Working Prophet

Chapter 778 Collapse of Faith

The sudden attack, the reaction of the Wing Clan warriors in the sky seemed a bit slow.

They only heard a series of crackling sounds and caught a glimpse of the smoke that was inexplicably filling the forest. However, they did not see where the enemy was or where the attack came from. They saw their companions falling away one by one. go down.

The scene in front of them reminded them of the tragedy in Lake City.

It was also the invisible enemies and attacks that made them completely defeated. They could only watch the warriors in the tribe continue to fall, but they were unable to do anything.

The feeling of despair and helplessness almost swallowed them up, and now this feeling appears again.

When the gunfire rang out again, the Winged Tribe finally couldn't stand it anymore, dropped the chains in their hands, turned around and ran away.

They came this time with the determination to die. No matter what the cost, they must win the war and defeat Merlin to lift the curse, because only in this way can their people be saved.

They had indeed shown such determination in the previous battle with the White Queen. No matter how heavy the casualties were, no one retreated.

However, no matter how cruel the white dragon is, its attacks are always traceable and consistent with common sense.

As for the Shuangxiu Sect, especially the prophet Merlin of the Shuangxiu Sect, his methods have completely exceeded the understanding of these Yi clan people. They want to evade, but don’t know how to evade. They want to fight back, but they can’t find anyone to fight back. Method.

Perhaps they should never have set foot on this land in the first place.

Many Wing Clan warriors have this thought in their minds. They are making an enemy of a god, and he is also an extremely powerful god.

It sent a messenger to warn before taking action, but no one took the warning to heart, just treating it as a lame joke.

But now no one can laugh anymore.

These Wing Clan people are already at the end of their strength and are just holding on with one breath. Once the last glimmer of hope is shattered, collapse is inevitable.

Since the beginning of the war, the Yi clan people have lost more than half of their men, but Li Yu and Queen Bai are still almost unscathed.

Even the most optimistic people no longer think they have a chance, so more and more people choose to turn around and run for their lives.

As for the green dragon who was not working hard, seeing that the momentum was wrong, he immediately slipped away quickly, and relying on his own speed, he quickly reached the front.

Upon seeing this, Li Yu commanded Bai Long to follow him and killed more than a dozen people from the Yi tribe. However, those Yi tribe members were not fools either. They dispersed immediately and fled in all directions.

Li Yu followed closely and killed a few more, but he was worried about the war on the other side and did not continue to pursue them.

First, I went to find Tom to put on my clothes again, and ate two Snickers bars and a piece of black chocolate to replenish the energy I had consumed previously.

Then without resting, he returned to the battlefield again. He approached the coalition forces from behind and asked the White Queen to spit out flames.

Soon, dozens of coalition soldiers were wrapped in the flames, screaming in agony.

There was also a fireman who didn't die immediately and was still running around asking for help. But even if someone wanted to save him on the battlefield, they couldn't find a source of water for a while. They could only watch him being burned alive by the fire. In the end, Lying on the ground motionless.

The return of Li Yu and Bai Long boosted the morale of the resistance army. Many people saw the previous showdown between them and those Wing Clan warriors. At that time, the White Queen seemed to be at a disadvantage and fled to the distant forest. They couldn't help but It's a little worrying.

In the end, no one knew what happened there. The Wing tribesmen were suddenly defeated and began to flee in all directions. In the end, only Li Yu and Queen Bai passed by in triumph.

Tristan also noticed the white dragon appearing behind him, and a flash of panic flashed in his eyes.

Those Wings had promised him that they would deal with Merlin and his giant dragon, and because of the previous series of victorious achievements of the opponent, Tristan had almost no doubts about this promise.

Who would have thought that those Wing Clan members would be defeated so simply and quickly, and in the end they would just leave them alone and run away for their lives.

Tristan was filled with resentment, but at this point, he had no way out. He could only swing his sword to kill the enemy while shouting at the top of his lungs, asking the army to stabilize their front.

But this front is really not something he can stabilize if he wants to. Those iron lumps taught by Shuangxiu are difficult enough to deal with. There are no rocket launchers or armor-piercing projectiles on the Bratis continent, and even Molotov The cocktails are still out.

Facing the nearly fully armored chariot, both the noble knights and their fighters seemed a little helpless, and were quickly penetrated by the steel army.

So the travelers who drove modified agricultural machinery and construction equipment without a license turned around again, planning to fight back.

At this time, Bailong also joined the battle and started setting fire to people everywhere in the back. Soon Tristan was tortured to the point of death.

And at this time, some noble lords came to him and expressed that they didn't want to fight any more. They saw that the Yi people had already run away, and they lost their will to fight immediately, and wanted to retreat together.

An angry Tristan pointed directly at the nose of a lord named Arundel and cursed, "Retreat? Those Wings have wings, what do we have? Are you planning to run over the giant dragon on your head with your legs?! "

The scolded noble lord touched his nose embarrassingly, "But Tristan, they only have one dragon. How many of us can that dragon kill?"

"You also know that there are many of us, how can we evacuate with so many people?" Tristan glared at Arundel.

The latter shrank his neck and whispered, "We can abandon the baggage and militia and break out with only a small part of the cavalry."

Tristan was so angry that he didn't want to speak. However, from the corner of his eye, he glanced at some of the nobles around him and found that none of them opened their mouths to curse Arundel. Instead, there was a faint look of expectation in their eyes.

Stan was shocked. Only then did he realize that the morale of the army had dropped to a very dangerous level. Most of the leading soldiers had lost their fighting spirit, not to mention the people below.

In fact, if the White Queen hadn't been wreaking havoc in the rear right now, someone might have sneaked away.

Speaking of which, they were originally forced to come here to attack the Western Region by the Wing Tribe people. On the one hand, they were afraid of the power of the Wing Tribe people, and on the other hand, they wanted to come here to make a small fortune.

The financial situation of many noble families these days is not very good. Not all of them have business acumen. In addition to farming, they can also make some money during wars.

But now that there is no money to be made, everyone has no desire to continue fighting. All they are thinking about is how to save their lives.

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