Working Prophet

Chapter 791 Yiwang’s request

Ivan was brought in front of the female lord, and after meeting him, he bowed respectfully, "Congratulations, Lord Ilea, for becoming the new owner of this land."

The girl waved her hand, "It's still early, most of the land in the western region is still in the hands of those Yi people and their allies."

Ilea also just came back from the outside at the moment, and she is about to go out again, so she is also busy.

The former intelligence chief said, "Those lords don't really want to join Solomon. As long as they can capture Yanxue City, everyone will know that the direction of the wind has changed, and they will definitely be happy to see one of their own to rule this land." land."

The female lord glanced at him, "You understand people's hearts very well."

"As you know, I am the former intelligence chief of the empire, and my main job is to collect and analyze all kinds of intelligence."

"Analyzing intelligence?"

"Yes, I used to have a lot of informants, and they would pass on hundreds of messages to me every day. I had to sort out the information worth paying attention to and judge their urgency," Yiwang replied.

After a pause, the intelligence chief smiled bitterly, "But I misjudged those Wing Tribe people. I relied too much on my intelligence network all over the empire. At that time, there was no sign that we would encounter an invasion, and the opponent was so powerful.

"I shouldn't have ignored your previous warning. If we had been well prepared, Crab Point might not have fallen so soon.

"Looking back now, I see those Wing Tribe people coming across the ocean. By the time they fly to Bratis, they are very tired. It is a good time to launch a decisive battle."

Ivan seemed to have been brooding about this matter, and then sighed, "What a pity Garth, he is unwilling to follow my advice and must stay at Lionheart Castle."

"But I heard that you were the first big noble to surrender to those Yi people after they took over the capital."

The female lord touched her chin and said, "I thought you had a problem with Gals. To be honest, do you have any credit for those Yi tribesmen to take down Lionheart Castle?"

Ivan shook his head, "If I really betrayed His Majesty the Emperor, with the information I have in hand, it would not take Solomon two months to capture Lionheart Castle.

"I remained loyal to the royal family until the last moment before the city was destroyed. As for why I surrendered to those Wing tribesmen so quickly, it was because all the information I had on hand showed that the demise of the Vespasian family was a foregone conclusion. , I don’t want to be buried with them.” The former intelligence chief said frankly.

Ilea was noncommittal, "Then what are your plans now, are you going to betray Solomon again in order to survive?"

"Although Solomon pardoned me and allowed me to continue to serve as the royal minister, I know that he has never truly trusted me. In his eyes, I am worse than two bards." Ivan said.

"After Lanita's accident, Solomon didn't give me any chance to defend myself and locked me up directly. He planned to hand me over to Zebulun to be killed to vent his anger. The relationship between king and minister between me and him has long since ended.

"If it weren't for Saturday's show of divine power and the divine punishment, and those Wing Clan people were short of translators, I would still be squatting in the jail in Yanxue City." The former intelligence chief curled his lips and said.

"You put it that way, I think it's not unreasonable for Solomon to be wary of you." The female lord touched her chin.

Yiwang said helplessly, "I just want a way to survive, and I have never betrayed my monarch."

"Really, but you just told me about the situation in Yanxue City." Miss Rabbit's eyes widened, "You also told me how to capture it with the least effort."

The former intelligence chief finally stopped beating around the bush, "Well, or let me put it another way, I will remain loyal to my monarch until I feel that he can no longer win in the game of thrones."

"This is not what a noble nobleman should say."

"Today is different from the past. Most of those noble nobles with high moral character have no chance to stand in front of you again." Yi Wang said.

"I know what you are worried about, but this is actually not a problem for you at all. You have Prophet Merlin and Saturday behind you. As far as I know, you have never lost in the past, and it will definitely be the same in the future, so you don't have to worry at all. I will betray you."

The female lord raised her eyebrows, "I haven't said that I want you to work for me."

"Then I beg you now to give me a chance to prove my worth to you." Ivan knelt down on one knee.

"Du Lun is very capable of leading troops in battle. Although I don't know why he is still alive, with him by your side, you don't have to worry about military matters.

"The prophet Merlin is full of miracles and omnipotent. In addition, you also have wise counselors who can always give you the right advice.

"Not to mention the brave generals and soldiers under your command, but you still lack a subordinate who can collect intelligence, analyze intelligence, and handle various interpersonal relationships for you, and I happen to have this talent.

"Especially when you are preparing to leave the Western Region and embark on a more magnificent journey and deal with a more complex political environment, no one knows the nobles of the empire better than me. I will definitely be of great use when the time comes."

"Why should I leave the Western Territory?" the female lord asked, "Well, although I promised Wilder to help him get the Corner of Plenty, his territory is already on the edge of the Western Territory, so he can't be considered far away."

"Crab Point is also your territory." Ivan said, "It was granted to you by Edward II. Many nobles were present at the time."


Miss Rabbit was silenced by the words of the former intelligence chief. Ever since she got the largest seaport in the empire by accident, she had never been there once. She didn't even regard it as her own territory.

Because with her and the Arias family's prestige in the Red Lion Empire, wanting to truly rule Crab Horn is nothing short of a dream.

But things are different now.

If she can really drive those Wing Clan people away from the Western Territory and become the new owner of this land, it also means that she may also have the capital to conquer the New World.

Although the female lord doesn't have much interest in becoming the master of Xinlu, the problem is that the crab corner is really too profitable.

Nearly half of the empire's maritime trade is carried out there, and if she collects any tax, she will never have to worry about money in her life.

Just thinking about it, the girl felt her heart beat faster.

Qi Qi, the former intelligence chief, was still seducing from the side, "The Weiting family is finished, the Drummond family was also killed by those Wing Clan people, and now there is no one in the New World.

"If you can get rid of those Yi people, maybe you can get the approval of the nobles there, so that they will willingly dedicate the crab horns to you."

"It's too early to talk about this now. Let's take down Yanxue City first." The female lord rarely maintained a sense of reason and suppressed the excitement in her heart.

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