Working Prophet

Chapter 740 Assassin

"Should we be more cautious, stop this war first, and investigate the Italian artillery issue?" Ivan suggested.

"That's probably what Ilea planned. If that Italian cannon is really that powerful, and she has a hundred of them, she doesn't need to talk nonsense with Harvin. She can directly defeat those 30,000 people, proving Show us how powerful she is.”

"Your analysis makes sense, but... Sir Ilea may simply not want to see bloodshed. Edward II once commented on her, saying that she has a heart of gold and noble morals."

"It's simple. Give the order for Harvin to attack. We will soon know whether Ilea has noble character or is just bluffing." Lanita said lazily.

"but if……"

"There are no ifs," Lanita interrupted the former intelligence chief. "These 30,000 people were originally my bargaining chip to test the Arias family. If I lose, I will lose. It's no big deal."

"Okay, I understand." Yiwang nodded. He had been with Lanita for so long, and he gradually understood the behavior of this girl from the Wing Tribe.

She is a very assertive and controlling person, and what she hates most is having her decisions questioned.

The former intelligence chief paused, "So Angela..."

"Let me think about it again," Lanita said.

At this time there was a knock on the door, and two maids came in carrying a large bucket of water.

Lanita's eyes lit up when she saw this, she immediately took off her clothes and jumped into the barrel.

Yiwang turned around hastily.

But the girl giggled from behind, "You said you have been learning our language and traditions, don't you wonder about our bodies?"

"Lord Lanita," the former intelligence chief said helplessly, "please don't make fun of me."

"Why not? Don't people live to have fun? Or do you think I'm not good-looking."

"You are an out-and-out beauty, but I am afraid of death."

Lanita smiled, "You are quite honest, but don't worry, I can guarantee that I won't kill you after sleeping with you."

"The men who died at your hands were still sworn to each other by you." The former intelligence chief took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I think I'd better take my leave first. When you are free, you can call me to talk about the Emmanuel family."

"Boring guy." Lanita then took a bath under the service of two maids.

She was leaning against the barrel with a pair of wings hanging out, one of the maids was rubbing her shoulders, and the other was combing her feathers.

Just as Lanita gradually relaxed, a maid suddenly stopped what she was doing, took out a small knife from under her dress, and wiped it towards Lanita's throat.

However, just when the knife was about to approach Lanita's neck, the wings behind the girl suddenly spread out, hitting the back of the maid's hand and knocking the knife out of her hand.

Then Lanita reached out and grabbed the maid by the neck, and pressed the latter's head into the bathtub.

The maid kept struggling desperately and tried to scratch Lanita's arm with her nails.

But Lanita then pressed her shoulders, making it difficult for her to move. After a while, the maid stopped struggling.

Lanita raised her head and looked at another maid, who looked terrified and said quickly, "I... I have nothing to do with her, I don't know anything."

Lanita smiled at her, then walked out of the barrel and picked up the knife that had fallen to the ground. The maid immediately let out a scream.

She turned around and ran away from the door, but the next moment a figure falling from the sky blocked her way.

"I know you may have nothing to do with this matter, because you have been standing there obediently just now, but... I can't completely rule out your suspicion, so I have to choose the simplest solution."

After Lanita finished speaking, she didn't care whether the other party could understand or not, she already waved the knife in her hand and stabbed the maid in the eye socket.

When the guards and Ivan from the castle rushed over, they saw two corpses on the ground, and Lanita standing beside the corpses thoughtfully.

"Don't you even let women go?" the former intelligence chief couldn't help but said with a slightly changed expression.

"Huh, what are you thinking, they're assassins, or at least one of them is an assassin, she's a Saturday believer, you think, while I'm in the shower?"

Hearing this, Evan walked to the corpse and inspected it carefully. After a while, he got up, chatted with the guards around him, and called two other maids and a nun for questioning. Then he turned to face the corpse. Lanita said.

"They shouldn't be members of the Shuangxiu Sect, because they had been working in this castle long before Merlin came to the western border, and they haven't had any contact with the Hughes of the Shuangxiu Sect since then."

"Then who do they belong to? Some noble in the city who is dissatisfied with me?"

The former intelligence chief hesitated, "They may be from the Blood Moon Society, because I asked people in the castle, and everyone said that Emma and Roseanne were very devout towards Pithia, especially Roseanne, but what she did to the Silvermoon Church But I’m a little dissatisfied with what I did.”

Yiwang pointed to the corpse beside the barrel.

"Blood Moon Society? Why is it them again?" Lanita was speechless.

"Herodotus, the leader of the Blood Moon Society, died in the hands of your compatriots. It is not surprising that they will attack you, and the Blood Moon Society is very good at assassination and poisoning. You'd better be more careful about this in the future. "

The former intelligence chief said with a serious look, "Most people in the Western Region are Pisiya's followers, so the remnants of the Blood Moon Society are also everywhere."

Lanita rarely put away her previous nonchalant look, and a look of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

She had done some research on the Blood Moon Society before coming to the Western Territory, and knew who the people were there. Once Herodotus died, the remaining members of the group hid even deeper. Unless everyone in the Western Territory was killed, Trying to find them is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The influence of these guys in the Western Region is actually very limited now, but the level of nausea is increasing instead of decreasing. Once you are entangled with them, it means that you can't relax at any time.

Even Lanita doesn't want to get into this trouble.

The girl said, "Forget it, I'll go for a drive first to change my mood."

"Where are you going?"

"Black Rock City, isn't it already the territory of Shuangxiu Sect?" Lanita snorted, "There shouldn't be any remnants of the Blood Moon Society. I can also teach the one named Angela a lesson." Lady lord.”

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