Working Prophet

Chapter 731 Nightmare Journey

Despite the many disasters that have occurred across the continent in the past few months, spring is here as promised.

As the weather gets warmer, the ice and snow melt, and the earth becomes full of life again.

At this time in previous years, all the nobles in Yanxue City would go out to hunt together.

This is not only their first-year entertainment activity, but also an important way of communication among the upper class.

However, this tradition seems to have disappeared this year, and there are far fewer people going out to hunt in the city.

Especially today, the city gates of Yanxue City were still closed until noon, and the residents in the city also closed their doors and windows tightly, and the streets were deserted.

After Gwen's death, the person who succeeded him to temporarily rule Rock Snow City was "The Writer" Clovis. He is 279 years old this year and is the grandfather of the late former city lord Cullen.

It is rumored that he was selected as the next head of the Figuerola family. However, he himself had always been obsessed with literature and poetry and was not interested in power, so he gave up this position to his son.

He concentrated on writing poems and compiling history, and later simply moved into the library. It was not until the news of Gervin's death came back that the Figuerola family invited him out of the library to take charge of the overall situation.

Now Clovis is standing on crutches in the largest square in the city, and behind him are Finance Officer Romero, Sheriff Brian... all of them are the great nobles in the city.

Except for Clovis, everyone was looking up to the east. They had been standing here for a long time, and their necks felt sore. However, the person they were waiting for still showed up.

Some people couldn't help but complain, "That guy is going too far. He obviously made an appointment early in the morning, but he hasn't come yet."

Other nobles also felt the same way. In the past, they only had others waiting for them. This was the first time for many of them to be left alone here.

Anger, humiliation, unwillingness...many complex emotions surged into their hearts.

However, when that huge figure really appeared in the sky above Yanxue City, there was only one emotion left in their hearts, and that was fear.

The monster in the sky brought back painful memories for many people, and the dragon that came this time was obviously larger than the previous one. Its body was twice as big as the previous black dragon.

The whole body is silvery white, and the open wings seem to block the sun.

Many nobles present could not help but swallow their saliva after seeing it.

Finally, the giant white dragon circled twice over Yanxue City and landed on the square.

Then it opened its mouth and roared at the humans at its feet.

The nobles in the square changed their expressions, and some turned around and tried to escape.

Fortunately, the dragon did not make any substantial attack action after that, but instead lowered its head.

Lanita let out a chuckle, looked at Evan behind her, "Are you okay?"

Evan's face is livid now, and he looks like he's about to spit it out at any moment.

He didn't expect that riding a dragon would be so uncomfortable. It only took them less than six days to fly from Lionheart Castle to the Western Territory, but the process in between was like a nightmare.

The biting cold wind blew on his body, like a knife. In just a moment, the former intelligence chief's hands were frostbitten. He quickly put on gloves and wrapped himself in a blanket.

The bumps on the road were beyond his imagination. The white dragon did not fly straight. It would rise or fall from time to time, and occasionally dive.

If he hadn't asked someone to tie himself to the dragon's back with a rope in advance, Ivan would have been thrown away long ago.

All in all, this trip to the west cost half the life of the former intelligence chief.

His stomach was now churning, and he couldn't hold it back after getting off the dragon's back, so he just vomited all over the floor in front of everyone.

Lanita watched from the side with a smile, "I heard that the nobles here are very polite, aren't you very rude?"

After Ivan vomited it out, he finally felt better, took out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, and said to Clovis, "I'm sorry, Lord Clovis, I lost my composure."

Clovis nodded, "I have sent someone to fetch water for you to rinse your mouth, and there is a new robe, we can talk after you have changed."

"Thank you." Ivan said gratefully.

He took clean clothes from an attendant, went to find a room to change, and returned to normal when he came back.

Introduced to everyone, "This is... Lord Ranita, Lord Solomon's special envoy."

Then Ivan introduced Clovis to Lanita.

"Is he the one in charge here?"

Lanita looked Clovis up and down. When the White Queen roared just now, only the old man remained calm and motionless, which left a deep impression on her.

"That's right."

"Then come and translate for me, and ask him the letter from their Patriarch, has he read it?"

Yvonne nodded slightly, but before he could speak, Clovis spoke first, "Lord Yvonne, can I ask first, what is your current status?"

The former intelligence chief was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, "I am the new minister and his advisor appointed by Lord Solomon.

"This time I am responsible for accompanying Lady Lanita to the Western Territory, acting as a translator for her, and communicating about the recruitment and surrender. You should have read the previous letter."

Clovis nodded, "I have read it and asked someone to identify the handwriting to confirm that the letter was indeed written by the current head of the Figuerola family."

"Sir Sir Hells has agreed to this surrender. Lord Solomon heard that your family's original fiefdom was located in the north.

"After your ancestors assisted Alessandro the Raging Lion to pacify the Western Territory, Alessandro used the Western Territory in exchange for your original fiefdom.

"Lord Solomon learned about this and decided to return your original fiefdom to you."

"What about the conditions?" There was no joy on Clovis's wrinkled face.

"You give up your current territory," Ivan said, "and when Lord Solomon attacks the north, you will also send troops to help."

The former intelligence chief had been observing Clovis's face when he said these words. If the situation went bad, he planned to escape back to the dragon's back.

However, Clovis's face was calm from beginning to end, "Hels has already promised you, right?"

"That's right."

"It seems that I have no reason to refuse Lord Solomon's order."

"Sir..." Before Clovis could finish his words, he was interrupted by the person behind him, "It's a very important matter. Don't rush to agree. Let's discuss it again."

Other nobles also echoed.

Although they are vassals of the Figuerola family, most of them have been in the western region for generations and do not want to leave here.

"Is there anything else to discuss." Clovis glanced at everyone present, "Do you want to fight those Yi people?"

As soon as these words came out, the square fell silent instantly.

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