Working Prophet

Chapter 805 The frightened bird

The wise man was caught in a small barn. He gave the owner of the barn three golden lions, asking him to keep it a secret, and agreed to pay ten more before leaving.

But he didn't expect that he would be approached by pursuers after hiding for only four days. The wise man wanted to escape from the roof on the ladder, but when he climbed up, he found that there were people outside the barn and he had been surrounded by troops.

Even being pointed at by a team of archers with bows and arrows, the wise man could only come down from the roof in despair in the end.

Afterwards, he was escorted to the front of the female lord, and knelt down with the other seven traitors captured a few days ago.

Many of these people are still begging to the girl, willing to donate their properties and even fiefs, just begging the female lord to spare their lives.

One was still yelling, "According to the ancient tradition of the West, you can't kill us."

Miss Rabbit wondered, "Why can't I kill you?"

"As nobles we can pay the ransom and buy our own freedom."

"That's right." His words were echoed, and those people seemed to have found some life-saving straw.

Only the wise man who came at the end remained silent. The female lord glanced at him, then looked at the others, and said leisurely at the same time.

"That tradition is for prisoners of war, not traitors."

Those people's pleas for mercy suddenly stopped, and Miss Rabbit continued, "I can understand your fear of Solomon and the Wing Tribe army, but you once made an alliance with me.

"You made a sacred oath to fight alongside us and guard this land. I warned you of the consequences of breaking your oath."

"We know we were wrong. Please let us live. We can fight for you in the future and repay the mistakes we made."

"My daughter admires you very much. I even asked a carpenter to carve out your heroic figure when fighting the dragon and gave it to her as a toy. She kept sleeping in her arms." A middle-aged nobleman also said.

The female lord couldn't help but feel a little shaken when she heard the words, but when she looked up at Fabrice, Ivan and others, she found that they all looked indifferent, and even Pers looked stern.

Ferdinand also looked up at the sky, and then said to the girl, "It's time to take action, Lord Ilea."

Miss Rabbit nodded. The joy when she first caught these traitors had dissipated a lot.

But she also understood that she could not let these people go. Traitors were the most hated no matter where they were.

The reaction of everyone just now said it all. There were so many nobles present, but no one interceded for them.

And she also wanted to use the heads of these eight people to warn others, especially the new lords who joined the resistance, what would happen if they broke their oaths.

Only in this way can everyone work together instead of falling apart the next time we encounter a crisis.

The female lord pulled out the duel pistol from her waist and said, "Do you have any last words? I can help you pass them on to your family."

The middle-aged noble who had just begged for mercy turned pale when he heard this, but he also knew that he would inevitably die this time, so he spoke after a moment of silence.

"Please, please tell my wife and daughter that I love them and it's all my fault. I'm too cowardly."

"I promise you your words will be taken."

After the female lord finished speaking, she raised her pistol, aimed it between the middle-aged noble's eyebrows, and pulled the trigger.

With a bang, the middle-aged noble's body fell backwards, fell to the ground, and lost his breath.

The execution method of the girl was quite novel in the eyes of the generals of the resistance army. It was clean and neat, and faster than beheading. The only drawback was that there were not so many bloody scenes to watch.

But this also shows the kindness of the female lord. It is a foregone conclusion that Ilea will become the new Lord of the West, and everyone will be vassals of the Arias family from now on.

It is better to be loyal to a benevolent monarch than to serve a tyrant cautiously.

While everyone was thinking, the girl had already walked up to the second traitor, filling gunpowder and bullets while asking, "What about you, do you have anything to say?"

"Please tell my brother and two sons not to avenge me. You have made...a fair sentence. I have no complaints."

After the man finished speaking, he closed his eyes. Soon he heard a familiar sound in his ears, and then his vision went dark and he fell to the ground.

Ilea continued to move forward, gunshots rang out on the hills from time to time, and the white smoke from the muzzle dispersed, giving people an unreal feeling of being half asleep and half awake.

Until the girl's footsteps stopped in front of the last person, the nobleman nicknamed the Wise Man raised his head. Unlike the others, his face did not show much regret, but was full of resentment.

"Don't be too happy too early. You just defeated Tristan, and you didn't really fight against the Wing Clan army.

"And those Wing Clan people also have many allies. Sooner or later you will taste the taste of failure, and your fate will be worse than mine..."

Miss Rabbit interrupted him rudely, "You have been hiding in the village for too long, and the news is too late. The Wing Tribe army is finished, and the remaining 10,000 people may be less than 1,000.

"Solomon's life and death are unknown, and the rest of the people have also fled out of the Western Territory. As soon as those Wing Tribe people entered the Western Territory, they were punished by God on Saturday, but it took some time for the divine punishment to take effect. This is why we have been Things to do.

"The fact that they finally stayed in Lake City shows that God's punishment has become very serious. You could see victory if you just persist a little longer, but you chose to betray your oath at this time.

"Fortunately, you still have such a nickname, why did you do such a stupid thing?"

After Miss Rabbit finished speaking, regardless of the wise man who was still in a daze, she pulled the trigger again.

It's good, I can carry one less person's last words.

After executing all the traitors, the female lord led the troops to continue advancing eastward. The other two armies, one led by Kamzi and the other led by Silver Pine, also made smooth progress.

The three chose different marching routes, and agreed to meet up at the ruins of Songshi Fort half a month later, and basically recover all the land.

At that time, the female lord can also become the veritable lord of the western region.

But in the not-too-distant Feng Rao Jiao, the atmosphere in the city is completely different.

The Yi people who had gone out with Solomon before returned here overnight, but there were less than 400 of them left.

It was less than half of Li Yu's previous estimate. In addition to the severe Newcastle disease, some people were not killed by the disease, but died from their own bloodletting.

After experiencing Saturday's divine power, these four hundred people had become frightened birds. They almost didn't stop along the way, and they were still in shock even when they flew out of the west.

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