for a few days. He felt the long-lost fireworks and lived a healthy life for two days. However, he soon lost interest and went back to his room to play games and eat takeaway.

It just so happened that Li Yu didn't want to cook today, so he passed by a KFC after get off work and went in and ordered a set meal.

He was sitting by the window eating a hamburger, and he was attracted by a dress worn by a mannequin outside the clothing store opposite.

Li Yu finished eating the crispy chicken leg burger, went to the sink to wash his hands, and took the unfinished Coke to the door of the clothing store.

Seeing that he had been looking at the skirt, the shopping guide came over and said enthusiastically. , "Sir, you have a good eye. This is a new style for this spring. It was only launched in our store yesterday. Are you going to buy it for your girlfriend?"

Li Yu hummed.

According to Bratis' time, he and Ilea were almost in love for one hundred days, although they spent most of these one hundred days discussing the war.

But after we finish talking about business, we will drink some carrot water together, eat some snacks, or hold hands outside for a walk or something.

The people who saw them at first were still shocked, feeling that they saw something they shouldn't see, and worried that they would be dragged away to silence them, but now the big guys are gradually getting used to it.

After all, the female lord is not married, and Li Yu is also not married. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the two of them being together. Moreover, although Li Yu is not a nobleman, no one will treat him as a commoner.

Especially after he fulfilled his promise and destroyed the Wing Clan army, no one in the entire Western Region dared to disrespect him anymore.

Looking at it this way, the two of them seemed to be a good match, and Miss Rabbit even took a small advantage.

As for Li Yu coming out of the female lord's room in the middle of the night, let's just talk about it in private. No one would bother with it.

In short, most people have basically accepted the fact that the two of them are together.

The female shop assistant here enthusiastically introduced the skirt on the mannequin to Li Yu, and also invited Li Yu to the store to look at other styles.

Li Yu went in and looked around, and felt that the one at the door looked better. When he asked about the price, the shopping guide said 2199.

Li Yu asked her to pack it, and then took out his mobile phone to pay the bill. The money was his own and would not be reimbursed by the company.

Last time he bought a down jacket and sneakers for Ilea, Li Yu specially measured the girl's size. This time he bought a skirt and just continued to use it.

After returning home, Li Yu put the skirt in the cabinet first, then opened his notebook and logged into the third era of OA.

I looked at my personal information and saw the number 10 followed by the remaining available days of annual leave.

According to the results of the previous simulation, he will use up his annual leave and recuperation quota next month.

However, as the crisis brought about by the Yi clan army was resolved, Li Yu has no urgent matters to do at the moment. Earn endless amounts of money.

You should rest when you need to.

As a prophet of Shuangxiu, he should lead by example in this regard, so Li Yu thought for a moment and applied for recuperation on OA.

The next day he brought the skirt to Miss Rabbit, and told her that he would be away for a month. The girl was a little bit reluctant, and the joy of receiving the beautiful clothes eased a lot, but she also hoped that Li Yu could have a good rest.

So he made a hook up with Li Yu and agreed to meet again in thirty days. In addition, Li Yu also promised to bring some delicious food to Ilea when he came back.

Generally, health resorts should have souvenirs for sale, so just pay attention when the time comes.

The administrative side was also very efficient and passed the review at noon. However, Li Yu was still in Bratis at that time and did not receive the reminder.

But when he got off work again, the ticket had been sent to the company and Zhang Yanlin collected it on his behalf.

Li Yu looked at the time and location on the ticket and found that it was early tomorrow morning and the destination was actually Sydney.

However, there is no direct flight from City B to Sydney, so you have to make a transfer in City G.


Li Yu didn't think too much about it. The environment in Australia is quite good, and there are many wild animals and plants. There seems to be a Blue Mountains National Park in Sydney. Go there for a while to see koalas, kangaroos and so on. .

And the third era is also very generous, even the air ticket was bought for him, and the whole journey was first class. Li Yu went back and packed his luggage briefly, and told Wang Guowei that he would go out for a while, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, he would take the subway the next day. It's the airport.

When he arrived at Kingsford Smith Airport, he quickly saw the person responsible for picking him up. He was also a Chinese, but his skin was quite tanned.

He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, a pair of ripped jeans, holding a big card in his hand with the words "Warmly welcome Mr. Li Yu to recuperate", and he was looking around.

Li Yu dragged the suitcase and came to him, his eyes lit up immediately, and then he took out the photo in his pocket to take a look, then grinned, showing his white teeth.

"Mr. Li Yu." He reached out and grabbed the suitcase enthusiastically, and then extended another hand.

Upon seeing this, Li Yu reached out and shook his hand.

"What's the name?"

"Noah, or you can call me by my Chinese name, Wang Guangfa."


"I'd better call you Noah. Are you also an employee of the Third Age, Noah?"

"NO, NO, NO, your company hired me to guide you, so I'm not your colleague.

"But I have met quite a few of your colleagues. They are all very interesting people. There are people from all countries. Your company must be very big, which is really enviable."

Noah was quite talkative, he put Li Yu's luggage into the trunk of his Mazda, then pulled the driver's seat and got in, started the car.

Li Yu also sat down in the passenger seat, fastened his seat belt, and asked Noah, "Shall we go to the hotel first?"

However, Noah smiled mysteriously when he heard the words, "Let's go to the pier."

"Wharf, do you want to take the boat again?"

"It's not a boat, you'll know where you go." Noah drove the car out of the parking lot at the airport and drove all the way to the beach.

There Li Yu saw the vehicle that Noah mentioned, which was a seaplane.

It is very similar to an ordinary small plane, but there are two more floats under the belly, so that it can be parked on the water.

Seaplanes are generally not big. According to Noah, the one in front of Li Yu can only carry eight guests at most, plus two pilots.

And for this trip, Li Yu was the only passenger in this small plane.

Noah helped Li Yu carry the luggage onto the plane and put it at the tail, then got off the plane and waved to Li Yu at the pier.

"I wish you a pleasant journey, Mr. Li Yu, and I hope you can enjoy your vacation well."

There is only one chapter today, let me take a rest, and push the main line tomorrow... 6 doors

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