Working Prophet

Chapter 738 The first loud noise in the green field

"I know." The female lord said.

"And even if you and your people can defeat us, there will soon be a second army," Harvin said, "this time you are making an enemy of the entire western region.

"Those Wings have already offered a reward. Anyone who can kill you and the Prophet Merlin can become the new master of the Western Territory," Harvin paused, "and they also have dragons."

"So did you obey the orders of the Wing Clan people because you wanted to become the Lord of the Western Realm, or because you were afraid of that dragon?"

"Is this still important now?" Harvin said, "No matter what the reason is, we can only stand on the opposite side of you."

"Not everyone."


"I said that not everyone is on the opposite side of me. The Bathory family is still an ally of the Arias family. They keep their ancient oath. There is also the Emanuel family, they have not surrendered..."

Miss Rabbit said, "We are all nobles of the empire. Our ancestors once fought side by side with the angry lion Alexandro. We have multiplied and thrived on this land for hundreds, even thousands of years. This is our The land, our home.

"Are you really planning to just hand it over to those intruders?"

"You're right, but we have no choice." Halvin sighed, "You have fought a giant dragon once, and you should understand how terrible they are, let alone those winged people."

"They are stronger than the Vespasian family back then. They broke through Crab Point, Lion Heart Fort, and Baihe City once gathered an imperial army of 100,000, but they still lost to them. There are not so many elites in the Western Region.

"Master Clovis is right. We are not their opponents. If we do not choose to surrender, we will only usher in destruction."

"When my father was alive, he often told me that the men in the western region are the bravest. The land here may not grow too many crops, but the men here are never lacking in courage. Now it seems that my father is a bit... exaggerated ”

A look of displeasure flashed across Halvin's face, "If you called me here today to scold me to vent your anger, then I can let you scold me, after all, we owe you this.

"You have saved the Western Territory more than once, but you should know that this does not change anything. We will still meet each other tomorrow."

"We can also not fight."

"What?" Harvin frowned.

The female lord didn't continue, and instead said, "You haven't answered my previous question, you guys came to attack my territory, is it for the position of the Lord of the Western Realm, or because you are afraid of the white dragon? "

Harvin hesitated for a moment, "I don't know what other people think, I do want to be the master of the western region, but if it wasn't for that dragon, I wouldn't have come here."

Miss Rabbit raised her eyebrows, "Very well, then I suggest that we temporarily truce for a while."


"In order to resolve the disputes between us at the root."

"I'm afraid it's be resolved," Harvin said.

"It seems that you really don't know anything about the power of Saturday."

Harvin wanted to say something more, but the female lord interrupted him unceremoniously this time.

"Sir Harvin, you may be mistaken about something."

"whats the matter?"

"I asked you to meet to discuss the postponement of the war, not because I was afraid of the army behind you."

"I know, you are here to protect your people."

"No, I am thinking of you," the female lord said lightly, "Without my permission, it is impossible for you to set foot on my territory."

Harvin snorted coldly, "You are a little too confident..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, he saw Miss Rabbit's other two attendants pushing a weird car with only two wheels.

Speaking of which, Harvin noticed the small car early in the morning, because it looked so strange.

It's a bit like the kind of cart that pulls goods, but it's much shorter than the cart, and there's a black iron pipe on it.

The iron pipe looked very heavy. It was almost impossible to use it as a weapon because no one could swing it.

Harvin guessed that it might be a sacrificial ritual vessel or something, but in this case its appearance seemed a bit too plain.

There are no divine patterns engraved on the outside of the iron pipe.

The two followers pushed the two-wheeled cart in front of Harvin and others, adjusted the position of the iron pipe, and aimed at the woods down the slope.

Among them, the winged man took out a flint, lit the small section of rope on top, and then quickly stepped aside.

Upon seeing this, Miss Rabbit immediately reached out and blocked her ears.

Harvin was still wondering why the girl did such an action, and the next moment a loud noise came from beside him.

The loud noise was like thunder, accompanied by terrifying fire and large amounts of smoke.

The war horse under Harwin's crotch was frightened on the spot, neighed and ran towards the other side uncontrollably.

Halvin tried hard to tighten the reins, which made the horse gradually slow down, and his three followers did not fare much better.

There was another person who was already being led by the war horse and was about to run down the hillside.

But if it was just loud, it wouldn't make Harvin look so ugly.

He noticed that something flew out of the iron pipe before, and the place it was pointing at was already in a mess. Three trees were broken by that thing, and many trees were just scratched, and a part of them was missing. Large pieces of bark and trunk.

If such a terrible impact hits a person or a horse, it goes without saying that they will definitely die.

Moreover, there is a high probability that this thing will not stop after hitting someone, and will continue to move forward, causing a large number of casualties.

The female lord took her hands off her ears and asked the stunned Halvin in front of her.

"How about it? This is the new sacred weapon of the Shuangxiu Sect - the Italian cannon. I have a hundred more such sacred weapons."

Miss Rabbit lied. In fact, the gun factory had only been established for less than two months, and only four artillery pieces had been released.

Moreover, although the name is Italian cannon, it is actually just the bad taste of its inventor, or the replicators. It is far from the level of the M1897 75mm artillery. This French rapid-fire gun did not appear until the end of the nineteenth century. It is a proper modern weapon.

The artillery that Ge Lipeng and the others created was actually more like the ancient artillery. They still used black powder and fired large solid iron balls.

However, this kind of artillery also has its advantages, that is, it is very difficult to produce, and unlike guns, there are not such high requirements for the quality of the barrel.

Therefore, as soon as Luye's steel production increases and the craftsmen become familiar with the relevant processes, large-scale manufacturing will soon be possible.

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