Working Prophet

Chapter 769 The Curse of the Earth

This thought made Solomon shudder. He had fought many battles in his life, but no war had ever been as strange as this one.

It was as if they were fighting against invisible opponents. His most valiant fighters, no enemy could defeat them, but now they died under the invisible sword.

Large-scale attrition occurred on the seventh day after the expedition.

On this day, hundreds of Wing Tribe warriors died, many of whom were Solomon's cronies, and Solomon could call them by name.

Including the coachman who went to rescue Lanita with him before, he was also emaciated, his throat was swollen, and he had difficulty breathing. The accompanying wizard bled him, but it didn't help.

He eventually died of pain, and the translator who went with him that day also fell ill two days ago.

But Solomon still didn't let the army stop advancing. Although he didn't want to admit it, Solomon had realized that the strange things happening to them now were probably related to Shuangxiujiao.

The guy who calls himself a prophet is undoubtedly a powerful wizard, possessing extremely powerful evil witchcraft.

Perhaps only by defeating him can the curse on them be lifted.

And despite the fact that the dwarves and the imperial nobles who have surrendered are respectful to them now, once these hyenas find that the ropes around their necks are beginning to loosen and the masters behind them show signs of weakness, they may turn around and come back to bite them. .

Therefore, Solomon must show a tough stance externally and continue to advance the front.

In fact, the best thing to do now is to abandon all allies and directly lead the 10,000 Winged Clan army and the Storm Lord to the Green Field.

Just like when they entered Lionheart Castle from Crab Corner, they gave full play to the advantages of the Winged people.

However, Merlin now also has a dragon in his hand, and the white dragon has become extra powerful for some unknown reason.

If there was no curse, Solomon could still rely on the dragon hunting method left by his ancestors to forcefully kill the white dragon, but now even if they could succeed, they would have to pay ten or a hundred times the price.

This is too risky. The key is that Solomon is not sure whether Li Yu and Ilea have any backup plans.

The Wing Tribe commander took out the map of the Western Territory and unfolded it. He saw a large swamp called Gaigu to the west of the green field. If Ilea hid her army in the swamp, she would not choose to fight him head-on.

As time goes by, the situation is likely to become increasingly unfavorable to him.

Since coming to Bratis, Solomon has been winning battles continuously, but he still dare not relax because he only has 10,000 people on hand.

As long as you lose one game, it will be difficult to have another chance to come back.

After weighing the situation, Solomon decided to follow the original plan and let the dwarves and the surrendered imperial nobles take the lead in fighting the Arias family and their allies.

His Wing Tribe army and the giant dragon were saved until the critical moment before taking action, establishing victory in one fell swoop.

The idea was beautiful, but Solomon underestimated the horror of the curse.

Every day that passes, more people in his army are cursed, and the growth rate is astonishingly fast.

Even the wizards who accompanied the army and were responsible for treating the wounded were unable to resist the evil force, and many people died one after another.

And this was not the most fatal thing. Just the night before he captured the city in the lake, Solomon himself fell ill. Although it didn't last long, he soon woke up again.

But his physical condition was not very good. He didn't even summon the city lord of Lake City as planned. He just hurriedly replenished some food and grass and urged the army to move forward.

But on the next day, Solomon fainted again while handling military affairs.

At this time, a full 2,000 of the 10,000 troops he brought were infected with strange diseases.

After Solomon woke up, the officers and wizards below came to persuade him to temporarily give up his plan to attack the Western Territory.

After thinking about it, the Wing Clan commander only listened to half of the suggestions and allowed the Wing Clan people to return to the city in the lake to rest first, but the remaining people had to move on.

Seeing that Yanxue City was within easy reach, Solomon did not want to stop at this moment, and if Merlin and Shuangxiujiao were not cured, the curse on them would not be released.

Solomon brought a lot of troops to attack the Western Territory this time. Even after excluding the 10,000 Wing Clan warriors, there were still nearly 70,000 troops, including the Western Territory nobles and their troops recruited along the way.

These people alone have a good chance of winning against Ilea and her allies.

Solomon planned to rest in the Lake City for a few days to catch his breath, and then set off again when the curse was relieved, catch up with the Allied forces in front, seize the green field in one fell swoop, and defeat the rebels hiding there.

This idea is also very beautiful, but the reality once again shows its cruel side.

In Lake City, the exhausted Wing Clan warriors got the bread, hot broth, and warm beds they had been waiting for so long... But these things could not make them feel better.

The death toll continues to rise.

The semi-closed indoor environment accelerated the spread of the virus. More and more people were infected, but the wizards were helpless and unable to protect themselves.

On the third day after returning to the city, some people even began to have a nervous breakdown. Unable to bear the tremendous pressure, they cut their own throats with a knife.

Solomon lay on the hospital bed and listened to the people below reporting the new death toll, which had exceeded 1,500.

If Solomon remembered correctly, this was already the biggest casualty since they set foot on this continent.

And the Wing Clan commander knew very well that this was far from the end, just a beginning.

They're screwed.

A month ago, who would have thought that this invincible and invincible wing army would end in this way.

Solomon didn't say anything this time, nor did he issue any orders. He just waved his hand and asked the visitor to retreat.

Because there was nothing he could do.

Everything that happened here was beyond his ability and even his understanding.

The famous Wing Clan commander recalled the afternoon a month ago when the young soldier named Redio walked into his mansion with his head held high.

In front of him, I said those words without any fear.

——You can only stop here.

What Solomon felt at this time was no longer anger, but fear, deep fear.

The god named Saturday is holding a sharp blade and is constantly running and killing among the crowd.

And there was nothing he could do.

Solomon only felt tired for a while, and wanted to close his eyes, but at this moment, the door was knocked open again, and the Wing Clan warrior who had come to report the injury before ran back staggeringly.

His face was also full of fear, and he was holding something in his hand.

Solomon tried to open his eyes and looked into his palm.

It was a dead crow.

"Heaven, there are crows falling from the sky!!! Crows are falling from the sky, they, they are also dying!!! Lord Solomon!" The visitor exclaimed, his tone panicked.

"This earth curses us, and everything in the sky."

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