Working Prophet

Chapter 708 Unpredictable Life Simulator

After reading the introduction, Li Yu opened the electronic dictionary in his hand, intending to actually experience the effect of this thing.

The startup speed of the electronic dictionary is quite fast. The screen lights up immediately after pressing the power button.

Then a line of black and white text appeared on it.

Welcome to [Unpredictable Life Simulator beta version].

Each user is limited to one simulation opportunity per month.

Start simulation? Y starts. Ncancel.

Li Yu found the Y key on the keyboard and pressed it.

Then another line of small characters jumped out on the screen.

Please fill in the simulation time as __ months. (Note: The longer the time, the lower the accuracy)

Li Yu thought about it and entered it for 6 months.

The screen went dark first, then turned on again.

The accuracy rate of this simulation is 68%.

Li Yu got up and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of sparkling water, opened the cap, sat back on the chair, and drank while scrolling down.

[Month 1: You are at work, and you are satisfied with the progress of your work, but you are still hesitant emotionally. 】

[Month 2: You are at work and have a girlfriend, although the time you see each other is not very frequent for a couple in love. 】

[Month 3: You are still at work. It seems that you have nothing else to do except work. Your company has welcomed a new employee and you are very satisfied with him. 】

[Month 4: You have been working for a long time. Although this is nothing to you, you still decided to relax and use up your annual leave and recuperation quota. You met the company’s manager at the resort. A director invites you to have dinner and chat, and expresses his appreciation for you. 】

[Month 5: You come back and continue working. Nothing noteworthy happens this month. 】

[Month 6: Your girlfriend discusses marriage with you and asks you how many babies you want to have. She hopes you will have at least three children with her because she really wants to have a big family. 】

When Li Yu saw the last paragraph, he almost spit out the sparkling water he just drank in his throat.

If nothing else goes wrong, that girlfriend must be Ilea.

Because it was written that Li Yu and she didn't meet very frequently in the second month. Although Li Yu was a little surprised when he saw this, he could still accept it.

As a result, the two had only been dating for three months, and they actually started talking about getting married and having children.

But Li Yu then thought about it. According to the time of Bratis Continent, he and Miss Rabbit had been lovers for nine months at that time, and there was no such thing as free love in Bratis Continent.

Except for the childhood sweethearts who have been together since childhood, most people, especially the nobles, have many marriages decided by their families early on, and they have never even met their fiancée or fiance.

By this standard, the pace between him and Ilea was already slow, and it seemed quite normal for Miss Rabbit to think about having a baby.

In addition, Li Yu also noticed that when he went to recuperate in the fourth month, he would meet a certain director of the company. I wonder if it was a coincidence.

So far, the prediction results given by this life simulator named Unpredictable are relatively reliable.

The only problem is that the time is relatively short, and the accuracy dropped to 68% in just six months. If the time is longer, the accuracy is estimated to be less than 50%, and it will not be of much reference value.

And it can only be used once a month.

But even with so many limitations, it is undeniable that this thing is still quite useful.

The most important thing is that it simulates no consumption except power, and it is not bound to the user.

Compared with the protagonists who appear in recent online novels, those who swallow large amounts of gold and silver at every turn, or absorb some special energy, can be called the conscience of the industry.

Especially for people like Li Yu who run an entire sect, even if the life simulator can only simulate life for a few months, it can still come in handy.

For example, before Li Yu sends his soldiers to preach in other places, he can let them simulate it and see what will happen in the next few months.

If there is danger along the way, Li Yu can send additional personnel responsible for security, or ask them to cancel the trip, or go elsewhere.

In short, it can greatly improve the safety of church personnel, and also help to further increase the speed of collecting faith.

What is an oracle? Isn't this a living oracle?

Great Saturday foretells the fate of its devout followers for some time to come.

Once this kind of treatment like the protagonist of the novel is opened, will other religious groups have a chance to enjoy it?

Thinking of this, Li Yu felt that the nearly ten thousand beliefs he had before were not in vain.

Sure enough, there are no weak four-star equipment. The [Environmental Frog] and [Glory of the Dead] he drew before are both four-star equipment, and now there is another one [Unpredictable Life Simulator Beta Version].

Each piece has a unique use.

Li Yu fiddled with the electronic dictionary in his hand for a while, measured its size with a ruler, and ordered a protective case and screen film online.

After returning to Bratis, he planned to build a temple and a special display platform specifically for this electronic dictionary.

As a true artifact, it can definitely afford such treatment.

After watching the simulator, Li Yu did not forget about unlocking the new godhead. He put the nine [Sequence Divine Stones] under his pillow.

When he woke up the next day, the first thing Li Yu did was to check his body and compare it with the Godhead sequence list given to him by Hephaestus to determine his new abilities.

But this time it took Li Yu a long time to confirm what his new godhead was.

Because this time the godhead he awakened did not affect himself.


In game terms, it means buffing.

Li Yu currently has two kinds of blessings in his skill list.

One is the blessing of strength. As the name suggests, it is a blessing that can enhance the power of the target.

The magnitude is not too big, only 10%, but this improvement is actually permanent.

There is also a blessing, which the equipment department calls the Dragon Slayer Seal. It is a temporary blessing that can increase a person's strength, agility and endurance by 50% within 45 minutes.

However, the group of scientific researchers in the Equipment Department have obviously neither seen nor slain dragons, because even if a person is blessed with the dragon-slaying seal, all three attributes will be improved by half.

Against the dragon, basically you can only give away the head.

This godhead Li Yu is not easy to evaluate, mainly because anyone can take these two buffs, but he can't take them himself.

But it's quite good to train paladins, and Li Yu has ready-made black dog guards who can buff them.

However, like the transfiguration technique, applying the buff will also consume Li Yu. Fortunately, this time it is not physical strength anymore, but mental strength.

Li Yu tested it and found that he would feel exhausted after blessing five or six times in a row and needed to sleep or use other means to relax his mind to recover.

I can probably get more than a dozen buffs in one day. I wonder if it will be better after exercising later, or if I can find props in the forge that can replenish my energy.

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