Working Prophet

Chapter 727 Let's go, let's go home

Jin Tong went out early in the morning, but didn't come back until evening.

Wendy and others couldn't sit still, wondering if Jin Tong didn't intend to care about them anymore and left after completing the task.

After all, it's not easy to leave the Scaled City now, let alone taking a few of them with them.

"Let me tell you, people who teach on both sides of the year are not very reliable." Aylin complained as he looked at the darkening sky and rubbed his stomach that was already growling with hunger.

"What's the point of talking about this now?" Wendy said, "If you have the time, you might as well go out and find something to eat."

Then she turned to look at the youngest D'Artagnan, "D'Artagnan, you stay here and continue to wait for that guy, Aelin, Tommen, let's go out."

As she said this, she stood up, but at this moment there was another movement in the tunnel.

Jin Tong threw out a bag of things first, and then showed his head.

"I just thought I heard someone talking bad about the double holiday."

Aylin was caught in the act and looked embarrassed, but for the sake of face he still managed to hold on and said, "I said it, what's wrong?"

"Not much." Jin Tong climbed out of the tunnel and patted the dirt on his body, "It's just that there is no food."

After saying that, he pointed to the package on the ground. Wendy walked over and opened it, and found that there were roast chicken, baked pie and sausage inside, exuding a charming aroma.

Jin Tong said lazily, "I ate your beans and bacon before, and this is to compensate you."

The boys and girls looked at the bag of delicious food, their eyes widened, and they kept swallowing their saliva. At this time, Ai Lin's stomach growled unsatisfactorily again.

He tried to take his eyes away from the fragrant food. Others had already rushed to their dinners with cheers, while Aylin silently walked aside.

When Wendy saw this scene, she put down the piece of chicken she had just torn off and walked to Aylin, "Aylin, go and apologize to Lord Jin Tong."

"I'm not going." Aylin said with a frown, "I'm not hungry at all."

Wendy's eyes gradually became serious when she saw this.

"We are going to the green fields to join Prophet Merlin and Lady Ilea. If you still can't correct your mentality, you will inevitably suffer hardships in the future, and even lose your life. In this case, we might as well stay in the Scaled City. inside."

"I...I..." Aylin's eyes turned red, "I can stay by myself."

"Really, how are you going to survive without food and companions?"

"I will join an army. There are many places in the city recruiting people."

"Have you forgotten what happened to the new army a year ago?" Wendy said, "Go and apologize. You know mentally that you did something wrong, right? What did your father tell you? Only by having the courage to admit yourself It’s the mistakes that make a real man.”

After hearing the last sentence, Aylin shuddered, walked up to Jin Tong with his head lowered, apologized to the latter, and then added another sentence.

"I'm not saying this just to eat the food you brought back. I...I'm actually not hungry at all."

Jin Tong played with the Swiss Army Knife without looking up, "We are leaving the city tomorrow morning. Even if you are not hungry now, you'd better eat something."

"Is your mission completed?" Wendy asked.


"Can you ask how we are going to leave tomorrow? Do you know that it is difficult to leave the Scaled City now? The guards do not allow people in the city to leave casually."

"Don't worry, I have a way to take you out." Jin Tong didn't seem worried about this kind of thing at all.

After Wendy and others had dinner, they packed up their things and closed their eyes with apprehension.

At dawn the next day, Jin Tong came outside their house and woke them all up.

Then the five people left their secret den following the referee who was on a double break.

There was no one on the street outside at the moment, but Jin Tong still tried his best to choose some remote paths.

Wendy and others played a big role. They have lived in this city for a long time and are very familiar with it.

It seemed that we were about to arrive at the agreed place safely, but we still ran into trouble on the last stretch of the road.

As they were passing through an alley, they ran into a group of drunken guards.

There were six people on the other side, and Jin Tong had already stepped aside to make way for them, but the guards walked a few steps, stopped again, turned around, and pointed at Wendy.

"You, come with us, I suspect you are a spy of the Figuerola family."

"There must be some misunderstanding here." Jin Tong said. He didn't want to cause trouble, so he took the initiative to reach into his arms, took out a few silver coins, and handed them over.

However, he was slapped away by a guard, who hiccupped and said, "Stop giving me this set of things, we ensure the safety of this city."

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed Wendy's arm, intending to drag her away.

The girl was so frightened that she turned pale. She wanted to resist, but she was not as strong as the guard, so she staggered when he pulled her.

Other guards stood aside and heckled, and someone came up to help, hugging Wendy's calf, causing the latter to scream.

Ayrin was the first to step forward when he saw this, but in order to leave the city safely, neither he nor Tommen had a hand crossbow, so they could only draw out a small knife and rush towards the guards.

As a result, he was kicked away before he even reached the man, and the guards burst into laughter again.

However, the laughter soon stopped, and they suddenly discovered that the head of the companion who grabbed Wendy's legs to help drag her was gone.

And the guy next to him dressed as a mercenary who originally planned to bribe them had already pulled out the sword from his waist at some point, and the sword was still dripping with blood.

The guard who was the first to drag people was also stunned at this time.

He realized the danger and immediately went to draw his sword, but his movement was too slow. Jin Tong just took another step forward, and the long sword in his hand pierced the mercenary's chest.

It's as easy as piercing a piece of papyrus.

"You asked for this." Jin Tong licked his lips and approached the other four.

The four guards did not believe in evil, and they all drew their weapons, wanting to avenge their companions.

But within a few breaths, another one lay down, and when Jin Tong cut off another person's arm, the remaining two finally felt scared.

They realized that they had bumped into a master this time, and they no longer had any fighting spirit. They turned around and ran away. Jin Tong took three steps at a time and caught up with another person, and stabbed the Swiss Army Knife in his right hand into that person's neck.

But the remaining one had already run five steps away, shouting as he ran, "There's a spy! There's a spy!!! Someone come quickly!"

Jin Tong snorted coldly and threw the long sword in his hand as a spear. His terrifying arm strength caused the sword to penetrate directly into the guard's back chest.

The latter let out a scream and soon lay motionless on the ground.

Wendy and others were all stunned at this time, and they remembered Jin Tong's self-introduction when they first met.

"I have killed people, hundreds of them..."

Now no one doubted his words anymore, but before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, they heard the sound of horse hooves again.

"It's broken. This place is very close to the garrison. The shouts just now must have alerted the people inside." Aylin's expression changed.

Jin Tong also frowned. He could easily deal with the six drunkards, but if more people came, he had no choice but to abandon these brats and run away.

But when he saw clearly the appearance of the cavalry in the distance, he completely relaxed.

It was a very strange troop, with less than 200 people in number, but all of them were wearing black armor. Even the fur of the war horses under their crotches was black, like a dark cloud, covering the earth.

Their actions in the past were very covert, but this time they no longer hid their figures and just roared past the street arrogantly.

Arriving in front of Jin Tong and others, the youngest D'Artagnan was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

These people are not easy to mess with at first glance, and there is a vague smell of blood lingering on each of them.

But Jin Tong said, "Don't be afraid, we are on our own, let's go, we can go home now."

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