Working Prophet

Chapter 796 Burning Library

Kamzi and a group of resistance nobles looked at each other in confusion.

Who would have thought that they were fighting vigorously with the last remaining force of the Figuerola family here, but Clovis was not in the castle.

Miss Rabbit was stunned when she heard the news, "Library, what is Master Clovis doing in the library?"

Ivan on the side said, "Lord Clovis loves reading and firmly believes that all the problems in the world can be answered in books. He may be in the library to find ways to defeat us."

"Okay, let's invite him... out first." When the female lord said this, she glanced at Ferdinand who was silent beside her.

The latter performed heroically in the previous battle with Tristan, charging at the front line and defeating dozens of enemies, including many nobles.

But in this battle, he acted very calmly. He followed the female lord from beginning to end and did not participate in the battle.

Ilea understood that it would be difficult for Ferdinand to take action against the family he had once been loyal to. In fact, it was already very difficult for him not to oppose this war.

He was probably also heartbroken by the fact that Clovis defected to the Wing Tribe and betrayed his vassals.

Miss Rabbit reached out and patted his shoulder, "Don't worry, I asked Prophet Merlin, and he said that I just need to listen to my inner voice, although Clovis did not agree to my request to surrender in Kaicheng.

"But I won't kill him. The most I can do is send him and the Figuerola family out of the West."

Ferdinand said, "I don't want my personal position to affect your judgment."

"It's not all because of you. Although the bastard in front of the bridge scolded me harshly and talked nonsense, there was something he said that wasn't wrong.

"Being able to become the head of the Arias family, apart from Merlin, the person I should be most grateful to is Marquis Cullen. Let's just think of it as repaying that favor."

After speaking, the female lord said to Yi Wang, "The information you provided is very useful. Although I have not adopted your previous suggestions, I hope you will not be discouraged and continue to give me advice in the future."

Yiwang bowed after hearing the words, "You have made a wise choice, and the people in this land will feel your kindness."

"so be it."

A small lord named Kuchi volunteered to capture Clovis, and no one else had any objections.

Although capturing Clovis was a great achievement, it was also a hot potato. After all, everyone was once a vassal of the Figuerola family, so it was somewhat embarrassing to do such a thing.

So no one will take the credit with Couch.

Kuchi led a team of people and quickly rushed to the library, which was already surrounded. It was the guards of the Emmanuel family who discovered Clovis.

The leader is a knight nicknamed The Sword in the Stone, but unfortunately his name is not Arthur.

Kuqi said hello to Shi Zhongjian and hurried into the library. He took several deep breaths before walking forward.

Soon I saw an old man holding a book and reading fascinatedly.

The old man raised his head when he heard the footsteps and said calmly, "You are here to arrest me."

Kuchi nodded, slightly nervous, "Sir Ilea sent me here."

"So you have already captured Yanxue City?"

"It's still a little short, there are still people cleaning up your castle, but that's all."

"Do you need my help?" the old man said. "I can help you convince the soldiers in the castle to put down their weapons and make it easier for you."

"Why are you so kind?"

"Of course I'm not just out of good intentions. In fact, if you don't come to me, I also want to talk to Ilea. She defeated Solomon's army on land, which was impressive, and drove away Welstein. Down the Rock Snow City, she is an excellent general.

"But she'd better not get too complacent. Solomon and his Wing Clan army haven't taken action yet."

"You want to threaten Sir Ilea?" Kuchi asked.

"No, it's not." Clovis explained, "What I mean is that I don't know who the Western Territory will belong to in the future, and I don't care anymore. I'm not the head of the Figuerola family, I'm just an old man who likes to read. "

"But you are the master of Rock Snow City." Kuchi reminded.

"Hels is the master of Yanxue City, I was just the one who was temporarily pulled out to replace him, and as you can see, I screwed up, so I want to talk to Ilea.

"I don't care about the Western Territory or the Figueirola family anymore, can she keep me here and continue to read books at ease?"

Couch's eyes widened, "What are you talking about?"

"Please, I just want to read." Clovis said sincerely.

"But your decision has thrown millions of people into flames," Couch said.

"I didn't participate in the war until you came over." Clovis explained, "And I didn't cause this war. Solomon declared war first. No matter what I choose, he will invade the Western Territory, right?"

"But you were also involved, and you made your choice."

"I know." Clovis sighed, "I know," after a pause, he continued, "If I swear, I will not resist you if I don't take a step out of this library.

"Look, I didn't even run away, I just sat here and waited for you to find me."

Couch looked around and saw no one else here. The expression on his face changed several times, and finally he seemed to have made up his mind.

He strode to the old man, took off his belt, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Lord Clovis."

"What do you mean I'm sorry? You just need to give me a message to Sir Ilea. Is there any difficulty in this?" Clovis was confused, "Also, what are you doing with the belt?"

And Kuchi had already put the belt around his neck, "Ms. Ilea has decided to save your life, but there are still people who don't want you to live."

Clovis felt a tightening in his neck, and when he tried to speak again, he could no longer make a sound.

Kuchi said to himself, "Whether you admit it or not, you have indeed been the person in charge of the Western Territory for a period of time, and you have a high ranking in the Figuerola family and are also very prestigious in the Western Territory.

"For the sake of the stability of this land in the future, you'd better die, and this way your family can at least look better on face."

Clovis's cheeks quickly turned red. He struggled desperately, but he only pulled a few books from the bookshelf.

After that, his movements became more and more sluggish, until he became motionless. After a while, Kuchi let go of his hand holding the belt, and his face looked a little pale.

Especially when he saw Clovis's dead body on the ground, he couldn't help but take two steps back.

But he quickly took out a flint, lit a book on fire, and threw it on Clovis. Then he added several more books to it, making the fire bigger and bigger, and then he opened his voice and said, shouted.

"Hurry, come here, Lord Clovis has set himself on fire!"

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