Working Prophet

Chapter 733 What are they waiting for?

The person Solomon originally sent to deliver the message was not Lanita. It was the girl who volunteered to take over the job and rode the White Queen to the West with Ivan.

She wanted to see what the legendary dragon-slaying hero, the strongest man on the continent of Bratis, looked like.

And the reason why they were late this morning was not because they intentionally left the nobles in Yanxue City alone, but because Lanita ran to the green field first.

Unlike her arrogant brother Sharjah, although Ranita sometimes behaves recklessly, it's just her disguise.

The girl firmly believes that people will only reveal their true inner thoughts when they are provoked. Unfortunately, this trick does not seem to have any effect on Solomon.

In addition, Lanita's outrageous actions can also paralyze opponents and even people around her.

After contacting her, many people thought that the adopted daughter of Zebulun was a madman who did things recklessly, but in fact Lanita was a very cautious person.

For example, during her trip to the green fields, she didn't let the dragon land during the entire trip. She just circled the sky a few times and carefully looked at the newly built town at her feet.

Unlike other towns she had seen on this continent before, Lanita noticed that the buildings here were almost all made of bricks, which made them look particularly neat.

The streets are also unbelievably clean, without any human or animal feces. Lanita also found several pools in the city.

At first, she thought the water there was for people to drink, but after looking at it for a while, she realized that it was actually a big bathtub, with many people taking a bath together in it, which looked very comfortable.

And there are often tall stone pillars beside those large pools, and white smoke floats out.

Lanita rushed from the royal capital to the Western Region in one breath. She didn't change her clothes all the way, and she felt a little smelly. At this moment, she wanted to jump off and swim in it twice.

In addition to these large bathtubs, Lanita also saw several tall towers in the city, with huge wheels on them that kept turning. She didn't know if they were weapons.

Lanita carefully walked around the high towers and saw another textile factory, but she couldn't see what was inside. She could only see many female workers walking into the building talking and laughing.

Next to the textile factory is the paper mill, where people are breaking rags and bark, mixing them together to turn into white slurry, and then someone is fishing for something in the slurry...

Lanita wanted to read on, but suddenly there was a rush of bells in her ears, and the girl knew that she must have been discovered by the guards in the city.

She didn't stop, but patted the giant dragon under her body, let the latter spread its wings, raised another height, and flew towards the direction of the Great Gaigu Swamp.

She knew that Shuangxiujiao also had a town there.

According to Iwan, it is very rare for the nobles of the Red Lion Empire to allocate a piece of land to a certain sect in their own territory.

From this, we can also see the unusual relationship between the female lord named Ilea and the Shuangxiu Church.

Lanita also saw a mine on the way to another town, and the miners in it were all dwarves.

They were holding mining picks and banging there. There were not many supervisors nearby, and there were not many guards in the mine. However, the dwarves were very honest, and few were lazy, let alone escaped.

Lanita shook her head as she watched, and she also saw many strange large furnaces by the side of the mine. Those blacksmiths seemed to be using these furnaces to smelt iron.

This scene made Lanita feel vigilant.

Because there were too many furnaces, she probably counted thirty or forty of them. Together they should be able to produce a lot of steel, but she didn't know what the quality was.

Lanita thought to herself, and soon came to the territory of Shuangxiu Church again.

Contrary to her expectations, the soldiers here seemed to have guessed her arrival in advance and had made preparations early. They were wearing armor and holding crossbows, and were waiting on the ground.

The girl also saw a dozen huge ballistae, which were equipped with crossbow arrows that could threaten the dragon. Although Lanita could see that those ballistae were not flexible enough and it should be difficult to adjust the angle.

But she didn't want to take such a risk, so she turned around decisively and returned to Yanxue City.

Her first trip to the green field was very short, and the harvest was not great, but at least it gave Lanita a preliminary understanding of her opponent this time.

Just from what she saw, she could tell that Green Field was not easy to fight.

However, Lanita did not intend to send the White Queen to help the nobles in the Western Region. Anyway, the people who died were not from the Wing Tribe, and she did not feel sorry for them either.

If you want to become the new master of the Western Territory, how can you do it without paying a price?

After Lanita negotiated the conditions with the nobles in Rock Snow City, she said to Ivan, "By the way, how much do you know about the Shuangxiujiao behind Ilea?"

Ivan shook his head, "The Shuangxiu Cult mainly operates in the Western Region. I don't know much about them. I only know that their prophet Merlin is a foreigner like you. He suddenly appeared next to Sir Ilea about two years ago.

"From now on, whether Ilea is slaying a dragon or winning a tournament, Shuangxiu will help her."

"Find me a local who is familiar with Shuangxiu Education. I have questions to ask him." Lanita said.


The news that the Figuerola family had decided to join those Wing Tribe people spread throughout the Western Territory almost overnight.

Moreover, it is said that the female envoy who came to negotiate killed the Sheriff Brian of Rock Snow City on the spot.

The reason was just because Brian had cut off the arm of a Wing Clan prisoner a year ago.

After that, she even said that the person who can kill Ilea, the head of the Arias family, and Merlin, the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult, and avenge the death of several Wing Tribe warriors before, can become the next master of the Western Territory.

It has to be said that those Wing Clan members were indeed very generous this time, and the remuneration they offered was enough to make any noble be jealous.

However, in the following days, there was almost no movement from each family.

So Lanita called Clovis again, "What are the nobles of the Western Region waiting for?"

"They didn't wait for anything," Clovis said.

"Marquis Cullen previously led 10,000 horses and was ambushed by the dwarves in the Dragon's Back Mountain. In the end, less than 3,000 people came back. Not long ago, Lord Gwen also suffered a defeat in the Scaled City, and only less than 2,000 people escaped. .

"These two battles have caused heavy losses to the nobles in the Western Territory. None of the major families have many troops on hand. On the contrary, the Arias family has been expanding its army in the past two years. They are now the family with the strongest military strength in the Western Territory. .

"Even if someone wants to earn your bounty, they have to consider whether they have the ability, right?" Clovis's lips curved into a sneer, "What's more, Sir Ilea has two teachers behind him."

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