Working Prophet

Chapter 722 Who Killed Sharjah

Lanita followed Ivan to Solomon's study.

Lanita pushed open the door, and saw Solomon standing in front of the window with a serious face, and another Yi tribe was kneeling in front of him.

"Who is this?" Lanita raised her eyebrows.

"The person I sent out to investigate the cause of Sharjah's death."

"So you just sent someone?"

"Because this time the focus is on investigation, not combat. If too many people go, their identity will be exposed. I didn't pick too many people. I only sent a team of four people to the Western Region."

"What about the other three?"

"already dead."

"Wow, is that female lord named Ilea so powerful?"

"It's not Ilea, my three companions were killed by a group of strange guys." The Wing Warrior on the ground said.

"We were in the lake city to inquire about information, and a guy came over and told us that he had seen people from the Wing Clan."

"Where is it?" Lanita came to her senses.

"The Scaled City, not far from the Green Fields, he said that a Winged Man killed Herodotus there."

"Wait, who is this Herodotus?" The girl frowned.

"He is the leader of a sect called the Blood Moon Society. They probably instigated a rebellion in Scaled City a few months ago and defeated Winter Gervin of House Figuerola," Solomon explained.

"After that, he also prepared a public trial for Ge Wen, but he also died, and he died at the hands of a Wing Clan member. This scene was seen by tens of thousands of people."

"So it was my brother who killed this Herodotus? Why did he do this? Didn't he go to find Ilea?" Lanita raised her eyebrows. .

"It is not yet certain that the Wing Tribe man is Sharjah." Solomon motioned to the Wing Tribe warrior on the ground to continue speaking.

"The man said that he saw the Wing Clan man again later, and said that the Wing Clan man seemed to be injured."

"We asked him where the Wing Clan man was, but he kept his mouth shut and said he would not speak unless we paid him a hundred gold lions."

"We were anxious to find Mr. Sharjah and the others, so we agreed to his request, but we didn't have enough money, so we had to rob a wealthy businessman to get enough money.

"We arrived at a tavern at the agreed time, and then we were ambushed there. There were more than a dozen of them, and they also prepared fishing nets and crossbows. Two of my companions died on the spot.

"One other person and I were standing relatively close to the door. We were lucky not to be caught. We quickly escaped from the hotel, but the other person was hit in the calf by a crossbow arrow. We didn't take it seriously at first.

"Later I found out that those despicable guys also put poison on the arrows, and in the end I was the only one who came back alive."

"Ha..." Lanita was speechless, "So you actually didn't find anything on this trip. You don't even know who ambushed?"

"The people who ambush them are probably believers of the Blood Moon Society." Solomon said, "I heard that that church is best at assassinations and poisoning, and their leader just died at the hands of our people, and they will come back with revenge. Not surprisingly."

"What now?" Lanita asked Solomon, "Are we going to declare war on the Blood Moon Society?"

Solomon shook his head, "The Blood Moon Society has collapsed after the death of Herodotus, and there are many killers and assassins in that church. Once they decide to hide, it will be difficult for us to find them."

"It seems that we still have to do what I said before and kill everyone in the Western Region."

The girl paused and continued her analysis, "Except for my brother, no members of the Wing tribe have gone to the West recently. So the people who attacked Herodotus, even if they were not Sharjah, were his close followers. They must be related to this bloody person. There will be no small contradictions in the month.

"Even... they may not have reached the green field, and my brother was killed by those from the Blood Moon Society. This can also explain why the Wing tribe warrior took it upon himself to assassinate Herodotus, but then did not Return to Lionheart Castle.

"Because he knew that if he failed to protect Sharjah, he would be dead even if he came back, and he would have to face my father's wrath."

Solomon pondered for a moment and felt that Lanita's speculation was reasonable. This was the most likely explanation.

But this would cause trouble. The murderer was a member of the Blood Moon Society, and the Blood Moon Society has now collapsed. There are not many survivors left, but who knows where they have gone.

After all, no one in the entire Blood Moon Society except Herodotus could tell how many people there were.

And if all the members of this sect could not be killed, there would be no way to give Zebulun a satisfactory explanation.

At that time, Zebulun is likely to take the opportunity to attack and remove him from the position of commander of the expeditionary force.

Even as calm as Solomon was, he felt a little troubled at this time.

On the contrary, Lanita's eyes rolled twice.

"What ideas do you have again?" Solomon asked.

"Since you don't want to kill everyone in the Western Region, then Sharjah cannot die at the hands of the Blood Moon Society," the girl said.

"You mean to say..."

Lanita did not answer Solomon this time, but stared at the Wing Clan warrior on the ground and narrowed her eyes, "Is this person reliable?"

Solomon nodded lightly, "He is mine and will never betray me. Otherwise, I would not have sent him to secretly investigate Sharjah's death."

"Very good." Lanita said to the Wing Clan people on the ground, "Although you were attacked, you still completed the investigation. The person who killed Sha Jia was the female lord named Ilea, because someone saw Sha Jia. Jia and others have arrived in the green field."

After Ranita finished speaking, she looked at Solomon again, "Now your problem is solved."

Solomon frowned slightly, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with doing this, because they just wanted to give Zebulun an explanation, and no one cared about whose hands Sharjah died.

But there is a flaw in Lanita's narrative.

"The winged warrior who killed Herodotus..."

"If he was smart enough, he wouldn't have appeared in front of my father."

Lanita said, "As long as he doesn't show up, no one can expose our lies. Kill Ilea and the people on that land, and this matter will be complete."

"Of course, just to be on the safe side, we can also send someone to look for him again during this time. If we can find him, of course it would be best, just kill him."

Lanita is not only cruel to her enemies, but also to her own people. This woman is a born politician.

Realizing this made Solomon more wary of girls. Ranita could help him today, and of course she could sell him tomorrow.

However, since Lanita took the initiative to propose this, she and Solomon were accomplices in the Sharjah matter, so there was no need to worry about her betraying him halfway and bringing the matter to Zebulun.

Solomon finally nodded and said, "Then let's do it. I will tell the nobles of the Western Territory that whoever can kill Ilea and destroy the Arias family can become the new master of the Western Territory."

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