Working Prophet

Chapter 736: Night Attack

Lanita rode the White Queen around half a circle in the Western Territory. When she returned to Rock Snow City, the new commander had already been selected and had already marched towards the Green Fields with an army of 30,000 people.

At the same time, reinforcements from the Moncent family arrived in Rock Snow City on almost the same day as Lanita. After being baptized by the dragon flames, the owner of Iron Horn City obviously changed his mind and began to actively devote himself to the war with the Arias family. During the war.

They dispatched an army of two thousand men in one go, and also brought a lot of weapons and armor.

In addition to the Moncent family, some other lords who were fortunate enough to be patronized by Lanita and her white dragon, as well as the surrounding noble families who heard about this incident, also succumbed one after another.

There was no way, almost none of the weapons in their hands could pose a real threat to the dragon. On the contrary, the white dragon could freely enter and leave their town and wreak havoc there.

Once you realize this, the choice becomes clear.

If everything goes well, Lanita will be able to gather a second army in less than half a month.

Clovis, who witnessed this scene, didn't know what to say. When Marquis Cullen was still there, recruiting troops was not so quick.

Some vassals would always find various reasons to be late or send fewer people, some castle was in urgent need of repairs, there were bandits in the territory, or there were not enough manpower to farm... I had never been so happy as now.

But Lanita was still not very satisfied with this efficiency, especially the news that the first unit was attacked before they reached the green field.

The female lord of the Arias family did not stay in the city and defend it as most people imagined, but actually took the initiative to attack.

The number of people she sent was not many, less than two hundred, but they were all cavalry, and all of them were wearing black armor. Even the horses were black, like a group of ghosts.

And they also appear like ghosts, always appearing at unexpected times and places, and the first time they appear is in the middle of the night.

It rained heavily that night, and the coalition forces in Yanxue City began to camp on the roadside early. Because the soldiers in the team came from different families, several conflicts broke out just by choosing a place.

Some people took the position first, but another group of people preempted it, and then the two sides quarreled, and even rose to a physical conflict.

And finally when it was time to eat, someone started arguing again because there was too much meat and there was too little meat. The quarrel continued until midnight, when everyone had no energy, and then it gradually stopped.

Wrapped in a blanket, lying in a muddy tent, falling asleep.

Although the new commander-in-chief Harvin also arranged for someone to be in charge of the night watch, but because it was night and it was raining heavily, the visibility was very poor.

It wasn't until the black armored cavalry rushed to less than a hundred steps in front of them that they were discovered.

However, the night and the heavy rain will not only affect the defenders, but also make the black armored cavalry unable to see the scene in front of them clearly.

So as long as they can survive the first wave of raids, the two sides will fall into chaos.

At that time, the numerical advantage of the coalition forces can be brought into play.

But at this moment, beams of light suddenly shot out from the heads of those cavalrymen.

This strange scene surprised many people.

Only some nobles and warriors who participated in the battle in the Longji Mountains realized that this was another method of Shuangxiu Sect.

But all they can do is try to appease the terrified companions around them, asking everyone to stay calm and not run away.

But those dozens of light beams bring more than just psychological shock. People who are illuminated by the light beams are often unable to open their eyes and can only become lambs to be slaughtered.

Those black armored cavalry went back and forth in the army several times, and then disappeared into the night again before being surrounded.

This guard team, originally led by Herodotus, was doing dirty work for the church. Their actions were often carried out at night because they needed to remain secretive.

Therefore, they have a lot of experience in night raids, and the headlights sponsored by Li Yu make them even more powerful.

The nobles of the coalition army counted the casualties early the next morning, and found that in just one night, nearly 500 people were lost, and about 1,200 people were injured.

Those black-armored cavalry were very ruthless, and they almost left no one alive. As for the injured guys, most of them were injured when they were hit and trampled by their own people while running around.

After that, the black armored cavalry appeared four or five times, each time when the army was most tired or relaxed.

The most dangerous time was when they almost robbed the food being transported behind them. Fortunately, the new coach Harvin made arrangements and sent an additional cavalry regiment of a hundred people to protect the food and grass.

Those black armored cavalry only had time to burn a few carts of food and grass before they had to retreat.

The cavalry of the coalition army chased after them, and they didn't expect to defeat their opponents. They just wanted to entangle the black armored cavalry and let the large troops behind them complete the encirclement.

But if you don't fight, you don't know. After fighting, the cavalry of the coalition army realized that the opponents in front of them were all terrifyingly strong.

In just a short while, more than 20 of them lay down. On the other hand, only three of the black cavalrymen died, and four others were slightly injured.

The cavalry of the coalition army did not dare to chase any more, and could only watch helplessly as their opponents drove away again.

After such a toss, by the time they reached the green field, the coalition forces had lost almost 2,000 people, and what was even worse was that their morale had dropped to the bottom.

Some nobles could hear their soldiers whispering, talking about Shuangxiu Cult, especially the power of the Prophet Merlin.

People who had participated in the battle in the Longji Mountains before vividly told their companions about the various miraculous phenomena that happened that night.

Although the new coach Halvin issued a military order not to allow people below to spread rumors, another major flaw of the coalition was also exposed at this time.

Since the leader of the army was not from the Figuerola family, the new coach was only selected through a multi-person competition, so his words were not so effective in the army.

After all, everyone was previously a vassal of the Figuerola family, with the same status and identity.

Fortunately, Harvin was not stupid. He knew that if he set foot on the green field like this, the fate of defeat would probably be waiting for him.

Therefore, he took the initiative to stop when he was approaching the territory of the Arias family, found an excuse to reorganize his team there, and built fortifications.

Harvin planned to wait for the arrival of another supporting army before launching an attack, but Ilea was not prepared to let him do so.

This time the female lord personally led 5,000 troops to the outside of the coalition camp.

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