Working Prophet

Chapter 746 It’s time to make a choice

As if she saw the doubts in Harvin's heart, the female lord took the initiative to explain to him.

"The winged girl named Lanita took advantage of the night to attack my territory last night, but was defeated by the prophet Merlin himself. Her white dragon now also belongs to Shuangxiu Cult."

The news was so explosive that none of the nobles present could react.

After a while, the crowd became commotion. Some people looked horrified, some showed shock, and some people still had doubts in their eyes.

Harvin's attention was attracted by the second half of the sentence, and he said with a confused look, "Belongs to the Shuangxiu Cult... What does this mean?"

"It literally means that this white dragon is now the guardian dragon of Shuangxiu Sect. It only obeys the orders of Prophet Merlin and me."

Miss Rabbit's cheeks were slightly red and her chest was heaving. Today was her first time trying to ride this white dragon.

In order to prevent her from falling, Li Yu also made a safety belt for her and tied one of her legs to Bai Long.

However, the girl didn't use the safety belt all the way. Although she wasn't very good at riding a horse, she did show a lot of talent when it came to riding a dragon.

The 180-degree U-turn just now was done intentionally by her. Of course, she can only issue orders through Li Yu now.

But the female lord has made up her mind and plans to go to Lanita who is imprisoned in the dungeon to learn the control passwords of the Wing tribe.

Miss Rabbit was still reminiscing about the feeling of soaring in the sky just now, and did not notice the expressions on the faces of Harvin and others.

The commander of the coalition forces suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, so he asked again, in a way that everyone could understand.

"You... robbed Lord Ranita's dragon?"

"Well, you can understand it this way, but to be more precise, this giant dragon felt the call of our Lord Saturday and decided to change his ways and rejoin the righteous side."


The crowd fell into a deathlike silence. The nobles in the Western Region all knew that the Shuangxiu Cult had developed rapidly in the past two years. Recently, the monks had even taken the initiative to go out of the green fields and began to preach everywhere and recruit believers.

But recruiting people is one thing, recruiting dragons is another.

Moreover, Lanita just rode the white dragon to the green field last night to cause havoc. In just one night, the white dragon converted to the Shuangxiu religion. The speed of this sermon was a little too fast.

But when I think of Merlin taking action himself, it seems... not impossible.

After all, enough incredible things have happened to this man in the past two years, so many that everyone has become numb.

But even if we grab one more dragon, it's not unacceptable to everyone.

After the initial shock, Harvin slowly came back to his senses. Only then did he realize that he was still kneeling on one knee.

He stood up from the ground with some embarrassment, "Sir Ilea, Prophet Merlin, since you two came here early in the morning, you must have something to say to us."

The female lord nodded, "Do you still remember the question I asked you on the hillside?"

"what is the problem?"

"I asked you whether you came to attack my territory because of the bounty offered by the Wing Tribe people to become the new masters of the Western Territory, or because you were afraid of this white dragon. Now I'll ask you again."

The girl's eyes swept across the nobles present.

Kamzi was the first to speak, "I want to be the master of the Western Territory, and I'm not afraid of any bullshit dragons, but I'm here to repay the debt I owed before.

"When we were trapped in the Dragon's Back Mountains with Marquis Cullen, it was Sir Ilea who rushed to our rescue and led a mere five thousand people to repel those despicable dwarves. This debt will only be repaid in one day. The Trelles family They will never attack the Arias family."

Ilea nodded at him, "Lord Kamzi, I have received the secret message sent by you and Lord Fabrice. I am very grateful for your helping hand in times of crisis."

"But in the end we did nothing." Kamzi muttered.

"No, it is very important to me to know that there are still nobles in the Western Region who have not lost their courage and blood and are willing to stand by my side."

The female lord's words made other nobles present blush.

Harvin sighed, "We were indeed frightened by what happened in Lionheart Castle and White River City. Of course, there was also this dragon. When I first saw it, I just thought it was invincible.

"Fear is not shameful. Of course, those who can overcome fear are more worthy of admiration. But don't worry, I will not threaten you with this dragon like Lanita."

The nobles breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

However, after a pause, the girl continued, "But I do need you and the families behind you to make a choice - whether to stand on my side or on the side of those Wing Clan people."

Miss Rabbit's words caused many people to fall into silence again.

Nowadays, everyone on the continent of Bratis, from nobles to commoners, has almost reached a consensus that the Red Lion Empire has run out of strength.

It is only a matter of time before those Wing tribesmen occupy the entire continent. It is obviously not a wise thing to choose to be enemies with them at this time.

Although the Arias family and the Shuangxiujiao had already demonstrated their power and even snatched a dragon, the Wing Tribe people still had two dragons and a flying army.

From a comparison of strength, the female lord is still at an absolute disadvantage.

Moreover, the Arias family is not one of the twelve great nobles in the empire, and they are not even considered famous, with a history of less than a thousand years.

Just over two years ago, they were just a little-known small border family.

Even if they have now become the most powerful nobles in the Western Territory, can their strength really bear the banner of resisting the Yi tribe?

In fact, not everyone on the continent of Bratis was frightened by the Wing Tribe people, otherwise there would be no nobles still fighting bloody battles to this day.

However, what everyone expects is that there are descendants of the Vespasian family who can step forward. Allister is undoubtedly the most qualified in this regard, and he also has the support of the Monteverde family.

However, the prince has remained in the north until now, without any movement.

It is said that Claudio, another brother of Gars, also escaped and disappeared after the city was broken. If he is willing to come forward, it is estimated that many people will respond.

In addition, several other families among the twelve nobles also seem to have more appeal than the Arias family.

Seeing that no one was talking, Miss Rabbit became a little impatient. "How can we protect our own land? There are people in the mother-in-law. Since you are so afraid of those Wing Clan people, why don't you join the Shuangxiu Cult, so that Saturday will protect you in the future."

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