Working Prophet

Chapter 711 The life of an intelligence agent in the royal capital

After talking to Li Yu, Redio picked up the radio station on the table, carefully wrapped it in sheepskin cloth, and put it in the secret compartment of the cabinet.

After that, the solar panels used for charging by the window were also put away.

It's almost dusk now, the light is not that strong, and the solar panels are almost useless, so there is no need to put them here anymore.

Although the people downstairs can't see it, there are many Wing Clan members in Lion Heart Castle now, and they all have wings and can fly.

Of course, those stupid Yi people don't understand the real purpose of solar panels, but the special shape and material of the latter may be snatched by them as treasures for collection.

Radio did not want to take such a risk.

Usually at this time, he has basically got off work in accordance with the teachings of Shuangxiujiao and can move around freely.

After order was restored in Lionheart Castle, many shops that had been closed before were reopened.

After finishing work, Redio would often go to the bistro across the street to have a drink, eat a baked pie or treat himself to a bowl of stew.

However, he has always kept his identity in mind, and will not drink more than one glass of wine to prevent drunken nonsense, and he will not accept the flirting of those dancers and prostitutes.

Overall, Redio is quite satisfied with his current job.

The most important thing is that he also witnessed the collapse of the Red Lion Empire and the demise of the Vespasian family. In Ledio's opinion, there is nothing more wonderful than this. He can laugh out loud in his dreams recently.

As a remnant of the Weiting family, he lost almost all his relatives and friends because of the failed palace coup that year.

Redio himself was also imprisoned in the dungeon of the royal capital and tortured. That tragic experience changed his personality drastically, and he became gloomy and mean at a young age.

Even if he was lucky enough to come to the Western Region, join the Shuangxiu Sect, and become a monk, the effect of his sermons would be very poor, and no one would listen to his preaching.

Even the other warriors didn't like this guy with cold eyes and sharp words.

Therefore, when Li Yu asked him to change his job as an intelligence agent and be in charge of the radio station, Redio didn't hesitate at all.

Others may find this job too boring and lonely, but Redio enjoys the solitude.

Moreover, the enemies he once thought he could never defeat are now falling one after another, each with a more miserable end than the last.

Leidio only felt relieved for a while. Yesterday, he went to the dungeon where his family was imprisoned, presented a bouquet of hyacinths to his dead father, mother and sister, and told them the fate of the Vespasian family.

It's a pity that their bones have been thrown away long ago, and there is no way to pay condolences.

Redio unknowingly fell into reminiscing about the past, but he didn't immerse himself for too long before he came back to his senses.

He didn't get off work as usual today because he still had unfinished work, so he had to take time off later.

Redio rubbed his temples, stood up, and walked out of the small attic where he lived.

When Li Yu left him in Lion Heart Castle, in addition to giving him a radio station, he also gave him a large sum of money.

It was enough for him to change to a better place to live, but after looking for several places to stay, Redio finally chose this place.

Downstairs is an old couple, the man is a baker, the woman works in a tailor shop, and there is a sixteen-year-old granddaughter. The family is very kind.

Redio felt that their status was also suitable to provide him with cover, so he rented this small loft.

And now he left the attic and came to the street, intending to find Kieran and Silverhand.

In the communication just now, Li Yu asked him to pay attention to the changes in Solomon's attitude towards the Western Region in the future and report it to the church as soon as possible.

Redio definitely couldn't do this on his own.

In fact, most of Shuangxiujiao's information about Solomon was provided by Kieran and Silverhand.

Speaking of these two people, Redio also admired them very much. They were obviously just bards, but somehow they became Solomon's confidants.

He also got himself a noble status and a fiefdom, making him two rising political stars.

It is said that Solomon also considered giving the Beauchamp family's mansion to the two of them, but Kieran declined.

The bard didn't care that people had died there.

Mainly on the surface, the Vespasian family and all the die-hards loyal to the Vespasian family in Lionheart Castle have been purged by Solomon.

But in fact, the Red Lion Empire has ruled this land for almost a thousand years. Even if it collapses suddenly, there are still many people who miss it openly and secretly.

Among the large families that were exterminated, there are also some fish that slipped through the net and are still lingering in the dark, harboring hatred.

Kieran didn't want to be the target of these people. He and Silverhand had been assassinated twice after surrendering.

Fortunately, they were prepared in advance and hired guards and mercenaries to protect themselves. The assassins were not very good, so they managed to escape without any danger.

But if he really takes over the Beauchamp family's mansion, there will definitely be a lot of trouble in the future.

The bard would rather keep a low profile and live in a less luxurious place, so the two of them chose the original Duren mansion.

After the former captain of the royal guard and his wife and daughter fled the royal capital, the place became empty, with only an old servant staying behind.

So Kieran and Silverhand can just move in with their bags. Since they moved in, the place has become lively again, and there is an endless stream of people coming to visit every day.

It was already dark when Redio walked there, and there were still many people waiting outside.

However, Kieran's newly hired housekeeper recognized Redio and immediately came out to greet him, saying respectfully, "Lord Redio, you are here again."

Redio nodded, his face as gloomy as ever, "I happened to be passing by here, so I came to take a look. Are Kieran and the others entertaining guests inside?"

Redio heard the sound of Leia coming from inside, and a bard singing, but the person singing was neither Kiran nor Silverhand.

The butler nodded, keeping a smile on his face, "That's right."

"I happen to be hungry too, so why don't I go in and have something to eat? I won't disturb the people inside, right?"

"Look at what you said, Kieran and Sir Silverhand have ordered that the door here will always be open to you," the butler replied.

"That's fine." Redio was not polite and walked inside.

The housekeeper looked at his back, put away the smile on his face, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Someone outside asked, "Which adult did you come in just now? Why is it so unfamiliar?"

"He is not an adult, but he has helped Sir Kieran before. He lent a helping hand to Sir Kieran when he was in the most difficult time and lent him a silver coin."

The butler replied, "I met him again in the royal capital later, and he has been pestering Lord Kilan."

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