Working Prophet

Chapter 750 Rally

The female lord rode a white dragon before Harvin and the others, and made an agreement with them that all those who intend to resist those Yi tribesmen can gather in the green field after half a month.

Afterwards, Ilea sent someone to spread the news throughout the entire Western Territory, and now that the appointed time was approaching, the green field became lively, and many nobles had arrived one after another.

Teacup Castle could not accommodate so many people, so except for a few distinguished guests, others could only stay in the hotel temporarily.

However, this gave many people the opportunity to take a good look at the town newly built by the Arias family.

Except that the rammed earth wall outside looks a little confusing, the streets and buildings on the other side of the city wall are quite beautiful.

Miss Rabbit adopted Li Yu's suggestion and made city planning in advance. The main road in the city can accommodate four carriages passing side by side.

Although it seems a bit empty now, when there are more people in the city in the future, even the morning and evening rush hours will not cause traffic congestion.

In this way, people who go to work don’t have to get up too early, and they also free up time stuck in traffic.

In addition, the female lord also pioneered the establishment of drainage channels on the roadside, mainly used to collect, transport and treat rainwater and sewage.

The earliest history of drainage canals can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when a drainage device called Tao Dou appeared in cities at that time.

In the 6th century AD, the ancient Romans also built a large number of drains in the city, but the drains gradually disappeared in the middle ages, and they were not really taken seriously until modern times.

Drainage channels are not very eye-catching, but they are very effective. In addition to preventing the city from being flooded due to heavy rain, it can further improve urban hygiene and effectively block the spread of epidemics.

Especially the second point, the widespread spread of many diseases in this era is related to poor sanitation.

And what the nobles felt the most in the new city of the Arias family was the good hygiene. No one defecated indiscriminately here, and there was almost no peculiar smell in the city.

The toilet officer created by the female lord before existed for less than a month due to various disadvantages, but later Li Yu added the prohibition of defecating indiscriminately to the precepts of the Shuangxiu religion.

Restraining the citizens of the green field through the power of religion has made the health conditions here begin to improve.

Coupled with the rising demand for composting manure, there are more and more toilets and manure pickers in the city. Over time, everyone's living habits have finally changed.

In addition, the all brick and wood structure buildings also make the city look extraordinarily tidy.

However, it is the special buildings in the city that attract the attention of the nobles the most.

For example, a windmill mill that can grind noodles by itself can be used by hundreds of people to take a bath together, and you can also enjoy the large bathing place in the Northeast, a vocational and technical school for large-scale training of various craftsmen, a grand theater for various performances, and a textile factory. , paper mill, blast furnace...

These are all new gadgets that have never appeared before in the Western Territory, or even the Bratis Continent.

And the people living here also seem to be in good spirits, with smiles on everyone's face.

All this has dispelled the last trace of doubts in the hearts of the nobles about the Shuangxiu religion. Who said that the Shuangxiu will only make people more and more lazy?

Obviously, the people in this city seem to be full of energy.

In addition, these nobles also saw the white dragon brought to the west by Lanita over the city.

It is as powerful and powerful as the legends say, exuding terrifying coercion, and most importantly, it seems that it has really converted to Saturday.

Every once in a while, it will land on the largest square in the city, eat the roast lamb provided by the Arias family and the Shuangxiu religion, and then pat its stomach with satisfaction, and fly to the great swamp of Gaigou to play went.

It never hurt anyone, which amazed all the nobles. Many of them had seen this white dragon swallow the magistrate of Yanxue City with their own eyes.

The bloody scene at that time will never be forgotten by them.

And such a terrifying monster has now been subdued by the Shuangxiu teachings. This has given some comfort to those who don't know how to defeat those Yi tribesmen. taught.

The night before the rally, according to Fausto's statistics, almost one-third of the noble families sent people to the green field.

This number has exceeded the female lord's initial expectations, but until the last day, the person she most wanted to see never showed up.

——Clovis, the acting lord of Rock Snow City, and now the head of the Figuerola family in the western region.

After he learned that Ilea and Li Yu defeated Lanita and her white dragon, he kept silent, neither sent anyone to attack the green field, nor participated in this rally.

It was very silent from beginning to end.

Miss Rabbit was not surprised by this result, but couldn't hide her disappointment.

It's not that she can't understand Clovis' difficulties. As one of the twelve nobles of the empire, the Figuerola family has a long history and a large number of family members. They are not only in the western region, but also have their offshoots in many places.

There are also their people in the capital, and even the patriarch Hells is still in the hands of those Yi tribesmen, which makes Clovis have to be cautious when making a decision.

However, as a vassal of the Figuerola family, the female lord grew up listening to the story of Philip Snowclaw, who led an army thousands of miles to help Alexandria, and the heroic deeds of pacifying the Western Region in one fell swoop. The girl has long been familiar with it.

Ilea naturally hopes that the Figuerola family can still stand up and once again take on the important task of saving the Western Territory, or at least fight alongside her.

Even though the Figuerola family had bowed to Lanita before and assisted the latter in summoning the lords to launch a siege on Green Field, which worsened the relationship between the two parties.

But even so, the female lord never thought of ending the relationship and refused to continue serving the Figuerola family.

In fact, as long as the Figuerola family is willing to resist those wing tribesmen, Miss Rabbit doesn't mind giving up her position as the head coach and charging into battle for Clovis.

Unlike other nobles, she doesn't have much idea about the position of the Lord of the West. The female lord thinks that it is good as it is now.

The relationship between her and Li Yu has been settled, and her greatest wish has been fulfilled. After defeating those Yi people, as long as she can grow radishes in the green field and count money, Miss Rabbit will be satisfied.

But it seems that her wish cannot be realized.

Although Clovis has not expressed his position, remaining silent at this time means that a choice has been made.

This old man who has read the history books firmly believes that the red lion empire is exhausted, and does not believe that with a single spark in the western region, it can defeat those invincible Yi people.

Thanks to Riri Yeye and other students for their tips~

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